Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4789: Weird mine

The tentacles didn't take advantage of the middle of the week, but they also aroused its ferocity. It seemed to be on the bar with the middle of the week. As long as they found that the middle of the week and Ma Chenggong were alive and resting, they suddenly attacked the two.

I have talked about contacting a few times, but in the middle of the week, I have found out the habits of the tentacles.

And after several confrontations, it was discovered in the middle of the week that the tentacles were not just instinctively trying to attack themselves and succeed with the horse.

The attack angle of the tentacles is very tricky, and the timing is quite good.

Zhou Zhong suddenly felt that the owner of this tentacle might also be a mutated monster, and it was also the kind of monster that had a good sense of wisdom and was not low in wisdom.

Either someone was manipulating the tentacles behind them to attack themselves. In the middle of the week, I thought that the tentacles might have something to do with laziness, and laziness asked them to look for the Fury Stone just to feed the monster.

But even if laziness is despicable, he wouldn't let his disciples come as food, and Wang Wuyou was among them, so he gave up this idea in the middle of the week.

In any case, I found the Fury Stone first. After several fights, I figured out the law of the appearance of the tentacles in the middle of the week, deliberately pretending to rest, but in fact it was fully guarded, waiting for the tentacles to sneak attack.

Sure enough, the tentacles reappeared just as soon as Ma Chenggong stopped to rest in midweek.

It's just that this time, there are already preparations in the middle of the week.

In the middle of the week, he waited for the tentacles to attack himself.

The tentacles clung to the stone wall and then quietly bypassed Zhou Zhong, launching a sneak attack from behind, but all of this had been noticed by Zhou Zhong.

Just when the tentacles were about to beat Zhou Zhong, Zhou Zhong turned around, and the bone sword was drawn out without a trace. The spirit of the divine sword was extremely sharp and directly cut off the tentacles.

There was no blood, no screams, and the tentacles directly retracted into the depths of the mine, leaving half of the tentacles still squirming on the ground.

In the middle of the week, I went to check carefully, and the tentacles seemed to be acquainted, like grilled octopus legs eaten when I was on earth.

Half of the tentacles gradually lost their vitality, and then curled together.

That's right, this is the tentacles of the octopus, but in the middle of the week, I can't figure out how there is an octopus in the mine.

Although the octopus can survive for a while out of sea water, there shouldn't be sea water in this mine.

The octopus tentacles are too incompatible with the mine.

Although midweek did not understand the connection between the tentacles and the mine, none of them entangled. The two continued to rush, finding the Fury Stone is the most important thing.

Without the tentacles' sneak attack, the successful advancement of the horse in the middle of the week also accelerated.

It didn't take long for the two to meet the monster beast again, this time it was not the previous tentacles, but some monsters living in the deep forest.

This mine is too weird. I didn't expect to see monsters in the deep forest in the middle of the week. This is obviously unscientific.

These monsters can travel freely in the deep forest, but their movement space is restricted in the mine. According to common sense, even if there are monsters in the deep forest passing by here, they will definitely not be interested in this mine. Will not go deep into the mine to live here.

In order to save time, the murderous aura was released directly in the middle of the week, and even the Ma Chenggong behind him did not dare to look directly at the middle of the week.

This is how many killings have been experienced to have such a murderous aura.

Ma Chenggong worked hard to overcome himself, trying not to make himself look too embarrassed.

It seems that he noticed Ma Chenggong's expression and patted Ma Chenggong's shoulder in the middle of the week.

"Nin Yi Ren, there may be other monsters nearby, so I can only scare them away with murderous intent."

The senses of monsters are several times higher than that of humans, so they are particularly aware of murderous auras with a sense of pressure, and only stronger monsters can resist such murderous auras.

Therefore, the weaker monster beasts all chose to take the initiative to retreat after feeling the murderous aura released in the middle of the week.

Although the wisdom of these monsters is not as good as that of humans, they also know what they can’t move. The murderous aura released from Zhou Zhong is enough to prove that Zhou Zhong’s strength is higher than them, so no monster beast is willing to fight against Zhou Zhong. .

The two of them continued to move forward, and all the monsters who opened their way in the middle of the week retreated. This made Ma Chenggong's pressure suddenly reduced. The previous sneak attack by the tentacles made him very nervous, but fortunately, there was mid-week, otherwise Ma Chenggong would have the original The road returned.

The deeper the two of them, the more monsters they encountered, and the stronger their strength.

Suddenly the two forwards appeared a huge figure, three to four meters tall, like a hill. Fortunately, the Tyrant was greedy enough to dig the mine very big, otherwise it would be really tolerant. No less than such a behemoth.

Feeling the murderous aura on Zhou Zhong's body, the huge figure receded far, and Zhou Zhong finally saw the monster in front of him.

It turned out to be a tundra rhino. Its skin is as hard as steel. It is also one of its defensive methods.

There are many bone spikes on the thick and hard skin, which can damage the opponent while taking care of defense.

It's just that this tundra rhino is different from the midweek influence.

Although the tundra rhino is a monster, it is a herbivorous monster. Unless someone enters its territory, it will not take the initiative to attack humans under normal circumstances.

But this tundra rhino is obviously different from the general tundra rhino.

After an accident with sharp rhino horns, this tundra rhino has long fangs.

In the middle of the week, I suddenly thought of the vulture monster that I had encountered before. Could it be that this tundra rhino is also a mutant monster.

How many mutant monsters exist in this canyon? Isn't that there are few mutant monsters, but why are there so many mutant monsters here?

Is the owner of that octopus tentacle also a mutant monster?

In the middle of the week, I began to think, and felt that there might be something in this mine that could mutate the monster.

After the mutant tundra rhinoceros left, another monster appeared. This time it was a group of long-maned steppe lions, which were also mutant monsters.

Their tails grow out of needles resembling scorpions.

Seeing so many mutant monsters at once, there are already some strange things in the middle of the week. As long as these monsters don't take the initiative to attack, the middle of the week will not bother to take action against them.

It's just that these mutated long-maned prairie lions did not leave in a hurry, but kept staring at the success of Zhou Zhong and Ma.

Ma Chenggong just followed in the footsteps of the middle of the week, for fear that these monsters would attack him after the distance between him and the middle of the week was widened.

The two continued to move forward, and suddenly asked a pungent smell in the middle of the week, and the long-maned prairie lions who had been staring at them also gave up following them, as if there was something terrible in front of them.

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