Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4698: Evicted

The pressure is still rising, except for Lu Fengtian and his sister Lu Linglong believe that everyone present feels the pressure.

Lu Fengchun's face turned a little ugly, and Lu Fengchun, who was in the mid-term ancestors' strength, was a little bit unable to withstand this pressure, let alone others, and some people were about to lose their feet.

The Yang family’s Jia Ding was just an ordinary handyman in the Yang family, without strength at all, and fell to his knees directly under the pressure released in the middle of the week.

Afterwards, in the middle of the week, like a magical soldier, from the top of everyone's head and downstairs, looking at the Yang family, he slapped him severely.

With a crisp sound, Yang Jiajiading flew out like a cannonball, and when he was still in the air, he couldn't help vomiting a big mouthful of blood, as well as two posterior molars.

Yang Jiajia Ding fell heavily to the ground, looking at Zhou Zhong with a look of horror.

But as a member of the Yang family, when have they been treated like this?

Yang Jiajiading knew that he could not be the opponent in midweek, so he spread all his temper on the Lu family.

"Lv Fengchun, is this the way your Lu family admits wrong? I tell you, your Lu family is over, but I came with the order of my master. Lu Linglong and I will meet the Yang family. Your Lu family can still live, but now I changed my attention, and I will now go and tell my master what happened just now."

"The Lu family is waiting to be removed from the Far North!"

Yang Jiajiading climbed up from the ground and yelled at Lu Fengchun unceremoniously.

"It's just a dog in someone else's house, do you really treat yourself as an adult?"

"Immediately disappear from my eyes, or I will knock out your mouth full of teeth."

Facing Zhou Zhong, Yang Jiajia Ding did not dare to refute, but couldn't swallow the breath. In the end, he could only give Zhou Zhong a fierce look, then turned and left.

But before leaving, I didn't forget to warn the Lu family and let them think about the consequences.

After the Yang family’s family left, everyone in the Lu family looked towards Zhou Zhong.

Suddenly in the middle of the week, someone who beat the Yang family away made the Lu family more passive.

Before Lu Fengtian injured Yang Tiangang, the Yang family was already very angry. Now there is a family member who injured the Yang family in the middle of the week. This will completely offend the Yang family to death.

Lu Fengchun pointed to the middle of the week, eyes full of anger.

"Who are you? You can't be the master of my Lu family's affairs."

Zhou Zhong didn't take it seriously. He had already sensed what happened in Lu's house just now. The actions of these people made Zhou Zhong quite disappointed.

Lu Fengtian is such a righteous person, but in the Lu family, he is treated like this, and it is not worth even mentioning Lu Fengtian in the middle of the week.

Lu Fengtian's ability to be on the jihad list is definitely not for himself, but for the Lu family to have a better future.

However, the Lu family treated their siblings in this way. From the perspective of Mid-Zhou, such a family did not know sympathy at all. Even if they were really targeted by the Yang family, they were responsible for themselves.

But this time, the purpose of the Wu Empire was to help the Lu Fengtian family get out of the predicament, so even if they look down on these people, they still have to help out in the middle of the week.

"I am a friend of Lu Fengtian. Lu Fengtian once helped me, so his business is my business. Even I can't stand your shameful behavior just now. You are still a family. It really makes you Disappointed."

Zhou Zhong shook his head helplessly, and at the same time felt worthless for Lu Fengtian.

There is no need to pay for such a family in Zhou Zhong's eyes.

"Our Lu family's own affairs, it is not your turn to be an outsider to intervene. How to deal with Lu Fengtian and Lu Linglong is our Lu family's own business. You are not welcome here, please leave immediately."

Zhou Zhong looked at Lu Fengtian, he wanted to know exactly what Lu Fengtian's attitude was. If Lu Fengtian insisted on asking him for help, Zhou Zhong would not refuse.

"Uncle, I am a friend in the middle of the week. He specially came from Daxizhou to help. He also wanted to help the Lu family out of the predicament, so please be polite to him."

Lu Fengtian knew the strength of Zhou Zhong and did not want the Lu family to conflict with Zhou Zhong, but Lu Fengchun thought that Lu Fengtian was warning him.

"Lu Fengtian, pay attention to your attitude. I don't care who he is, but you have to know that I am the head of the Lu family. There are no rules at all."

"If this is the helper you found, I think you should let him go. You have seen that, he is not here to help at all, but it makes our Lu family even worse."

Lu Fengchun snorted coldly.

"Uncle, midweek is strong. With his help, we don't have to be afraid of the Yang family. Moreover, the Yang family bullies others. From any point of view, our Lu family has done nothing wrong."

Lu Fengtian has always followed the orders of the family, but this time, he actually took the initiative to stand on the side of the week. In fact, Lu Fengtian also understands that if the Lu family continues like this, even if the Yang family does not stand up to deal with them, sooner or later will To the end.

Lu Qinglong suddenly walked up to the middle of the week and looked up and down the middle of the week.

"Lu Fengtian, you have seen what your friend did just now. He didn't come to help our Lu family at all. He hurt the people of the Yang family and pushed our Lu family into the fire pit."

"And you, now even helping him speak."

"Father, in my opinion, the only way to protect the Lu family now is to expel Lu Fengtian and Lu Linglong from the Lu family. In this way, even if the Yang family really wants to deal with us, there is no reason. "

Lv Qinglong hated Lv Fengtian since he was a child, and now he finally finds a chance to retaliate against him, so naturally he will be a bit more cruel.

Lu Fengtian never dreamed that Lu Qinglong would say such a thing.

But Zhou Zhong had been standing by Lu Fengtian's side, and he didn't say a word from beginning to end, he wanted Lu Fengtian to see the faces of these people clearly.

Lu Fengchun exchanged eyes with several other people in the Lu family, and the method Lu Qinglong said was absolutely feasible, so he agreed to Lu Qinglong's proposal.

"Lu Fengtian, you almost killed the entire Lu family, so from now on, you and your sister Lu Linglong will no longer belong to the Lu family. No matter what you do in the future, they will have nothing to do with the Lu family. Go ahead."

Lu Fengtian never dreamed that he would be expelled from the house.

Looking at Lu Fengtian who was depressed, Zhou Zhong punched him in the chest.

"Lv Fengtian, can't you see it now? These people don't treat you as family at all. Instead of talking nonsense with them here, it's better to think about what will happen in the future.

"From my point of view, they will only be your drag, and I also believe that they will regret the decision they made today."

After hearing the words of the middle of the week, everyone in the Lu family showed disdain.

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