Super Treasure Bag

Chapter 897: I am not qualified

"Do you have the first book in the world in your hand?"

Indeed, Know-it-all was also surprised by this news, but his eyes became colder and colder immediately afterwards.

"You went to that ancient temple?"

Before Shi Dali could speak, he was already asking again.

The first book of the world, he kept both books together, and stayed in that ancient temple, and that place was considered his home.

But now Shi Dali actually said that he had a book in his hand, so the only explanation could be that Shi Dali entered the ancient temple and entered his house as a robber.

"What ancient temple?"

Quite at a loss, Shi Dali asked.

"You don't know? Where did your pamphlet come from?"

I can see that Shi Dali's attitude does not seem to be a lie, so the know-it-all is also a little puzzled.

"How did this iron roast chicken come from? How did my brochure come from."

I don't want to waste more explanations, not to mention that the pocket stone power on my body can't be mentioned, so I can only say it simply.

The export of this sentence made the know-it-all a moment of silence.

Because if that's the case, he has nothing to say or understand.

"This world is far from as simple as I thought..."

With a sigh, the jack-of-all-trades seemed to be hit, and then lay down and stopped speaking, as if he was in a bad mood.

Although he could see this, Teacher Shi bit his head and patted him on the head.

"Old man, I want to get something from you. It may be a bit presumptuous, but I think you have a large number of them, which should be understandable."

In these remarks, Shi Dali said the truth.

It's just that the jack of all trades raised his head again, but he was a bit at a loss.

"What do you want?"

He is now being pushed on the ground by a roasted chicken and can't do anything. In this case, what does Shi Dali want from him?

The result was that he had just finished speaking, and squeezed his head, Shi Dali was very fast, and the whole eyebrows on the side of the jack-of-all-trades were curled down.


The sound of the hair detaching from the flesh, when it suddenly sounded, it made everything buzzing.

It may be because of his numbness at the moment, so he didn't feel too painful.

But it feels very clear and the eyebrows are gone.

"No, what are you doing? Boy, don't... deceive people too much!"

After reacting, the jack-of-all-trades posture was about to eat people, and his angry eyes were red.

As for Shi Dali, who was holding half of his eyebrows, it was also quite embarrassing.

It's too much. If it weren't for the task card, he would definitely not be able to do such a thing.

"It's mainly because I think... your face, with eyebrows, is unsightly, not generous! After plucking it out, it's so magnificent, kind eyebrows, kind eyebrows, amorous feelings... You can bear it, there is one side, now look It’s not symmetrical, so I will squeeze it down."

With a grin and a smile, Shi Dali spoke without ambiguity in his hands, and he pulled off the other eyebrows.

No matter how poor the jack-of-all-trades wanted to resist, his body was completely suppressed by the iron chicken, and he couldn't move at all.

"You don't let me come out alive, as long as you come out, I will eat you." only feels that he has suffered an unprecedented humiliation. For most of his life, the know-it-all has never wanted to take a person so much as he does now.

"Don’t be angry with you old man, I’m really doing it for your own good... Anyway, it’s already the case, why don’t you tell me how to leave from here? I’m very capable, you have seen it, you think it’s impossible Thing, what if I can do it?"

While speaking, Shi Dali tucked his eyebrows into his pocket.

Easily, such a difficult task that should have been very difficult was done directly, and his heart was quite comfortable.

As for the jack-of-all-trades side, he gave a cold snort.

"I said, as long as you clean the energy in this stone, the Feng Shui array will naturally stop and the outlet will open."

After a pause, the know-it-all said.

The reason why he would say such a sentence was that Shi Dali's words really moved him.

He has been detained in this place for a long time. Although Shi Dali said he was extremely hateful, he was indeed a somewhat inexplicable skill. If he could really stop the feng shui formation, it would not be a big deal to throw his eyebrows.

"Where is the chain on you? How about I release you first?"

He touched the stone platform below again, and then teacher Shi asked tentatively.

"The chain on my body is connected to the stone platform. If the energy in the stone platform is not released, I can't get out, unless... you replace me."

After going around, the jack of all trades is here again.

"Haha, forget it, my body can't compare to your old man, it's better for you to be locked here, I am not qualified."

With a wave of his hand, Shi Dali hurriedly said out, rolling his eyes again to make the jack-of-all-trades.

This kid looked quite honest when he came in before, but now it's a human being.

"How can the energy in the stone platform be released cleanly?"

Frowning, Shi Dali simply sat cross-legged while muttering in his mouth.

Such a huge stone platform, God knows how much energy is in it, and it is really not easy to release this energy.

"Don't think about it. Even if you are really Jin Chanzi's apprentice, you will never be able to do this kind of thing. The material of this stone is very special, and with the blessing of the entire huge Feng Shui array, you want to reverse this thing... …"

Know-it-all looked at him again, and then said again.

However, after he finished speaking, Shi Dali suddenly had a bold idea.

The energy in this stone platform is unfathomable, and the three energy balances in Shi Dali's body are also unfathomable!

Then think about it, is it possible to let these forces consume each other?

If he can really do it, then the problem of Feng Shui array will be solved, and the trouble in his body will also disappear.

Thinking about this, Teacher Shi's eyes flickered.

He also thinks that this would be quite crazy, after all, a little carelessness is the end of the bones!

However, such a genius idea, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, if I miss it, I don't know when I will meet it again.

Therefore, Teacher Shi is already a little uncontrollable.

"What are you going to do?"

The know-it-all also noticed the strangeness of Shi Dali, so he asked with his neck.

But as soon as his words fell, Teacher Shi had already made a decision.


He must try this thing, because it seems that this is the only chance, otherwise he will really be trapped here forever, he really can't accept it.



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