Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4708: Royal Guard

Although the woman is a direct descendant of the Lu family, she is not taken seriously at all, and the Yang family has already sent the bride price to the Lu family. Based on her knowledge of the Lu family, she would never agree to divorce.

But she didn't want to stay in the Yang family to suffer, and finally decided to escape from the Yang family overnight.

Taking advantage of the dark night wind Gao Yangkui was asleep, the woman sneaked away from Yang's house and did not return to Lu's house. She chose to leave the far north and never returned.

The next morning, when Yang Kui woke up, he found that the woman next to him who was about to become his concubine was missing. He hurriedly searched for it, but after a round of searching, he could not find it. In the end, he could only mobilize everyone in the Yang family, almost giving the Yang family I rummaged through it, but still did not find the whereabouts of the woman.

"I know that the Lu family can't believe it. Come, come with me to Lu's house immediately!"

Yang Kui was extremely angry, and rushed to Lu's house with his guard.

At this time, the Lu family still didn't know what had happened, and was celebrating being able to become in-laws with the Yang family.

The door of Lu's family was kicked open by Yang Kui's guards, and a group of people filed in.

The Lu family who heard the movement immediately rushed out.

"It's the one who doesn't have long eyes, who dares to go to Lu's house and go wild."

Lu Fengchun led the people and rushed out with an unkind expression.

When he saw Yang Kui, the momentum just disappeared.

"It turns out that it was your in-laws who came, so why don't you tell me a word."

Lu Fengchun said with a smile on his face.

"Lu Fengchun, your Lu family are all good-looking, Lu Fengtian and Lu Linglong brothers and sisters injured my son, Lu Qinglong found a woman to cheat me on the Yang family’s money, I think your Lu family really doesn’t want to mix in the far north. Up."

Yang Kui shouted coldly.

Lu Fengchun didn't understand what Yang Kui meant.

"My family, what do you mean by this? Lu Fengtian was not fake in hurting your son, but when did Qinglong cheat you money? My Lu family woman is still in your Yang family. How can you say this?"

Yang Kui became even more angry when he heard the word in-laws.

"Lv Fengchun, you don't get close to me, and we are not even relatives. The woman sent by Lv Qinglong ran away. If you can't give me a satisfactory account of this matter, I will level your Lu family now."

Lv Fengchun was really panicked right now, so he quickly asked someone to call Lv Qinglong to explain.

But after looking around, Lu Qinglong was not in Lu's house at all.

It turned out that when the woman broke free of Lu Qinglong's mind control after finishing the work, Lu Qinglong had already noticed it.

At that time, Lu Qinglong was still proud of what he did, but the magic weapon he used to control the woman suddenly shattered.

Although I don’t know the specific situation, it’s definitely not good news. Without the control of the magic weapon, the woman will soon regain her sanity. So in order not to be called by the Yang family, Lu Qinglong sent a betrothal gift from the Yang family overnight. All swept away and left the far north.

In the middle of the week, Lv Qinglong said that he was not good at this place, and that was the case. Lv Qinglong was still proud when he swept away the gift from the Yang family.

Not only did he get the money, but he also avoided the debt collectors. Lu Qinglong only thought about himself, without considering the tragic end that the Lu family would face.

No matter how stupid Lu Fengchun is, he understands what happened in the middle, and Lu Jin looked at Lu Fengchun resentfully.

"All the good sons you taught!"

Lu Fengchun also had a hard time saying that he was the father of his son for doing such a thing, and the Patriarch of the Lu family could not shirk the blame.

"Father, I'm thinking about Lu Qinglong's first thing now, so I'll talk about it after solving the immediate matter."

"Patriarch Yang, we didn't think about Lu Qinglong's affairs, but don't be angry. I will ask you to return the betrothal now, and I promise you a lot of points."

But the subordinates told Lu Fengchun that the gift from the Yang family had long been gone, and it was likely that Lu Qinglong took it with him when he ran away.

The Lu family was suddenly covered by a layer of clouds.

Yang Kui felt even more angry when he heard that the bride price he had sent was taken away.

"Lv Fengchun, please listen to me. I don't want the bride price, but your Lu family is at the end, and the little lady, don't let me find her, I must play her to death."

Yang Kui's last patience with the Lu family was also worn out, and he ordered his guard to act on the Lu family.

More than half of the Lu family was killed and injured in an instant, and Lu Fengchun and others began to resist.

The Lu family is also a face-seeking person. Yang Kui would be able to bear it if he just humiliated them, but he couldn't do it if he wanted to destroy the Lu family.

However, his strength was not enough, and he was defeated before Yang Kui's guards had played a few rounds, and could only be pressed and beaten by Yang Kui's guards.

If Lu Jin agreed to Lu Fengtian's return to the Lu family after he got the 9th rank raising herb yesterday, this would not happen.

On the bright side, Lu Fengchun's strength is higher than Lu Fengtian's, but the battle in Daxizhou and the middle of the week has already allowed Lu Fengtian's strength to be sublimated.

Seeing more and more Lu family members fall in front of him, Lu Fengchun and Lu Jin regretted not being the first.

I had known that there was such a day, and I should have listened to the words in the middle of the week, but everything was too late.

Despair has filled the hearts of the Lu family.

While Yang Kui was still venting his anger, the Lu Fengtian brothers and sisters arrived in the middle of the week.

Yesterday’s words in the middle of the week were not taken to heart by Lu Jin, but Lu Fengtian kept it in his heart. He was always worried that Lu Qinglong would do something unfavorable to the Lu family, so he brought his sister back to Lu’s family in the middle of the week and wanted to see Nothing happened.

It doesn't matter if you don't come, as soon as you come, you can see that the Yang family is working on the Lu family.

Lu Fengtian and Zhou Zhong immediately joined the battlefield. With the addition of the two, the situation was immediately reversed. Yang Kui's guard was not the opponent of the two at all, and was quickly brought down.

Yang Kui was even more angry when he saw that the two of them dared to act on their guards.

"Lu Fengtian, you dare to appear in front of me, you really didn't put my Yang family in your eyes."

"But don't think that Yang Kui is easy to deal with. In order to level your Lu family, I have made enough preparations."

Yang Kui also made second-hand preparations when he went to Lu's house.

As a royal family, although it is a branch, it still enjoys the privileges of the royal family.

There are also a number of guards in Yang Kui's house, and these guards are Yang Kui's real killer move, and also the key to the royal family's ability to gain a foothold in the Tianwu Empire.

The Royal Guard represents the inviolability of the royal power, and it is also a sharp blade used by the royal family to conquer the ruler.

The royal imperial guard was first created by the first generation of royal emperors of the Tianwu Empire.

Although these people have flesh bodies, they are humanoid weapons that have been transformed and have no thoughts.

In order to satisfy his own ambitions, the first generation of the king of the Tianwu Empire used his own blood to refine all his relatives into the Imperial Guard.

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