Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4778: Ma Chenggong's mentality changes

After some negotiations, Liu Wanfang agreed to become the elder of the Zhengqi Sect in the middle of the week.

As an elder of the righteous sect, he can justifiably give Ma Chenggong a foreign aid. Now that he has solved a problem, Ma Chenggong himself is the rest. During this time, he must raise his strength to a level.

In the middle of the week, he returned to Ma Chenggong's residence and told Ma Chenggong about his becoming the elder of the righteous sect, so that he would not have any worries, and he could naturally become his foreign aid.

Ma Chenggong did not expect that the efficiency of work in the middle of the week was so high, and he found a suitable identity in just two days, and he was still an elder of the sect, and he admired the middle of the week.

Ma Chenggong looked at the middle of the week very enviously. He wanted to talk about how people could kill the five great sinners of the Mingshen Cult. The ability and strength are in front of him. Then look at himself. He has stayed in the late stage of the earth to win for a while. But it has been unable to break through.

It's really good to shop around, and people are more deadly than people.

"My identity has been established, and it's up to you now. Whether there is any sign of breakthrough in the past two days, I don't have high requirements for you, as long as I can reach the early stage of the earth ancestors."

Ma Chengcheng's face collapsed in an instant.

"I will tell you in the middle of the week that my strength has been in the late Earth Sage for some time, but it is not easy to break through to the early Earth Ancestor, I am afraid it is enough."

Silent in the middle of the week, Ma Chenggong dropped the chain for him at such a critical moment. Ma Chenggong's strength affects whether he can become a lazy big disciple, so it is necessary to improve his strength.

"I have something that can help you improve your strength. You can use it to make a breakthrough as soon as possible."

Throwing some natural treasures to Ma Chenggong in the middle of the week, although not very precious, is not something that Ma Chenggong can easily obtain.

Ma Chenggong took over the treasures given to him in the middle of the week, and felt a little bit in his heart.

Laziness is usually moody and extremely tyrannical. Although he is a lazy disciple, laziness has never given others good benefits. He has no sense of mentoring and apprenticeship. Moreover, this time he gave his soul orb to laziness, not only did he not get praise from laziness. Almost being punished by laziness.

The reason is that Ma Chenggong is unacceptable, and laziness actually dislikes Ma Chenggong's efficiency too slow, and it takes so long to deliver the treasure to his hands.

If it wasn't for Ma Chenggong who had become a lazy disciple in his early years, he would probably be punished by laziness this time.

Looking at the middle of the week, the two have no friendship, not to mention that they are friendly. Although Ma Chenggong knows that all of this is done in the middle of the week to achieve his own goals, but nevertheless, it is better than laziness towards himself. Too much.

I didn’t get any benefits from being lazy for so many years, and I tried my best to help him. If he wasn’t clever enough to use his lazy identity to make some oil and water, otherwise he would really doubt whether being a lazy disciple would be good for him. .

Comparing the two, Ma Chenggong even began to hate laziness. He not only bullied outsiders, but even his own disciples did not let go. Don't let such a master.

Ma successfully retracted his mind and seemed to use the heavenly materials and earth treasures given to him in the middle of the week to try to break through, but it was so easy for the earth sage to break through to the earth ancestor, and the first attempt to break through failed.

Ma Chenggong knew in his heart that this time the breakthrough was not successful, the next time it was probably the same. He has stayed in the late Earth Sage for a long time. To break through to the Earth Ancestor realm, he must have more violent drug stimulation, otherwise it will be a short time. It can't succeed at all.

Ma successfully tried to break through and failed, and looked at the middle of the week with some embarrassment.

"In the middle of the week, I stayed in the late Di Sage for too long, but the cultivation base has long been solidified. If you want to break through, you must have more fierce drug stimulation."

Speaking of cultivation, in the middle of the week I know more than Ma Chenggong, and he naturally saw the problem with Ma Chenggong. Although the treasures he gave to Ma Chenggong are useful for cultivation, he wants to make Ma Chenggong improve his realm. It is somewhat difficult.

However, this is also related to a person's aptitude and physical condition. Although the horse is not blamed for success in the middle of the week, since he has used a lot of natural treasures for the horse success, if he just gives up like this, it is indeed a bit unwilling.

Moreover, in order to carry out his plan in the middle of the week, Ma Chenggong must become a lazy disciple.

"I will think of a way for cultivation. Don't waste the rest of the world, use them all, accumulate as much energy as possible and prepare for breakthroughs. I will go out."

There was no way, I had to go back to Shi Lei and the others in the middle of the week. Fortunately, Shi Lei was carrying a lot of medicines, and only one grass was taken in the middle of the week.

The Pokémon Grass can help even people break the barriers of the realm and successfully break through the realm. Ma Chenggong’s realm has stayed in the late Di Sage for many years. These people have also accumulated a lot of energy, and they have used the heaven and earth given to him in the middle of the week. Bao, if coupled with the help of Pojingcao, Ou should be able to successfully break through to the realm of the ancestors.

But all these are just theories. Whether Ma Chenggong can make a breakthrough depends on himself in the end.

If the Boundary Grass can't help the horse to make a breakthrough, the middle of the week can only make other plans.

In the middle of the week, he returned to the exit of the Nanzhan Empire with the Pokémon. Because of his identity as the elder of the Zhengqi Sect, his entry and exit were not blocked this time.

Although the door guard didn't give Zhou Zhong a good face, but he didn't embarrass him either.

Being able to travel unimpeded is already very content in the middle of the week.

He returned to Ma Chenggong’s residence with the Pokémon Grass. At this time, Ma Chenggong was still trying to break through, but as he said, without the stimulation of strong medicine, it would be too much to break through to the strength of the ancestors in a short time. difficult.

However, Ma Chenggong's efforts are also seen in the middle of the week. Although it is only using Ma Chenggong to succeed, it is somewhat gratifying to see Ma Chenggong working so hard in midweek.

Even thinking about waiting for the laziness to be eliminated, let him stay in the Nanzhan Empire and give him a half-office.

Ma Chenggong saw the middle of the week come back and looked at the middle of the week with shame.

There was no nonsense in the middle of the week, and he threw the Boundary Grass directly to Ma Chengcheng.

"Let's use this broken border grass. If it can't even let you break through, I can only find another way."

The horse succeeded in breaking the border, with mixed feelings in his heart.

Looking at the broken border grass in his hand reminded Ma Chenggong of a past.

I remember that it was when Ma Chenggong had to break through from the black belt to the earthly saint. In order to be able to break through to the earthly saint strength, Ma Chenggong wanted to be lazy to seek a grass for breaking the boundary. He thought that being a master lazy would not hesitate to break it. Jingcao to him.

After all, his disciple was about to make a breakthrough. As a master, he should have been happy, but laziness didn't do that. Instead, Ma Chenggong used more resources to replace the Pokémon Grass from his hands.

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