Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 1436: Battleship gang to the door

Zhou Zhong looked clear, and said with a smile: "If the warships can't help me, I will be more surprised, but I don't know how they plan to do it. Did you hear the wind?"

Dong Zhitian nodded and said: "The battleship gang has been mobilizing very frequently recently, as if it is deploying a large chess. I heard that the third brother and Changdong had some unpleasantness at the Mingkong meeting, but the third brother can Don't think this is just a contradiction, because it involves a lot of interests. The real purpose of the Battleship Gang is the third brother's large mineral vein and two giant mineral veins!"

Nodding in the middle of the week. As the saying goes, Piff is not guilty of guilt. Whether it is a huge vein or a large vein, it is something that all forces are jealous of. Revenge for Changdong is just a reason for the battleship to help.

"Third brother, do you want me and eldest brother to help?" Dong Zhidi directly asked Zhou Zhong regardless of the mess. He was so practical.

Zhou Zhong said with a smile: "Second brother, it's just a battleship gang. I can handle it by myself. If there is anything I can't handle, I will ask you to take action."

Dong Zhidi nodded very simply: "Okay, call me if you have anything."

After the meal, I left the house in midweek. Dong Zhitian had a lot of work to go ahead. Dong Zhidi delivered midweek to the gate.

In the middle of the week, he left his house safely, which made Chang Jinxiong and Changdong father and son very upset, because this was not the same as they had expected before.

The strength of the Dong family is very strong, and the two great masters in the moving stage, if they are to be given to the ancestors who are not the hermit of the Dong family, the other one is Dong Zhi Di.

Dongzhidi reached the supernatural moving stage at a young age. Everyone knows that as long as Dongzhidi has enough time, it is not impossible to enter the realm of Tianzun. If that day is true, no one in Underworld Province will be the opponent of the Dongjia .

So at this stage, almost all the forces in Underworld Province don't want to take the initiative to quarrel with the boss. This is already the consensus in everyone's mind.

Originally, Chang Zhenxiong’s plan was to make Zhou Zhong and his boss completely immortal. He could still take advantage of the fisherman’s profit. It would be better for his boss to destroy the Sea God Sect, and Zhou Zhong could kill, even if it was seriously injured. To the East Zhidi.

But I didn't expect to walk out of the club intact in midweek!

"Dad, what shall we do next?" Chang Dong said with a face full of resentment. If he does not die in the middle of the week, he can hardly understand the hatred.

Chang Zhenxiong said coldly: "Huh! The owner's waste can't even be dealt with in a week. It seems that we can only do it ourselves!"

Changdong became excited in an instant, and offered to ask: "Dad, let me take someone there! I must have levelled the Sea God Sect!"

Chang Zhenxiong nodded and said: "Okay, you take the two supernatural fleets and kill the headquarters of Shanghai Shenzong directly to explore their reality."

Chang Dong hated Zhou Zhong, so he immediately took people to the Star City, but at this time, Zhou Zhong had not returned.

In Star City, Chang Dong brought the master of the battleship gang and killed him mightily. Yuan Xiubai hurried to take a peek when he got the news, feeling very excited.

The Battleship Gang is finally about to take action to teach the Sea God Sect, as long as the Sea God Sect is destroyed, his Yuan family is the only family in Star City!

Changdong led people to kill outside of the Sea God Sect, and immediately there were disciples of Sea God Sect greeted him, and asked in a deep voice, "This is the Sea God Sect Sect, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

A flash of cold light flashed in Chang Dong's eyes, and he suddenly shot his hand, slapped the Sea God Sect disciple away with a palm, and said coldly, "Sea God Sect? After today, it won't exist anymore!"

"Dare to hurt my Sea God Sect disciple? Let's go together!"

Several disciples of the Sea God Sect suddenly became angry and greeted Changdong. At the same time, they issued an alarm, and disciples in the Sea God Sect kept coming towards this side.

Chang Dong sneered disdainfully when he saw these Sea God Sect disciples take action, and winked at Elder Yan behind him.

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Suddenly, twenty people stood up behind them. All of them were wearing mechas. At this time, the mechas began to change. They merged the twenty people together and became a huge battleship with a bang, a huge fireball. Boom towards the Sea God Sect disciple.


In an instant, a dozen disciples of the Sea God Sect were all shot out!

"Hahaha! Sea God Sect, just a bunch of clowns! Give me a level of Sea God Sect!"

Seeing that the Sea God Sect disciples were so vulnerable, Chang Dong burst into a frantic laugh, then waved his hand and ordered to smash the Sea God Sect.

The fleet behind is one of the three great fleets of the Warship Gang, and its attack power can reach the second level of the great move.

The battleship received the order and immediately moved the artillery fire and aimed it at the Sea God Sect. With a bang, another huge fireball blasted over. This huge fireball was enough to destroy the Sea God Sect by half.

At this moment, a white light from the depths of the Sea God Sect burst into the sky, directly hitting the fireball.


The white light hit the fireball, and the huge fireball directly turned into an ice ball, and then shattered into small ice cubes in the air, and fell all over the sky, as if it was snowing.

Changdong and Elder Yan changed their faces at the same time when they saw this scene. Poseidon Sect actually still has a master at the moving stage!

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