Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4562: Ruthless people are deadliest

One of the elders who specialize in medical skills breathed a sigh of relief after checking the midweek.

"The Sect Master is only temporarily relieved of his strength, and there is no major problem."

Knowing that there is no problem in mid-week, Cao Yiming and others are relieved.

However, people from other forces in the Tianwu Empire didn't want to give midweek a chance to breathe.

If the strength of the week is restored, these people on the scene may not be able to capture the middle of the next week, so these people consciously form an alliance and have to capture the middle of the week.

Seeing the crowd approaching step by step, Cao Yiming turned his head and looked at Han Li with tears in his eyes.

"Han Li, it will be handed over to you in the middle of the week, and we will find a solution for others."

Han Li nodded slightly, and made a decision in her heart.

If even Cao Yiming and the others couldn't stop these people, then they would definitely fight them hard.

I want to take away Midweek unless I step over her body.

"Everyone of the Ancient God Sect, we don't want to be your enemy, but you are also hard to protect yourself now, why bother to take the entire Ancient God Sect in for a week."

Among the coalition forces temporarily formed by these forces in the Tianwu Empire, one person walked out.

This person can be considered a small name in the Tianwu Empire, and is the current Patriarch of the Li Family, Li Mu.

The Li family can only be regarded as the bottom of the first-class family in the Tianwu Empire, but Li Mu's mind is so bright that he has made many powerful big families.

Cao Yiming looked at Li Mu warily.

"My friend, you just asked us to hand over the midweek. Please take it back when you wait. And with us, you don't want to make midweek ideas."

Cao Yiming said displeasedly.

"Friends of Ancient Shenzong, don't refuse me in a hurry, and listen to me to analyze and analyze carefully."

"Zhou Zhong is the sect master of your Ancient God Sect, and now suppressing the Black Soul Great Emperor, the strength is beyond doubt, but the Great Emperor is the Great Emperor after all."

"Although the magic weapon suppressed the emperor in the middle of the week, it is not a long-term solution. Once the black soul emperor walks out of the suppression, do you think your ancient **** sect can stop the black soul emperor's anger?"

"Your Ancient God Sect has long been lonely. It's better to be an enemy of the Black Soul Emperor in the middle of the week for your wife, yet you still didn't care about the future of the Ancient God Sect."

"He did this only for his own selfish desires. In my opinion, such a sect master, don't worry, why should you offend the Black Soul Sect and the entire Tianwu Empire for him alone?"

Li Mu said pretentiously, and people from other clan forces also nodded in agreement.

"Everyone of the Ancient Shenzong is not talented, but there is a way to save the Ancient Shenzong."

"It just so happens that you elders are also there. It's better to dismiss the mid-week sect master now. From then on, the ancient **** sect has nothing to do with mid-week. In this way, the Black Soul Great Emperor will no longer embarrass your ancient **** sect, and can Why not do something that accomplishes us and kills two birds with one stone!"

Several elders of Ancient Shenzong glanced at each other, and what Li Mu said was not unreasonable, but he underestimated the importance of midweek to Ancient Shenzong.

"My friend, the sect master has the grace to recreate my ancient godsect. Even if it is to face the anger of the black soul emperor, our ancient gods sect will not do such a thing."

"If you insist on doing it, then let's pass our level first."

Several elders also expressed their positions.

They are willing to advance and retreat with Zhou Zhong, even if they face the revenge of the Black Soul Emperor, they will never leave the next week.

Li Mu was not angry either, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Since you are determined, don't blame us."

The atmosphere between the two sides instantly became tense.

But the elder who inspected the injury in the first half of the week suddenly yelled.

"not good!"

This sound directly stopped the people of the Tianwu Empire who were about to act on Zhou Zhongzhong.

"The love thread of the Sect Master has been taken away, no wonder it was so cold when I saw us."

Cao Yiming had never heard of such things before.

"Elder, will the removal of the love thread have any effect on the future of the week?"

Cao Yiming couldn't help asking.

The elder said with an ugly expression.

"If the love thread is taken away, it is a ruthless person."

"The ruthless person is the deadliest. I don't know if you have heard of it."

"The ruthless person is not bound by any emotional fetters, and the practice is more effective."

The elder explained.

"Isn't this a good thing? But why does the elder look so ugly?"

Han Li couldn't help asking.

The elder sighed.

"Anyone who has pros and cons, even though the person who is ruthless can practice faster, but without any emotions, it will only gradually wipe out the humanity of the suzerain, and finally become a machine that only knows about killing."

"And with the potential of the Sect Master, I am afraid that it will pose a great threat to the entire dark space in the future."

After hearing the elder's words, Han Li's face was pale, and her heart felt painful for no reason.

"Elder, is there any solution?"

Han Li asked urgently.

"Madam Sect Master, I'm really sorry, the old man can't think of any way, it seems that it can only depend on the good luck of the Sect Master."

"You and the Sect Master are husband and wife. If you stay with the Sect Master, you may be helpful to him, but I can't guarantee it."

The conversations between several elders of Ancient Shenzong and Han Li were heard clearly by people from other surrounding forces.

Originally, I just wanted to capture Zhou Zhong and sell his favor to the Black Soul Emperor first, but now it seems that Zhou Zhong is not enough.

Can threaten the existence of the entire dark space, they absolutely can not let the midweek develop.

The people of the major forces had the killing intent in their hearts. The families of these people had a lot of power in the Tianwu Empire, and no one would let such a big threat in midweek.

The two sides fell into freezing point again.

"No matter what the sect master will be in the future, we must never give the sect master to them, the big deal is to fight with them."

Cao Yiming was the first to react, and the other elders also agreed with Cao Yiming's decision.

Han Li gently flattened Zhou Zhong to lie on the ground and recovered quietly, then stood up and looked at the people of the major forces.

During the previous battle with Black Soul Emperor in the middle of the week, the Black Soul Emperor brutally absorbed many of their people. If it were not for the suppression of the Black Soul Emperor at the end of the week, I am afraid that more people would be brutally killed.

But now these people not only don't appreciate Midweek, but when they know that Midweek will threaten them in the future, they actually want to eliminate Midweek for the first time. They have no sense of humanity.

Han Li can see clearly what these so-called big families are like.

"Everyone, don't hesitate. You must not stay in the middle of the week. You have all heard that the middle of the week has already posed a threat to the entire black man space. If it is not removed as soon as possible, it will inevitably threaten each of us in the future."

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