Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4660: Another identity of Gu Chuan

As the Patriarch of the First Family of Xizhou Imperial City, Gu Chuan meant that the last player in the midweek match had already become the goalkeeper who kept the face of Daxizhou.

If you defeat Zhou Zhong, the name Gu Chuan will definitely be recorded in the history of Daxizhou.

Moreover, Gu Chuan has a high reputation in the Xizhou Imperial City, and everyone's reputation for him is also excellent. Although he is in his 60s and 70s, he still has many female fans.

Compared with Gu Yanliang's small fresh meat, Gu Chuan has the maturity that he does not have, and it is true that he has become the idol of thousands of girls in Xizhou Imperial City.

However, these people only know that Gu Chuan is the head of the Gu family. As Bai Fan’s adopted son, he is also a member of the Baidi line, and he is also the number one arrogant of Daxizhou. He has a glamorous appearance and an extraordinary identity. Above, Gu Chuan has another secret identity that is unknown.

Gu Chuan is one of the seven deadly sins of the Underworld Sect, and is gluttony.

However, the identity of gluttony, except for the people of the Plutos, knew it unexpectedly, even the rest of the Gu family did not know it.

Gu Chuan has always hidden his identity, in fact it was deliberately arranged by the Pluto religion.

There is a powerful person like Bai Fan in Xizhou Imperial City. Even the Pluto religion must be careful at all times, afraid of being noticed by Bai Fan.

However, this move of Plutoism had been arranged for too long, and it was already time to start, so Bai Fan was imprisoned.

The rapid expansion of the Pluto religion made their hearts expand, and they were no longer satisfied with lurking in the dark as the driving force behind the wave.

Instead, I want to step out and go to the sun to let everyone in the dark space know the existence of Pluto. As a dark organization in the dark space, Pluto has gone through hundreds of years of ups and downs.

It has already grown and grown, and the strength of the congregation is not weak, and the Seven Deadly Sins are sitting there, even if they step out of the shadows, they are still confident, and they are simply not what ordinary sects can shake.

So just a few decades ago, taking advantage of the turmoil in Daxizhou, I found Bai Fan's son, Gu Chuang.

However, Gu Chuan just showed his prowess and has not yet become the Patriarch of the Gu family. At that time, Bai Fan was thinking of revenge on the Gu family.

But at that time, the Pluto religion did not tell Gu Chuan of their purpose, only that it could help him retaliate against Gu's family and let him sit as the head of the family.

With the help of the Pluto Sect, Gu Chuan got his wish and took the position of the Gu family's Patriarch. At the same time, he was more obedient to the Pluto Sect.

Gu Chuan quickly led the Gu family to become the first family in the Xizhou imperial city with the help of Pluto. Of course, conflicts with other families were indispensable.

However, with the support of the **** of the gods after the farewell, those families that had enmity with Gu Chuan were eliminated one by one.

And Gu Chuan's strength also rose rapidly, and was finally promoted to the Great Sin Sect of the God of the Gods, gluttony.

But all this was done in private without Bai Fan.

After becoming the Patriarch of the First Family in Xizhou Imperial City, Gu Chuan's temperament has also changed, and he is no longer satisfied with the identity of the Patriarch of the Gu Family under the instigation and influence of Pluto.

Plutoism also told Gu Chuan their true purpose at this time.

The Underworld Sect secretly supports Gu Chuan to make him the master of the entire Daxizhou, so that the Underworld Sect can act unscrupulously in Daxizhou.

Daxizhou is rich in products, and they are all indispensable resources for Plutoism.

With the Gu family's influence in the imperial city of Xizhou, the Pluto religion can step by step in Daxizhou.

Gu Chuan's influence in Daxizhou is growing, and his greedy nature is exposed.

Full effort can corrupt a person's xinxing, and the Pluto religion really takes advantage of this, letting Gu Chuan do things for them willingly.

Gu Chuan's nature is not bad, but the Plutoism has very little control over human xinxing, and it affects Gu Chuan little by little.

On the ring, the two people's cries are still going on in full swing.

Gu Chuan didn't pay attention to midweek from the beginning. To him, midweek was just a joke.

On the bright side, Gu Chuan is the No. 1 Tianjiao in Xizhou, the Patriarch of the No. 1 Family of Xizhou Imperial City, and his other identity is the Great Sins Division of Plutoism.

Both of the dual identities are high-ranking ones, so naturally the arrogance in the heart needless to say, and he is a disciple of Bai Di, and his morality is noble.

It can be said that he is the strongest among the strong, but since the start of the midweek match, Gu Chuan unexpectedly found that he could not beat the midweek.

He has a dual identity, no matter which identity he is, such things are not allowed.

Gu Chuan suddenly became serious, and the offensive became more and more fierce, but he still couldn't win the middle of the week.

He was already in the early stage of the earth emperor, but in terms of combat effectiveness, even the master of the mid-earth emperor he was not afraid, but he did not expect that a small garbage of the late earth sage strength in the middle of the week would be so tenacious.

Gu Chuan had previously reminded Gu Yanliang to be careful about midweek, but he was killed by midweek in the end. It seemed that it was not Gu Yanliang's carelessness, but that midweek really had great skills.

Gu Yanliang didn't complain about his death. Not only him, everyone in the room looked away. In the middle of the week, he pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. Its potential is unlimited. The talents of Daxizhou are not comparable to that of the middle of the week.

Only he can control the middle of the week.

Gu Chuan rarely met someone with such an enchanting aptitude, and made his own little calculation in his heart.

Gu Chuan stopped suddenly and looked at Zhou Zhong with a smile.

While everyone was puzzled, Gu Chuan even planted a barrier.

The enchantment enveloped the entire ring, isolating everyone.

The audience under the ring can no longer see the two in the ring.

A thick black fog enveloped the arena, and lightning hung in the black fog. Some curious audiences reached out their hands to touch the barrier, but were directly struck into coke by the lightning.

The audience was shocked and backed away.

And Zhou Zhong didn't stop Gu Chuan, he wanted to see what Gu Chuan wanted to do.

For Gu Chuan, there are many things to know about in the middle of the week.

Cannot see the situation in the ring, the audience began to complain.

They all want to see Gu Chuan killing midweek.

Inside the barrier, Gu Chuan looked at Zhou Zhong with a calm face, and doubts arose in his heart.

"Aren't you scared at all?"

Too hands in the middle of the week.

"What's so scary about this, it's just a barrier, am I so vulnerable in your eyes?"

Hearing what the middle of the week said, Gu Chuan nodded approvingly.

"Yes, there is indeed some courage, I think you should also know my strength, it is rare to be so calm, indeed a rare talent."

Midweek felt funny. Hearing Gu Chuan's words, it seemed that he wanted to recruit himself. In fact, Gu Chuan did have such thoughts.

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