Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 139: The company was seized

But at this moment, the phone rang in midweek, and the two women asked for help in midweek and said, "Um...can you help me get the phone? I can't get my hand free."

Lin Lu glanced at the middle of the week and asked: "Which pocket are you?"

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"This, the trouser pocket on the left." Zhou Zhong said, turning his body sideways.

Lin Lu walked over and put her hand into the pocket of midweek trousers. Midweek and today were wearing jeans, which were tighter, so when Lin Lu reached in, she naturally touched midweek's thigh.

Suddenly in the middle of the week, he sighed tightly, and Lin Lu's little hand touched it. Lin Lu also blushed with a pretty face, and took out the phone without embarrassment.

"Help me pick it up." Zhou Zhong said with a smile.

Lin Lu unhappyly took the call and put it in Zhou Zhong's ear.

"Hey, Brother Zhou, this is Yang Huming, and I have arrived in Jiangling City." Yang Huming's voice came across.

Hearing Yang Huming's voice at this time in the middle of the week was exceptionally cordial, and he quickly said: "Are you here? Well, come on, I'll give you things."

Yang Huming didn't expect Zhou Zhong to be so refreshing, and nodded again and again: "Okay, where are you, Brother Zhou, I will pick it up."

"On the antique street in Jiangling City, you just need to navigate." Zhou Zhong said.

"Okay, I'll go over." Yang Huming put down the phone and directly ordered to the bodyguard beside him: "Find a car and take me to the Antique Street in Jiangling City."

At this time, this area of ​​the airport was under martial law. Yang Huming had just got off a special plane, and the deputy minister of the Central Organization Department who accompanied him came to Jiangling City today to announce a personnel appointment.

The state stipulates that such provincial-level personnel appointments must be announced by the leader of the Organization Department of the Central Committee. The deputy head of the Organization Department of the Central Organization Department is a member of the Yang family faction, and it happens that Yang Huming came together when he came to Jiangling City.

At this moment, the leaders of Zhongjiang Province and Jiangling City were greeted at the airport and saw the Vice Minister hurriedly stepped forward to respectfully greet him.

"Hello, Minister Chu, I am Sun Qiufa, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and welcome your visit." Sun Hongrui's father, Sun Qiufa, said with a pleased smile at this time.

On the side is the deputy mayor of Gangneung City, Han Jianye, who is Han Li’s father, who also greeted with a smile: "Hello, Minister Chu, I’m Han Jianye."

Minister Chu nodded with a smile. Instead of greeting the two, he introduced Yang Huming to the two immediately and respectfully said: "This is Yang Huming of the Yang family in Beijing, Shao Yang."

The expressions of Sun Qiufa and Han Jianye changed at the same time. At their level, they knew a thing or two about the power structure in Jingli. The Yang family in the capital city is quite famous, and its influence is very large. Whether in politics or business, there are Yang family members.

Unexpectedly, this young man who came with Minister Chu would be the eldest young master of the Yang family. That's amazing, so he hurriedly greeted, "Hello, Young Master."

Yang Huming is accustomed to this kind of scene, let alone these deputy mayor, secretary-general and other officials, even in Beijing, Minister Chu and vice ministers of real power departments have to be respectful when they see him, and he doesn’t even bother them. The two of them just hummed and said to Minister Chu: "Uncle Chu, I have something to do on my side, so I'll leave."

Minister Chu nodded and said: "Okay, then Young Master, be careful, and call me if you have anything."

"Okay." Yang Shao waved his hand, followed the two bodyguards around him into the black Audi car next to him, and headed to the antique street in Jiangling City.

In the mall here, I put down the phone in the middle of the week, and said to the two women: "Two beauties, I have a big business to do. Let's go here and get caught today? Can I make up another day?"

Seeing that there was something in the middle of the week, the two women nodded and said: "Well, I will spare you today. Put these things back in the car, and then go back."

"What about you?" asked midweek with concern.

Han Li said, "I will go shopping with Xiaolu again. I haven't bought the skirt just now."

