Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 881: Mother water

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No matter how rich Shi Dali imagined, he never expected to hear such a thing.

How can a big man get pregnant easily?

"Yeah, I also find it incredible, but the doctors in the hospital all said that. Someone ran to watch the fun, but was injured by Jiu Gongzi's men..."

An Xiaobei continued to talk about the situation. After all, she and grandma are in the hospital now, so this matter is much clearer than others.

"This is surprising..."

His eyes widened, and listening to what happened, Teacher Shi finally sighed.

At the same time, he was already wondering, if Jiu Gongzi gave birth to the child in his stomach, he didn't know what it was.

"Yes, all the indicators and tests have proved that he should be pregnant. I heard that the blood test has been done dozens of times under the circumstances that Jiu Gongzi strongly requested. He is about to be drawn out of blood. Where did he come from? He told the doctor that it was only after being filled with potion, but no one believed it in private. The nurses all said that he should have been drunk..."

Following behind, An Xiaobei also sighed.

It's really the size of the world.

Teacher Shi was stunned for a while, especially the potion part, as if he was stimulated by the electric current.

Who gave Jiu Gongzi potion?

This question is too simple, other people don’t know, don’t you know?

There is no doubt that Jiu Gongzi was diagnosed as pregnant, it must be because he drank the potion of empty Erdan'er, otherwise it is impossible for a big man to have this situation.

"I can't collect those compensations. It's already very good to be able to protect the inpatient. Little...Little Uncle?"

An Xiaobei's voice sounded again, returning to the matter.

At this moment, she was able to utter such a little uncle willingly, indicating that she had some recognition for Shi Dali, and it also contained great gratitude.

"Just take the compensation. You deserve it. Take good care of your grandma these two days. I will take care of the school affairs. Master nephew... I am optimistic about you!"

After saying this with a grin, Teacher Shi was still very happy.

Why would Jiu Gongzi get pregnant? There is no doubt that Shi Dali is for An Xiaobei.

Seeing that Teacher Shi's ambition of hegemony was just getting started, he finally met An Xiaobei, a genius from heaven, and he really had no reason to miss it.

According to Ma Ru and the others, this girl's abilities are top-notch in all aspects, but it seems that there is something in the body that makes her hands tremble when emotions erupt.

Although Shi Dali wanted to help her solve this trouble, the relationship between them has not yet reached that level.

However, feelings can always be cultivated slowly. In short, Teacher Shi's principle is...An Xiaobei is definitely not to be missed!

I could feel the sincerity between Shi Dali's words, so An Xiaobei did not refuse to say anything, but just remembered this gratitude to the bottom of his heart, and then hung up the phone.

In the hospital ward, looking at the grandma on the bed, An Xiaobei's eyes were extremely complicated.

If she did not encounter those things, if her parents were still alive, she would definitely do something without hesitation.

However, this time is different. The parents have already left, and she can't let her grandma be hurt again.

What's more, her hands are still shaking.

In silence, he slowly turned his gaze out of the window, An Xiaobei's eyes were as bright as stars, but no one knew what was hidden in them.

Also in the high-end ward of this hospital, the nine sons were watching his stomach crying.

His dignified Nine Young Master, the Nine Young Master respected by all in Beijing, suddenly became pregnant today?

What's this?

Shame, this is simply a great shame!

What happened to him? Whose child is it? Besides... how did this happen?

A series of questions that had never been considered before, all appeared in Jiu Gongzi's mind at this moment.

He felt that life was full of malice for him, or that Shi Dali, the bastard, was life. After all, all the troubles only appeared after encountering him.

"My son, what should I do next?"

At this moment, the butler walked in, first looked at the belly of Jiu Gongzi, and then asked.

"What should I do? How can I know how to do it? Hurry up to see a doctor! The second pen must be a mistake. How could I be pregnant?"

Gritting his teeth, Jiu Gongzi shouted angrily.

"However, the diagnosis results of all doctors are consistent, and you are indeed pregnant."

The housekeeper also knew that saying this might make Jiu Gongzi more angry, but he couldn't help it. This was originally the diagnosis result. Compared with the truth, concealment can never happen.

In the event that Young Master Nine becomes pregnant, who will bear the responsibility?

"Go, contact abroad immediately, I want to go abroad! I want to go abroad!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiu Gongzi finally made up his mind.

He originally wanted to do a good job and go back, but now it seems that it is definitely not possible.

"Okay, I will make arrangements right away."

The housekeeper didn't hesitate at all. Jiu Gongzi was the boss. Since the boss meant that he was leaving, let him leave.

Moreover, the foreign testing equipment should be more advanced, so whether you are pregnant or not can be checked more clearly.

In this way, a group of people began to prepare quickly.

On the head of Jiu Gongzi, he gritted his teeth and sent a message to Cao Zian.

The content of this message is very simple, it expresses his own deep expectation that Cao Zian can vigorously kill Shi in the ring competition in a few days later!

After sending this message, holding on to the last stubbornness, the nine sons left and went to America overnight.

In fact, he can also choose to ask Shi Dali to ask clearly what kind of potion it is and how to solve it?

However, Jiu Gongzi did not choose to do so.

He believes in his connections and relationships, not Shi Dali.

Because Shi Dali is his enemy!

And this hatred will only become deeper and deeper with the development of time, and then it will erupt at some point in the future!

At the same time, Shi Dali was already lying on the bed, but he went downstairs again and knocked on Kong Erdan's door.

Wearing goggles, holding an old hen's egg in his hand, his expression did not fluctuate after seeing Shi Dali.

"What's the matter, hurry up!"

Obviously, the scientist from Tutou Mountain was unhappy because his research was interrupted.


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