Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4771: Thief

"I heard that nearly half of the people in the royal city died at that time, and the lazy monk was assassinated at the end, otherwise innocent people will be slaughtered, and finally he will stand up."

"But the people in the royal city had already hated the monk. Those who died included their family members, but because the monks were not willing to show up, they died."

"So that after the assassinated lazy monk stood up, he was torn to pieces alive by the people in the royal city."

Ma Chenggong shuddered as he spoke.

Zhou Zhong also frowned tightly.

Shi Lei and the others looked at each other and saw deep jealousy in the other's eyes.

Immediately facing such a tricky enemy, the hearts of several people can't help but feel a little turmoil.

I had a headache in the middle of the week. After listening to Ma Chenggong, the lazy person was not only cautious but also cruel, and the means of retaliation were also outrageous. The originally planned infiltration plan seemed to be unworkable.

The risk is too great. With a lazy temperament, those who carry the Ancient God Sect in the middle of the week will definitely be suspected of laziness. If they really confront the lazy subordinates at that time, the middle of the week will not take any advantage.

It would be okay if only he arrived, even if he was found, there would be a way to escape, but it would be inconvenient to take the disciples of the Ancient God Sect.

It seems that I can only think of other methods.

Han Li saw that Zhou Zhong was worrying about dealing with laziness, and she didn't have any good ways and suggestions, so he didn't disturb Zhou Zhong and asked him to quietly think about how to deal with laziness.

Just when I was in a trance in the middle of the week, the caravan suddenly rioted, and all the people in the caravan had quarrels with the people of the ancient gods.

It turned out that some people in the caravan had their luggage missing, and someone saw the people of the ancient gods sect sneakily, suspecting that they had taken their luggage, and then they quarreled.

In the middle of the week, I was interrupted by the quarrel between the two groups and rushed over to check the situation.

"Shi Lei, what happened, why did you argue with the caravan? Is there any misunderstanding?"

Shi Lei looked at Zhou Zhong with an innocent look.

"Sect Master, the people in the caravan wronged us, saying that some of us had stolen their luggage, but none of us took it, but they didn't believe it, and some people saw it with their own eyes."

As the Sovereign of the Ancient God Sect, if something like this happens, it’s impossible to forget it. If the hands and feet of the Ancient God Sect are not clean, they will be severely punished in the middle of the week, but the same is absolutely not allowed. Someone wronged the disciples of Ancient Shenzong for no reason.

"The person who saw us just ate was sneaky. Stand up and point out the person you saw. I will check him in front of everyone. If you really stole something from you, I am willing to double Times the compensation."

A middle-aged man in his forties in the caravan stood up and pointed to a disciple of the ancient godsong named Gao Wuyou.

"It's him, I just saw him sneaky."

"Yes, we have all seen it too. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Check him immediately and you will definitely find our stuff."

Zhou Zhong looked at Gao Wuyou, and Gao Wuyou looked at Zhou Zhong with a dazed expression.

"Sect Master, I didn't take their things, I promise, and just now I have been sitting in the carriage and napping, how can I steal their things? Besides, I don't have to steal their things!"

Gao Wuyou's words are true, the disciples of the Ancient Shenzong have no need to steal things from the caravan.

But several people have seen it, and I am afraid it is not groundless.

Standing next to Shi Lei was a disciple of the ancient gods, named Wang Changfeng, who also stood up to prove Gao Wuyou.

"Sect Master, I can prove that what Wuyou said did not lie. I did see him dozing on the carriage."

"Yes, Sovereign, we can also prove that Wuyou did not lie."

The people from the caravan and the two groups of Ancient Shenzong had their own opinions. The people from the caravan really saw Gao Wuyou sneaking up their luggage, and the people from the Ancient Shenzong could prove that Gao Wuyou was indeed there. Snooze.

Gao Wuyou doesn't know how to do it. Could it be that the caravan is haunted, but even if there are ghosts in broad daylight, it is impossible to come out at this time.

The two sides couldn't help but no one wanted to give in, and the caravan also stopped at this time.

As soon as the caravan stopped, some people were unwilling. It took several days for the caravan to depart from the chaotic place to the Nanzhan Empire. If the delivery was delayed, the caravan would cause great losses.

"You must be spies sent by other chambers of commerce, and you must not want us to deliver on time. From the time you came, I felt that you had problems. I knew I shouldn't have promised you to go with the caravan."

Shi Lei was reluctant to hear this.

"We joined the caravan, but I told you about it. If the caravan encounters trouble, we will help you deal with it together, so that if something happens, it will all be pushed on us."

In the middle of the week, things were strange. Although some people in the caravan proved that they saw Gao Wuyou move their luggage, the people of Ancient Shenzong also proved Gao Wuyou's innocence.

Because of emotion and reason, people who are more willing to believe in the ancient gods will not do such a thing in the middle of the week.

If Gao Wuyou was really wronged, then there must be someone else who stole the things.

Close your eyes in the middle of the week and perceive that there is absolutely no possibility of two Gao Wuyou in the caravan, unless someone pretends to be Gao Wuyou.

Sure enough, a major discovery was made in the perception of midweek.

Someone was quickly fleeing from a distance of 100 meters from the caravan. Presumably the luggage lost by the caravan was stolen by that person.

"Don't quarrel, I have found the murderer, I will catch him back now, you are here waiting for me."

After speaking in the middle of the week, he set off and chased him in the direction where the man fleeed.

Midweek soon caught up with the man, but what made Midweek feel strange was that the clothes on the man were a bit strange, as if they weren't his, they were fat.

Zhou Zhong stretched out his hand and grabbed the man. Zhou Zhong's appearance was too sudden, and the thief jumped off and was caught by Zhou Zhong.

However, just after catching the thief in the middle of the week, it was discovered that something was wrong. It is absolutely impossible for normal humans to have such thin arms.

In the middle of the week, the thief was directly picked up, and the thief even made a twittering sound.

In the middle of the week, he hurriedly lowered the hood on the thief's head. He didn't expect that the thief was really not a human, but a monkey.

It's just that the face of this monkey is exactly the same as Gao Wuyou.

The monkey was struggling and wanted to break away from the control in the middle of the week. In the middle of the week, to make the monkey quieter, he stunned it with a palm.

In the middle of the week, I was very knowledgeable and even recognized the identity of the thief monkey.

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