Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4738: confusion

Even if Liang Liang found out that he was only doing it by himself, with the strength of the Confucian family, I'm afraid Liang Liang would not do anything to himself.

The Kong family is Kong Li's greatest support.

After killing the middle of the week, Han Li, who had no support, became Kong Li's pocket.

At this time, Han Li was already a lamb to be slaughtered in Kong Li's eyes.

On the way, Kong Li kept staring at Han Li, making Han Li very uncomfortable.

And Zhou Zhong also had a murderous heart on Kong Li.

The idea of ​​the middle of the week is very different from that of Kong Li. They both intend to kill the opponent after arriving at the destination, but there is no worries in the middle of the week. Killing is killed. There is no need to look at the faces of other people, let alone Liang Liang and the Bafang Alliance.

Mid-week came this time to capture Ye Guo, so in a sense, everyone here is his enemy, not to mention the Eight-Party Alliance.

After robbing Ye Guo in the middle of the week, he will inevitably be attacked by the All-Party Alliance, but they are not worthy of them in the middle of the week. If the middle of the week wants to leave, I am afraid that no one can stop him.

The land of chaos has strong people and constant disputes, so there are many people in the team that is in the middle of the week with hatred.

But with Liang Liang leading the team, he has to be more or less concerned about the Eight-Party Alliance, so everyone is in peace and no one has done anything to the enemy.

But as the team deepened, problems gradually emerged.

More and more quarrels have made the whole team seem chaotic.

It is already normal for those who have old hatreds to ridicule each other, and there are some who are used to being arrogant in the chaotic place, join them, and give him twice if they are not pleasing to the eye.

Although the whole team is still advancing, with the contradictory plan, the speed is getting slower and slower.

Liang Liang, who took the lead, turned a blind eye, as long as they didn't kill anyone, they would do whatever they wanted.

This situation not only appeared in the midweek team, but the other seven teams also had the same problem, but these things were foreseen by the All-Party Alliance.

It is simply impossible for so many people to live together peacefully in a team, and which one is good in a chaotic place.

However, before recruiting the exploratory team, the Eight-Party Alliance had already negotiated, and before arriving at the destination, as long as they didn't kill anyone, they would let them go out at will.

As the team deepened, a few monsters were already seen on the road in the middle of the week, but due to the large number of exploratory teams, the monsters were not fools without IQ.

Seeing such a huge team, one after another backed down, and Liang Liang didn't do anything to the monster beasts and let them leave at will.

There were more and more discordant voices in the team. From the very beginning, the ridicule of each other had escalated to confrontation, but there was no death or injury.

Liang Liang has also been observing the situation in the team, as long as he finds that someone is going to kill him, Liang Liang will stop him.

Although Liang Liang prevented several conflicts, he still doubted the true purpose of this exploration in mid-week.

The exploration team is led by Liang Liang. If it is really to help the Octagonal Alliance obtain the night fruit, but in principle, Liang Liang should try to maintain the order of the team, and they should not be allowed to act recklessly. This will greatly affect the speed of travel. , When the time comes to arrive at the destination, I am afraid that these people will not have any information to help the Eight-Party Alliance find Yeguo.

Everyone was so angry, who still thought to help the Bafang Alliance.

The more Zhou Zhong thinks about it, the more he feels that the true purpose of this exploration is questionable.

But from the beginning to the end, I didn't think of a reason in the middle of the week, but I just felt that there was a fraud.

The Bafang Alliance is likely to hide something from everyone.

Although Zhou Zhong didn't know the true purpose of the Bafang Alliance, he could use Kong Li to test Liang Liang and see his attitude.

Although Kong Li was sent away by the middle of the week, he knew that Kong Li had been paying attention to the two of them in the middle of the week, so he deliberately showed more affection with Han Li.

Zhou Zhong's arms wrapped around Han Li's slender waist, and he deliberately glanced at the hole force.

At this time, Kong Li was also staring at the two of them. Seeing that Zhou Zhong and Han Li were so sweet, Kong Li exploded in anger.

Zhou Zhong and Han Li are usually very affectionate, but in order to show Kong Li, they are more intimate.

Seeing Kong Li's eyes that were about to breathe fire, Zhou Zhong knew that he had successfully angered him.

The younger brother who followed Kong Li came to the point that Kong Li was furious, and he looked at Zhou Zhong and Han Li who were stuck together, and immediately understood Kong Li's thoughts.

As a younger brother, he should solve problems for the boss. After learning why Kong Li was angry, Kong Li's younger brother decided to find trouble in the middle of the week.

This will not only help Kong Li breathe out a bad breath, but also please Kong Li Yibo.

As the existence of the Confucian family second only to the eight major families of the Eight-Party Alliance, it can be sheltered by the Confucian family. They dare not walk sideways in a chaotic place, but ordinary people absolutely dare not give pointers.

"Big brother, that kid is too arrogant, I'll go over and teach him a lesson for you now."

Kong Li nodded. Due to Liang Liang's identity, if he were to act on the middle of the week at this time, Liang Liang might be in charge. Then the Liang family would use my excuse to deal with them.

Having a younger brother in his early years avoided a problem. Even if Liang Liang knew that it was his younger brother, Kong Li could deny it directly.

"Boss, wait for my good news, and I promise to let that innocent kid know the fate of daring to offend you."

Kong Li waved his hand and motioned to his little brother to act quickly.

Kong Li's little brother squeezed through the crowd and came in front of Zhou Zhong and Han Li.

"Boy, I have a few words to tell you. Let's find a place with few people. It's not convenient to talk here."

Zhou Zhong glanced at Kongli's little brother.

"Just say something here, do I see that I'm busy."

Young brother Kong Li's face became difficult to look at seeing Zhou Zhong not giving face to himself.

"Boy, do you know who my elder brother is? Dare to talk to me like this, believe it or not, my elder brother will kill you in minutes!"

Han Li looked at Kong Li's younger brother with disgust.

"Husband, is this man's brain broken? I don't understand what he is saying so much."

"I don't understand what he is talking about either."

Zhou Zhong sang a peace with Han Li, and the angry little brother Kong Li stomped his feet straight.

"Boy, you are kind, if I don't let you see how good I am today, I will give your last name."

The little brother Kong Li let out a hysterical roar, and then rushed directly towards Zhou Zhong.

The people around were used to seeing this kind of scenes, they were used to it, and they didn't care. Even Liang Liang just took a look, and then continued to advance with a large group of troops.

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