Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4800: Zhao Yanyu's plan

It's just that after Zhao Yanyu took the position of the ringleader, she didn't feel happy about it, but made her feel very sick.

The status gained by selling her body makes her feel disgusted, but now she wants to take revenge on Midweek, so she can only use the power of the ringing horse.

And Zhao Yanyu's ambition is more than this. She wants to integrate all the large-scale ringleaders in Daxizhou and develop them into her own power to deal with midweek.

Because Zhao Yanyu knew the strength of the Ancient God Sect, if only the power of this group of ringing horses would definitely not compete with the Ancient God Sect.

In order to retaliate, Zhao Yanyu did everything in the week, threatening and lure all the large-scale ringleaders in Daxizhou together.

Tell these people that she wants to marry one of them, and only the strongest can get her.

It is reasonable for Zhao Yanyu's appearance to say such words, and the ringing horse and his party licked blood all day long, and started from Shuangyang when they needed it, but how did those people's appearance compare with Zhao Yanyu.

Zhao Yanyu's move was indeed vicious. Just when he thought that the ringleader had made a big shot in order to get Zhao Yanyu, Zhao Yanyu's people killed him, beheaded all the other ringleaders, and decapitated the heads of these people.

Zhao Yanyu took the heads of these people to the nests of various ringing horses, forcing them to be included under his command.

In this way, Zhao Yanyu unified all the large-scale rattles around Daxizhou and formed a large armed organization.

Zhao Yanyu led his men to Youzhou to find midweek.

Zhao Yanyu, the intelligence door of the Ancient Shenzong, also had contact, and used his identity to find out that he was not in Youzhou in the middle of the week, but took Han Li and others to the Nanzhan Empire.

Knowing the whereabouts in the middle of the week, Zhao Yanyu led people day and night to advance towards the Nazhan Empire.

After all, a ringing horse is a ringing horse. No matter where you go, you can't change the habit of robbery. This way, all the entanglement is obtained through robbery.

And she was not idle along the way, but collected useful information everywhere.

He also knew the news that the Nanzhan Empire was lazy to choose a major disciple.

Based on Zhao Yanyu's knowledge of midweek, it can be inferred that midweek will definitely do some tricks in the general election to approach laziness.

Zhao Yanyu saw Zhou Zhong's death with his own eyes, so he quickened his pace and ordered all his men to march quickly.

When Zhao Yanyu brought his men down to the vicinity of the main city of the Nanzhan Empire, he ordered his men to sneak into various cities and villages, waiting for her orders.

Zhao Yanyu already knew the location of Han Li and others when she was in Youzhou, and she came to find Han Li in the royal city by herself.

Han Li was also very excited to see Zhao Yanyu.

Han Li thought that Zhao Yanyu had already encountered an accident when she was in Daxizhou, but she did not expect to meet her here.

Han Li was excited to keep Zhao Yanyu, and asked if Zhao Yanyu was doing well these days.

Looking at such enthusiastic Han Li, Zhao Yanyu not only didn't feel any joy, but instead made her mentally distorted toward Zhou Zhong.

Zhao Yanyu was dissatisfied. Why would Han Li be favored by the middle of the week? Without Han Li, perhaps she and the middle of the week would have become Taoists. If there were no Zhao Yanyu, the middle of the week would not be so indifferent to her, she would Will not be kidnapped by the rattles, nor will he lose his life, let alone become the ringleader.

Zhao Yanyu thought that all of this was caused by the existence of Han Li, but in order to get the information in the middle of the week, Zhao Yanyu could only bear the malice in his heart and pretend to be excited.

"Zhao Yanyu, did you come to the Nanzhan Empire when you heard that you had to deal with laziness in the middle of the week?"

Looking at Zhao Yanyu, who hadn't seen her for a long time, Han Li had forgotten what she said to her when she was in Daxizhou in the middle of the week.

Zhao Yanyu became the ringleader with the burden of bearing the humiliation in order to avenge the midweek. Now that he finally finds the starting point, he will naturally not miss it.

Zhao Yanyu nodded and told Han Li how hard he had escaped from the hands of the Chu family, and how many difficulties he encountered on the way back to Youzhou, Han Li couldn't help crying.

I also comforted Zhao Yanyu that all this was over, so that she would stop worrying about anything, and stay here with peace of mind to wait for the laziness to be resolved in the middle of the week, and they would be able to become the ancient gods.

Through Han Li's trust in her, Zhao Yanyu easily understood the midweek plan.

Knowing the midweek plan, Zhao Yanyu had a vicious plan in her heart.

Although she disdains to be with the gods of the gods, the enemy of the enemy is a friend.

"Han Li, I feel relieved when I see you. I have made a lot of friends when I came back from Daxizhou. They are also some righteous people, and I want to make a contribution, so I brought them together."

"I'm going back to join them now. If there is something going on in the middle of the week, please let me know as soon as possible. Then I will bring my group of friends to cooperate with you."

Han Li had no doubts about Zhao Yanyu's words. After sending Zhao Yanyu away, Han Li was still immersed in the joy of reunion, but didn't know that Zhao Yanyu had already begun a vicious plan to retaliate midweek.

Zhao Yanyu learned about the lazy character through the established residents, and knew that he was an extremely cautious person. If he directly told Lazy about the plan of the week, he would not believe it.

Let’s not say whether laziness will believe her, now it’s even a problem to see laziness.

However, Zhao Yanyu already had a chance. Now it is not the time to avoid laziness, but to attract the attention of laziness.

Zhao Yanyu ordered his men to sneak into the main city of the Nanzhan Empire and do some secret activities quietly, but they must leave their feet behind and let the laziness notice them, thereby enhancing the vigilance of laziness.

And let the dead men assassinate laziness, saying that the assassination of laziness is actually to let these dead men send information to the laziness.

Lazy guards stayed by Lazy 24 hours a day. If Zhao Yanyu's people can be close to laziness, he won't have to be so troublesome in the middle of the week to help Ma successfully gain laziness's trust first, and attack laziness when using the award ceremony.

The dead soldiers sent by Zhao Yanyu died under the siege of the lazy guards. All this was in Zhao Yanyu's plan.

When Zhao Yanyu dispatched these dead soldiers, he left a note with the midweek plan on them.

Zhao Yanyu knew that she would be lazy and cautious and would search these dead men.

Sure enough, the lazy guard found the note on the dead man and handed it over to the lazy housekeeper as soon as possible.

"My lord, this was found from people who wanted to assassinate you. I think they were sent to death on purpose, just to let you see these notes."

The steward told his analysis.

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