"Okay, then I'll go first." Mid-week nodded, and after bidding farewell to the two women, carrying a lot of things to the car downstairs, he took a taxi back to Antique Street.

When he arrived at the antique street in the middle of the week, Shao Yang was almost there, and told him the address of his antique shop in the middle of the week. Not long after, Shao Yang came in with two bodyguards.

"Brother Zhou!" Seeing Zhou Zhong Yang Shao's face was full of smiles, now he didn't dare to look down upon Zhou Zhong again.

Zhou Zhong also nodded with a smile. It is said that Shao Yang didn't hit the smiley people with a smile. Although Shao Yang hated him before, but now it looks okay, he didn't give himself less money.

"Let's go, follow me up to get the jade charm."

In the middle of the week, Yang Huming brought Yang Huming to the small room upstairs and took out all the jade charms inside.

"There are three high-level jade talismans, 13 low-level jade talismans, take a look." A wooden box was opened in the middle of the week, and the jade talismans inside were crystal clear.

Yang Huming saw so many jade talismans at once, his eyes were as green as jade talismans, and he nodded and said: "Good, good! Brother Zhou, you really helped me a lot. Don’t you know how hot this jade is? Now those people in Beijing have heard that there is a place to buy jade charms, they are all coming to me like crazy, I dare not stay in the capital anymore."

Hearing these words in the middle of the week, I was very happy. It seems that the jade talisman market is quite big, so he turned his eyes and asked: "Will you say I want to open a jade talisman store?"

Yang Huming also brightened his eyes, patted his thigh excitedly and said, "It must be hot! Jade charms are priceless. You can't buy them at many cultivation auctions. It's good to be able to trade a few yuan a year. There are more wolves and less meat. If Brother Zhou can open a jade talisman store, it will definitely be popular, but... I don’t know how many jade talisman Zhou brothers can have, and can they sell it?"

In the middle of the week, when Yang Huming said this, he had a bottom line, and he nodded slightly and said, "Don’t worry about the number of jade charms, I can make low-level jade charms, and my senior can make high-level jade charms, the number should still be OK, um …According to what you said, the jade charms are so hot, there must be room for the price to rise, this matter is worth studying."

Yang Huming looked greedy, licked his lips and smirked: "Brother Zhou, if you open a jade charm store, you can get cheaper if I buy jade charms in the future."

Nodding in the middle of the week: "Okay, you can be considered a regular customer. There must be a discount and the right to buy first."

"Dele, just have to have you!" Yang Huming said excitedly.

In the middle of the week, I took a look at the remaining jade charms. Those were for the old ones. I don't know when they will come over to get them.

"Brother Zhou, are you free tonight?" Yang Huming asked at this moment.

After thinking about it in the middle of the week, it seemed that there was nothing wrong. He nodded and said, "It's okay, are you okay?"

Yang Huming smiled and said, "I just came to Jiangling City to attend a banquet in the evening. I don't know anyone. You know that the old men at the banquet are very boring. Why don't you join Brother Zhou?"

"Beast, I have no interest." Zhou Zhongyi said with a shrug, he really doesn't like to participate in such activities.

"So... well, I won't force Brother Zhou anymore. When Brother Zhou has time to go to the capital, I will definitely entertain Brother Zhou!" Yang Huming said solemnly.

"Okay, then go and work." Zhou Zhong nodded.

He sent Yang Huming out of the antique shop in the middle of the week, and when he came back, he started to add up the things of the jade charm store. Now it seems that there is nothing to do in the middle of the week. The antique shop is developing very well and the business is booming. There is Gao Meiyuan who manages the real estate, and he doesn't need to worry about it. This Yufu specialty store is very exciting for him. It doesn't cost much, but the benefit is extremely high.

Just as she was thinking about this in the Zhou Center, Gao Meiyuan called, and after answering, Gao Meiyuan's eager voice came.

"It's bad in the middle of the week. People from the Local Taxation Bureau came and said that we were evading taxes and sealing up our company!"

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