Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4676: War envoy

The envoy of the Pluto religion gave a weird and terrifying smile, and the scalp of the other people who looked at was numb, not knowing what he wanted to do.

"Bai Fan, your father and son are really the same waste."

"We are presumptuous to cultivate Gu Chuan by the Pluto religion, and in the end we actually want to exchange the secret of the Pluto religion for the hope of living."

"If you join the Pluto religion, you must have the consciousness to contribute your life to the Pluto religion, and you will end up with only one end, and that is death."

Seeing Gu Chuan who was dying, the special envoy of the Underworld Sect had no mercy in his eyes, as if all this was what Gu Chuan deserved.

Gu Chuan, as the Great Sin Sect of the Pluto Sect, has a special status, but in the eyes of the special envoy, it is only a tool, a tool that paves the way for the Pluto Sect.

From the very beginning, the special envoy of the gods of the gods did not fully trust Gu Chuan to complete this mission.

Moreover, there was an interruption in the middle of the week, and the special envoy of the Pluto religion did not detail that Gu Chuan had the ability to control Daxizhou.

However, in order to cooperate with Gu Chuan, he still finished the scene, and Gu Chuan's role is also considered to be finished here.

In the eyes of the special envoy of the Pluto religion, Gu Chuan's only role was to be able to get close to Bai Fan and secretly poison Bai Fan's drink.

Now that Gu Chuan can do everything, there is no need to keep it.

Gu Chuan, a guy with the ambition of a prodigal son, even if the Pluto sect does not dare to keep him, he is really afraid that someday he will tell the secrets of the sylvide.

Gu Chuan, who was dying, looked at the envoy with dim eyes and wanted to say something, but at this time he couldn't say a word, his mouth was full of blood, and even breathing became difficult.

Gu Chuan, who had always thought that the overall situation was in his own hands, never thought that Bai Fan could suppress the poison, nor that the person who stabbed the knife in the back would be his own.

Gu Chuan wanted to laugh, but don't interrupt it with a violent cough.

The blood spurted out.

"Gu Chuan, you can go with peace of mind. Your dream was completed by the Church of the Underworld for you. It's a pity that you can't see that day, but you can rest assured that when I finish the matter here, I will take you 'S body is buried in the highest mountain in Daxizhou."

"Even if you die, I will let you die at the highest point in the Western Continent. It can be regarded as your reward for working for the Pluto Sect for so many years."

The envoy of the Pluto religion suddenly clapped his hands.

Immediately afterwards, countless people of the Underworld Sect came out again from all directions.

In order to ensure that today's plan can be successfully completed, the special envoy of the Pluto religion actually made two preparations.

The people he had brought before were only a small part, and he was afraid that things would suddenly change, so he divided the team into two groups before coming.

He personally led a group to the banquet site, while the other group stayed at the periphery of the banquet venue. Without his order, no one could act rashly.

The special envoy of the **** of the gods is also a ruthless character. Before coming, he even told the members of the other team that if things didn’t go well and he didn’t complete his plan and died on the scene, let them kill all the people on the scene as soon as possible. Those who fell, then immediately evacuated.

Plutoism has been operating in Daxizhou for many years, and basically came out for this operation. If the plan is not successfully completed, then he will not make those people in Daxizhou feel better.

The imperial city of the Western Zhou Dynasty is the largest and most important place in Daxizhou, and the meaning and effect of the people living here on Daxizhou is also irreplaceable.

Killing these people can't be said to completely paralyze Daxizhou, but it can definitely regress Daxizhou's overall strength for decades.

Plutoism’s style of doing things has always been ruined if they don’t get it. They can’t get it, and no one else can think of it.

After entering the main hall, the second wave arranged by the Pluto religion immediately began to control everyone present.

At this time, Bai Fan focused all his attention on the special envoy of Pluto.

Now in the main hall, the most dangerous person is the special envoy of Pluto. If you don't solve him, you can't save the people here.

Bai Fan glared at the special envoy of the Pluto religion.

"In order to control the Great West Continent, your Plutoism really took great pains."

"You have absorbed Gu Chuan, and it is also the reason why I accepted him as a righteous son. Your Plutoism really does everything, but with me, you don't want to succeed."

"Daxizhou does not belong to any one person. It is owned by all Daxizhou people and is not something you can control."

The envoy of the Pluto religion suddenly laughed strangely.

"Bai Fan, isn't it ridiculous that you say this? How do you pretentious people understand the world's suffering."

"You always put yourself in a superior posture. You exclude dissidents, label Pluto Cult as Xie cultivators, and organize everyone to suppress us."

"Are we born to accept this fate?"

"Plutoism is just a platform for those who have ideals and ambitions to show their own value, but you have used despicable means to form an Xie organization that everyone can punish. Are we going to let you kill ?"

Bai Fan snorted coldly.

"What do you Plutos do? I don’t need to tell you the best thing. You are doing things that are irritating. You can give up hundreds of lives for your own selfish desires. Is this what your Plutos say To the effect?"

"Don't put on a mask of hypocrisy in front of me. I have already seen the essence of your Plutoism."

Since he had just fought with Gu Chuan, Bai Fan was already somewhat unable to suppress the toxins in his body at this time, and he had to deal with the special envoy of the Pluto religion immediately, otherwise all his efforts would be in vain.

The special envoy of the Pluto sect also knew Bai Fan's current situation. The reason why he was willing to talk to Bai Fan was to delay time and let the toxins in Bai Fan's body break out.

But Bai Fan can't waste time anymore, now he can only solve it as soon as possible while he still has the ability to suppress toxins to the special envoy of the Underworld Sect.

Bai Fan held the jade sword and rushed directly to the special envoy of the Underworld Sect.

Being able to sit on the position of the special envoy of the Underworld Sect, the strength is naturally not weak, watching Bai Fan kill him, the special envoy of the Underworld Sect does not panic.

Suddenly a folding fan appeared in his hand, and he lightly fanned it towards Bai Fan, and an overwhelming gust of wind suddenly appeared in the main hall.

In the strong wind, there are countless sharp blades, and the seats are turned into powder wherever they have been said.

Bai Fan was holding the jade sword and leaning up against the wind. An invisible barrier appeared in front of him, not only resisting the attack of the special envoy of the Nether God, but also protecting the people behind him.

But Bai Fan was already deeply poisoned, and he was about to be unable to suppress it immediately. In addition, he used too much energy, and he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

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