Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4792: Rock behemoth

Cao Yiming was teleported into the mine by accidentally hitting and colliding him, and it was completely thought to be able to meet Zhou Zhong.

"I met tundra rhinos and long-maned prairie lions in the mine before, were they also teleported over with you?"

Cao Yiming nodded, the monsters were indeed teleported over with Cao Yiming, but when they came to the mine, they encountered the sulfur beetle and the abyss ant here, but the two sides also fought a battle, and finally Cao Yiming found the mother of the sulfur beetle. And the queen of the abyss ants domesticated them.

It's just that tundra rhinos and long-maned steppe lions don't like to be with these bugs.

"After the horse and I successfully entered the mine, we were attacked by a tentacle monster. Is that monster that was tamed by you?"

If the tentacle monster is also a monster that Cao Yiming has domesticated, then Cao Yiming's combat power at this time is really not comparable to ordinary people.

The tentacle monster is agile and extremely intelligent. With such a monster staying beside Cao Yiming, there will be no need to worry about Cao Yiming's safety in the middle of the week.

But Cao Yiming shook his head and looked at Zhou Zhong with a serious expression.

"Unexpectedly, you were also attacked by the Tentacle Monster."

As soon as I heard this in the middle of the week, I immediately understood it. It seems that the Tentacle Monster has nothing to do with Cao Yiming, which means that several people will have to face the Tentacle Monster for a while.

"I was also attacked by tentacles after I domesticated the vulcanized beetles and abyss ants, but fortunately, these monsters helped me withstand the attacks of the tentacles."

"And this should be regarded as the hinterland of the entire mine. I don't know why the tentacle monster rarely comes here. It may be because of the fear of sulfur beetles and abyss ants. I don't know what the specific situation is."

"But I can be sure of the monster that the familiar monster Nengou allowed me to domesticate."

"Some of the monsters that have been in contact with the shot monsters have mutated, but fortunately, they are still under my control. I also want to use the shot monsters to mutate my domesticated monsters as much as possible, so that I can survive. Further enhance my combat effectiveness."

In the middle of the week, I probably learned about the situation in the mine, and asked Cao Yiming if he had a tone for other people to enter the mine.

Wang Wuyou and the others entered the mine first, but they did not find their presence in the middle of the week.

"Before you came here, there were indeed two groups of people who came here, but they were all resolved by my monster."

"I heard from them that they came here to look for a mineral called Berserker. I didn't want to do anything with them at the beginning, but who would have thought that these people were too arrogant."

"Seeing that I can control these monsters, I put my mind on me, trying to capture me and control my monsters, but they underestimated me now. There were two groups of people before and after. They were all eaten by my monster beast."

"Actually, I wanted to ask them how to get out here, but they didn't cooperate at all, and in the end they could only make money for my monsters."

"They have been transported here with me for a long time and haven't eaten, so they are unlucky."

With a grin in the middle of the week, he didn't expect that Wang Wuyou's people would be killed by Cao Yiming, so he had to be careful to guard against the sneak attack by the tentacle monster, and also to guard against Wang Wuyou and them.

If I knew this a long time ago, I don't need to be so careful.

Zhou Zhong didn't know that Wang Wuyou and others were being attacked by the Tentacle Monster at this time.

One of the tentacles of the tentacle monster was cut off in the middle of the week, causing the tentacle monster to vent all the anger on Wang Wuyou and the others. In the middle of the week, they talked and laughed with Cao Yiming, while Wang Wuyou was struggling to resist the tentacle monster. Attack frantically.

The hole that had been blocked had also been smashed open by the Tentacle Monster, and only then did Wang Wuyou and others see the true face of the Tentacle Monster.

Wang Wuyou and the others were also very scared by the appearance of this monster, and it was the first time they had seen such a monster after living such a big life.

To say that it is a tentacle monster, it is better to say that it is a giant rock beast. This monster walks upright like a human, and is very large. The surface of the body is completely composed of hard rocks, and there are red magma-like things dripping. , Fell on the ground and made a sizzling sound.

What made Wang Wuyou even more horrified was that the rock monster's head had four pairs of eyes, like spiders, which made people look at their scalp numb.

Four tentacles stretched out from behind, but they had been cut off by the middle of Zhou, and they were now using the other three tentacles to attack Wang Wuyou and others.

Fortunately, the refuge space opened by Wang Wuyou and the others was narrow, and the rock monster could only use a few tentacles to drill into the refuge Wang Wuyou and the others opened to attack them.

Although there was only one tentacle, it caused Wang Wuyou and the elders of the Tyrant Sect to have a headache.

"Cao Yiming, since you can communicate with the monsters, you can ask them if you know the whereabouts of the berserker stones. I entered the mine this time to find the berserker stones."

"I want to deal with laziness now. Shi Lei and the others are also preparing in the royal city near the Nanzhan Empire. I believe that your participation will be of great help to us in eliminating laziness."

Knowing that he came here in the middle of the week to get the Berserker Stone and also to deal with the Nether God Cult, Cao Yiming was naturally obliged.

Cao Yiming communicated with the abyss ants around him and asked them for information about Fury Stone.

I got an answer quickly.

It's just that Cao Yiming's face has become a little ugly.

"What's wrong? Are you in trouble?"

Can't help asking midweek.

"But it's a little troublesome."

"Abyss ants said that the place where the berserker stone sits is really the territory of the tentacle monster. If you want to get the berserker stone, you will have to fight it."

Zhou Zhong was already mentally prepared, so he didn't care too much, but the ability of Cao Yiming to communicate with monsters made Zhou Zhong envy.

And Ma Chenggong who stood by the side of the middle of the week showed the color of admiration. Not only the ability of admiring Cao Yiming, but the ability to have such a powerful friend in the middle of the week made Ma Chenggong envy.

Ma Chenggong has always been bullied and suppressed among many lazy disciples. He has never had such a friend. The scene when he first met Cao Yiming in the middle of the week is still playing in his mind.

"Let's go, I will let the abyss ants lead the way and try to find the Fury Stone as soon as possible. I have stayed here enough. I haven't breathed the fresh air outside for a long time."

Cao Yiming put the other monsters on standby, bringing only abyss ants and sulfur beetles to follow them.

Both of these monsters were domesticated by him in the mines, and the tentacle monsters seldom appeared in their territories. It was very likely that these two monsters were threatening to it.

Led by the abyss ants, the three went to the tentacles' nest.

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