Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4670: Bunch of idiots

At the beginning of the banquet, Bai Fan, as the disciple of Emperor Bai, was also the person with the most say in Xizhou Imperial City. It was only natural for him to speak at the banquet.

Bai Fan first thanked the staff in Xizhou Imperial City for their hard work for this holy war, and then congratulated the contestants who participated in the holy war and got the results in their hearts.

Finally, I talked about the future development direction of Daxizhou.

The brief but powerful speech made all the people attending the banquet applaud.

The clansmen of the big family that can sit in the main hall are even more in front of everyone, assuring Bai Fan that they will fully support Bai Fan and Gu Chuan's work in the future.

Bai Fan picked up the wine glass and looked at everyone.

"Give me a toast, for the common development of Daxizhou!"

Everyone raises their glasses together, but in the middle of the week is guarding the door, always watching the surrounding movement.

Without saving his stomach, Bai Fan’s speech was over. As the champion of this holy war and the Patriarch of the largest family in Xizhou Imperial City, Gu Chuan also picked up the wine glass and chatted with everyone present. The cup drank in one go.

At the banquet, people from all major families wanted to get closer to the jihadists, and had a good conversation with them, but Bai Fan's face became difficult to look.

Cold sweat oozes from his head, and even some can't sit still, and he falls directly from the seat.

The Zhao family, the Li family, and other people who participated in the deployment looked at Bai Fan. This was the secret signal that had been discussed before.

Bai Fan pretended to be poisoned and made the Plutos believe that Gu Chuan's actions had been accomplished, and let them begin to implement the plan.

Then Bai Fan led everyone to annihilate the Nether God Sect in one fell swoop.

After seeing the signal from Bai Fan, the children of several families were all excited and eager to realize their lives in front of Bai Fan.

However, Zhou found the clues in the middle of Zhou at the door, and his face became gloomy.

Others may not have noticed it, but in the middle of the week they could clearly feel that Bai Fan's aura was declining. This was not a pretense at all, but was really poisoned.

Take a breath in midweek.

What he was worried about really happened, and Gu Chuan had been acting in front of them.

The plans he said to annihilate the Nether God Sect were all false, and it was true to deal with Bai Fan and control Daxizhou.

This Gu Chuan is really not easy. It is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp to become the Great Sin Secretary of the Pluto Sect.

"Attention everyone, beware of the sneak attack by Pluto."

In the middle of the week, while warning everyone present, he rushed to the main hall.

Bai Fan was poisoned, and Gu Chuan was beside Bai Fan. At this time, Bai Fan was in a dangerous situation.

However, these people in the outer courtyard didn't know the plan of the Pluto religion at all.

"In the middle of the week, I think you are crazy, there is no Plutoism here, and there is Bai Fan, do you dare to come here to go wild, you can't speak too much."

"Yes, I think this mid-week is here to make trouble. You don't want to take a look at what occasion it is. If you want me to tell you, you should pull down mid-week to punish you, and it's counted as helping us."

The words in the middle of the week not only did not play any role, but instead allowed these people to live in a place to humiliate the middle of the week.

The Patriarchs of the Zhao family and the Li family watched Zhou Zhong run to the main hall and winked at the disciples who were guarding the door, and asked them to stop Zhou Zhong.

"What do you want to do this week? Isn't this ruining our plan?"

"Even if the Underworld Sect really has an ambush, but when he shouts so, can the Underworld Sect still come?"

"I had known that I should have sent out midweek directly."

Several people were very upset and felt that all their previous plans had been ruined in the middle of the week.

And thinking about waiting for the end of the banquet, I went to Bai Fan to report midweek.

In the middle of the week, he hurried to the gate of the main hall, but was stopped by disciples sent by several big families to guard the gate.

"In the middle of the week, our Patriarch has an order, you can't go in."

"Your behavior just now has ruined our plan, and now you have a face to come, hurry up and get out, otherwise Bai Fan will never let you go after a while."

Several disciples who guarded the gate yelled at Zhou Zhong confidently.

Zhou Zhong just yelled that, and focused everyone's attention on Zhou Zhong, but Gu Chuan, who had always been beside Bai Fan, smiled.

Now that his plan has succeeded, and the midweek has fully attracted everyone's attention, taking advantage of this gap, Gu Chuan quickly controlled the poisoned Bai Fan.

Bai Fan was trapped in a chain by Gu Chuan and became a zongzi.

Gu Chuan has always been afraid of Bai Fan, only in this way can he feel safe.

After he controlled Bai Fan, he finally revealed his true colors.

Bai Fan stared at Gu Chuan with splitting eyes.

"Gu Chuan, you... you really betrayed me."

Bai Fan couldn't believe that Gu Chuan would actually do such a damaging thing.

Gu Chuan looked at Bai Fan and laughed loudly.

"Bai Fan, Bai Fan, you didn't expect it."

"Do you know how many years I have waited for this day?"

"As long as you are there for one day, I Gu Chuan, it's wrong, it should be a gluttony, and I can never control Daxizhou."

"You are pretentious, and you are Baidi's disciple. You are pressing me everywhere. I am tired of living like this for a long time. It is the religion of the gods that made me see hope again. You think the things you give me are all I want. Is it?"

"I tell you, you are wrong, what I really want is Daxizhou, the whole Daxizhou."

"Only one person in Daxizhou can make the final decision. That person is me, the Great Sin Division of the Pluto Sect, gluttony."

Gu Chuan seemed to be discovering the emotions he had been suppressing over the years, and his expression gradually became crazy.

"And you, are all idiots, hopeless idiots."

Gu Chuan looked at the people in the main hall, speaking unscrupulously insulting words.

The Patriarchs of the Zhao family and the Li family only remembered the reminder in the middle of the week at this time, but everything was too late.

Bai Fan has been controlled by Gu Chuan, and with Gu Chuan's strength, which of the people present is his opponent.

"Gu Chuan, do you think your plan of poisoning me will succeed? Don't dream. All the people present will rise up and resist, and your plan will not succeed."

Bai Fan looked at Gu Chuan with hatred and said.

"Bai Fan, you are so naive, they don't have any chance to resist."

"Do you think I would not think of a way to deal with them?"

"Now that you are hard to protect yourself, let's first think about how to save yourself, but I can tell you responsibly that you don't have that opportunity at all."

After speaking, Gu Chuan slapped his hands three times, and then a large number of Pluto cultists appeared around the outer courtyard, surrounded everyone, and threw poison gas pellets at them.

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