Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4805: Lazy real body

Knowing the weakness of the shadow, Zhou Zhong also thought of a countermeasure against laziness.

At this time, the laziness trusts his shadow very much. Because of the particularity of the shadow, it is basically indestructible, so you must distract the laziness in the middle of the week and try to pretend to be inseparable from the shadow. Looks like this is a good chance to do something about laziness.

Otherwise, after letting laziness see that he has discovered the weakness of the shadow, I am afraid that he will take precautions for the first time.

In the middle of the week, he pretended to be entangled with the shadow, but he was always paying attention to the lazy movement.

However, it is really not an easy task to fight against this shadow. Even in the middle of the week, there is some lack of energy. This shadow seems to be tireless, and there is pain in it, which is really difficult.

The strange laziness can kill the strong earth emperor, as long as you ensure your safety, you can use the shadow to consume unlimitedly, even the strong earth emperor is not a perpetual motion machine, and there are times when you are tired.

But Zhou Zhong, who already knows how to deal with it, is no longer afraid of laziness.

In the middle of the week, he was kicked by the shadow and fell towards the lazy body.

Laziness yawned midweek as he watched the fly out.

"It's nothing more than that to be able to kill the five great sinners of the Nether God Sect. It's really boring. It's ridiculous to want to overthrow the Nanzhan empire under my rule just with these two moments."

Zhou Zhong's back was lazy, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a sneer.

It seems that Laziness has relaxed his vigilance in thinking that he is not a shadow opponent, and now is the best time to sneak attack on Laziness.

Zhou Zhong suddenly turned around in the air, the bone sword shook in his hand, and it pierced straight towards laziness.

He didn't even think of laziness when he acted suddenly in the middle of the week. It turned out that everything in the middle of the week was played for him, just to let the laziness relax.

Laziness wants to evade but it is too late, and the dragon chair also restricts the movement of laziness, can only avoid the vital points, and minimize the trauma.

Zhou Zhong pierced the lazy left shoulder with a sword, the meaning of the divine sword was released instantly, holding the bone sword in his right hand, and jumping upward, the lazy left shoulder was stabbed with a huge wound by Zhou Zhong, and blood gushed out.

Laziness screamed, and the whole person fell from the dragon chair.

The leaders of the King's Army and the Imperial Guard wanted to step forward to help, but they were stopped by Shi Lei and others.

"The person above is not something you need to worry about. If you want to help, ask us if we agree."

The leader of the King's Army has been severely injured by the middle of the week, and the leader of the Imperial Guard is not even Shi Lei's opponents with a slightly lower strength. He can only watch as laziness is stabbed by the middle of the week.

"Don't be proud, if you dare to underestimate the lazy adult, the one above will suffer."

Hearing the words of the king's army chief, Shi Lei and others felt uncomfortable.

Laziness has been able to control the Nanzhan Empire for so many years. It is absolutely impossible to be a simple character. There must be something terrifying about him, but they are also very relieved of Zhou Zhong's strength.

Even if it is to deal with laziness, Shi Lei and others believe that midweek will be successful.

"The dying person, I am not willing to waste my tongue with you, let us wait and see."

Shi Lei snorted and looked at the leader of the king's army alertly. Once they moved, Shi Lei would immediately stop them.

The laziness who fell from the dragon chair endured the huge pain that came on his shoulder, looking at Zhou Zhong like a hungry wolf.

The shadow behind Zhou Zhong disappeared, reappeared beside Laziness, and merged with it, appeared under Laziness's feet.

"In the middle of the week, I will kill you and dare to hurt my dragon body. I want you to know the cost of being an enemy of me."

Laziness suddenly exploded into an astonishing aura, and in the middle of the week he quickly stepped back and distanced himself from laziness.

Lazy eyes are scarlet, his expression is a bit painful, the fat on his body is trembling constantly, and the saliva is flowing out of his mouth, like a madness.

But in the middle of the week, he didn't dare to be careless, no one knew what laziness was going to do next.

With the roar of laziness, the fat on his body was diminishing at an alarming rate.

The lazy body shape is constantly changing, from a three-meter-tall giant to Zhou Zhong's height.

The laziness that was originally like Roshan changed, and he turned into a handsome and beautiful man. With the disappearance of his body fat, the strength of laziness reached the early days of the Emperor.

Laziness is totally different from before, and it looks much refreshed after leaving behind the fat.

Lazily inserted the residual saliva at the corner of his mouth, looked at Zhou Zhong with a wicked smile and said.

"In the middle of the week, you are one of the few people who can see my true face, but I can tell you that everyone who has seen my true face is dead, and you are no exception."

With the skyrocketing strength, the meaning of contempt in the lazy language became stronger. In his opinion, the strength of the early earth emperor's strength wanted to deal with a person who was only the late earth sage.

It turns out that the lazy body of fat is not caused by gluttony, but a way to store energy.

Laziness absorbs all the fat and energy full of energy, and these accumulated abilities over the years have instantly made laziness break through from the mid-earth ancestor to the early earth emperor.

Zhou Zhong gave a chuckle, he wasn't even afraid of the Black Soul Emperor, so why was he afraid of being lazy.

However, just in case, he distanced himself from laziness in the middle of the week and rushed towards the outer courtyard.

Laziness saw that he raised his leg and ran in mid-week, naturally he couldn't fly and chase after him as he wished.

"In the middle of the week, you can't run away. Don't do unnecessary struggles. Obedient death is your only way out."

In the middle of the week, he was unsmiling and came directly to the arena of the previous campaign for the big disciple.

"Why? I want to compete with me, do you think you are qualified?"

Laziness laughed wildly, as if he had heard the biggest joke in the world. The handsome appearance and the crazy laugh seemed a little out of place.

At this time in the middle of the week, I was not in the mood to dare to be lazy and the only reason he came here was to be sure to defeat laziness here in the middle of the week.

When I was helping the horse succeed, I secretly laid out several formations here in midweek. It was just that the formation was arranged to help the horse succeed in victory, but I didn't expect my unintentional move to help me a lot.

As soon as Laziness raised his hand toward Zhou Zhong, a suffocating coercion locked Zhou Zhong, and then a powerful shock wave suddenly appeared, the entire ring collapsed, and Zhou Zhong hurriedly avoided.

"Struggling is useless, in front of the emperor, no matter how many methods you have, it's useless, just accept it to death."

Laziness stood in front of Zhou Zhong and said with a relaxed face.

"How do you compare to Black Soul Emperor?"

Suddenly asking questions in the middle of the week made Lazy a little confused.

The Great Black Soul is one of the twenty-four emperors, although it is also the strength of the earth emperor, but it is not comparable to laziness.

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