Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4717: M

The rest of the Lu family looked at the clan elder with solemn expressions.

"Clan elder, do you say that there is such a huge energy in this vision of heaven and earth?"

"Of course, you know how long the dark space has existed. It is an existence older than any of us. Even the most powerful of the twenty-four emperors, the Baidi, doesn't know when this dark space is actually existing."

"The energy in the dark space is very stable, enough for him to accommodate us cultivators."

"The dark energy we absorb is just the tip of the iceberg in the dark space. It is such a solid dark space. If you want to create such a vision, do you think the energy contained in it will be less?"

"Moreover, the person who can provoke the vision of heaven and earth is absolutely impossible to be a general, but I don't know when such a person appeared in the Far North. If I can get acquainted with it, my Lu family will be very prosperous."

If the Lu family always knew that the person he wanted to explain was Midweek, I'm afraid the kinetic energy of the eyeballs would fall.

"I don't know what happened to Lu Jin, clan elder, do you think Luo Cheng will help us?"

"Ha ha."

The clan elder let out a gloomy laugh.

"Luo Cheng is a great evil person, but he can sit in today's position, it shows that he is not stupid, we are useful to him, so he will not refuse our request, you just wait, Lu Jin will definitely not this trip Will return without success."

"And I can tell you responsibly, the person sent by Luo Cheng is definitely not an ordinary person. He must show us his strength so that we can rely more on him and use him."

The veteran Lu family analyzed the various relationships between Lu Jia and Luo Cheng.

Although the Lu family has taken refuge in Luo Cheng, the two are using each other.

Luo Cheng used the reputation of the Lu Family Soul Slashing Sword to make his position more stable, and the Lu Family also used Luo Cheng's position in the Extreme North to allow them to quickly gain a foothold in the Extreme North.

It didn't take long for Lujian to return to Yang's house with the general arranged by Luo Cheng for them.

Looking at the person Luo Cheng arranged for them, the Lu family couldn't help standing up.

This person is two meters tall and extremely strong. Looking at the bulging muscles, it seems that every muscle contains infinite power.

The far north is frozen all year round, but this person is only wearing a single coat. The square Chinese character has a pair of thick and black eyebrows, and under the eyebrows is a pair of eagles that make people look scared. eye.

This person is a fierce general in the upper reaches of Luo Cheng's strength. No one knows his real name, but his nickname is indeed very loud in the far north, Xiong Ying.

It's because of his huge bear-like physique and eagle-like eyes.

However, compared with his reputation, Xiong Ying's strength should not be underestimated. In the later stage of the ancestors, even Luo Cheng would need to spend some effort to defeat him.

The Lu family, who were still immersed in the vision of heaven and earth before, couldn't help but give birth to an idea that made them feel a little unbelievable after seeing Xiong Ying.

Could it be that this person caused the vision of heaven and earth just now?

The more the Lu family think about it, the more likely it is. The strength of the ancestors in places like the Far North is basically at the end. In the Lu family’s view, there are basically no people who can cause visions of heaven and earth, and this Xiongying and others I haven't seen it before.

And the strong breath from the bear eagle's body also convinced them.

Only the bear eagle is the only person who thinks that in the extreme north can cause the heaven and earth visions. As for the middle of the week, they don’t even think about it. They directly regard the bear eagle as the person who caused the heaven and earth visions. Various compliments.

"Lu Jin, don't give me a quick introduction."

The clan elder said urgently.

"Clan elder, this is Luo Cheng sent to help us deal with Lu Family and Mid-Zhou Xiong Ying. I heard that he has just returned from the outside, and it is still unclear about the relationship between us and Lu Family and Mid-Zhou."

Lu Jin gave a brief introduction.

The clan elder stepped forward to bring a seat for Xiong Ying himself.

"It turned out to be Your Excellency Xiong Ying, I heard you from Luo Cheng, and I saw it today. It must have been caused by your vision. I really admire the old man."

"The old man has lived for so long, and this is the first time I have seen the kind of vision just now. Your Excellency Xiong Ying's strength is beyond the reach of the old man. With the help of Your Excellency Xiong Ying this time, we must be able to easily win the Lu family. And the middle of the week."

"As soon as I think of seeing the Lu family and the scene of midweek kneeling in front of us begging for mercy, I feel my blood boil. This time I trouble your Excellency Xiong Ying, and we will have to thank you very much after it's done."

The clan old man became more excited as he spoke, but Xiong Ying was a little confused.

Luo Cheng asked him to help the Lu family, but the vision of heaven and earth just now had nothing to do with him.

I am afraid that people in the entire northern region have seen the vision of heaven and earth just now, and Xiong Ying is no exception. All cultivators dream that one day they can also trigger the vision of heaven and earth, but there are only a handful of things that can be done.

And Xiong Ying knew that he didn't have that possibility, and he didn't deserve to cause a vision of heaven and earth, but he couldn't stand the Lu family holding him like that.

Who doesn't have any vanity yet.

The vision of heaven and earth just now was the only thing Xiong Ying had seen in his life, and was also deeply shocked. At the same time, he was also curious about who could achieve this level in the far north, such a fierce and remote place.

Xiong Ying had just returned to the extreme north. He originally didn’t plan to help the Lu family, but Luo Cheng told him that helping the Lu family would make them more surrender to themselves, and at the same time would allow Xiong Ying to make a fortune in the Lu family. When Xiong Ying heard that there was still oil head, Luo Cheng agreed to come over to help.

Unexpectedly, he would praise himself like this as soon as he saw the Lu family, but this was also good, it was more convenient for him to start with the Lu family.

Xiong Ying looked naive, but if he judged him based on his appearance, he would definitely not have any bones left.

Xiong Ying knew that even if he denied that the heaven and earth vision was not caused by him, the Lu family would not believe it. Simply taking this opportunity to brag about him would make the Lu family more convinced of him.

Xiong Ying pretended to be indifferent and said.

"The clan elder, you are too rewarding. The vision of heaven and earth was just caused by me when I was studying magical powers. It is not worth mentioning. You don't need to do that. My magical powers have just figured out a little bit of clues. It's not worth yours. ."

"There are many talents in the dark space, and there are so many masters that are beyond our imagination, so you should not mention this. As for your troubles, I have listened to Luo Cheng. Leave the matter to me, so you can rest assured. Right."

"But I have a problem. No matter who you are helping, the price is always clearly marked, so don't blame my lion for opening up."

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