Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4807: Behead laziness

Laziness launches crazy attacks on the middle of the week, deadly and without reservation.

Laziness knows what he is thinking about in the middle of the week. The ability to arrange the formation in the middle of the week must have a lot of knowledge in the formation. If he gives him enough time in the middle of the week to crack the combined defenses, he will fall into passive again.

In the middle of the week, he tried his best to defend against lazy attacks, and at the same time, he split his mind and tried to crack the formation.

I suffered two laps of laziness in the middle of the week, a blood spurted out, and almost didn't stand firm. Once I fell down at this critical moment, I am afraid that it would be difficult to reach the sky. Laziness will surely prevail.

The two laps in the middle of the week were not in vain. The combined vertical defense has been roughly figured out in the middle of the week, but the formation is too complicated, and it will take some time to crack it even with the help of the spirits.

But laziness does not give this time of the week at all, waves of attacks continue.

In fact, there is a simple way to crack the lazy combined vertical defense, but it is too cruel. By analyzing the nature of the formation, Zhou Zhong found that the so-called combined vertical defense is not only for the lazy person.

Laziness spreads the damage he has suffered to all the residents in the main city of the Nanzhan Empire. Those same residents who are injured will let Laziness share the damage for them.

If you want to deal with laziness, you don’t actually need to deal with laziness. As long as the people of the ancient gods and the monsters of Cao Yiming begin to slaughter the people in the main city of the Nanzhan Empire, laziness must cut off the connection between the formation and itself. Otherwise, the people who connected him will die one after another, and even laziness will be hit hard.

But in this way, what is the difference between the behavior in the middle of the week and laziness, so the middle of the week does not intend to use this method.

Can only hold the laziness while letting the formation spirit help break the formation.

Laziness's offensive was so fierce that he could only concentrate on dealing with laziness in the middle of the week, and leave the matter of breaking the formation to the spirit of the formation.

But after all, laziness has the strength of the emperor, even if it is in the middle of the week, it is more difficult to deal with, the most important thing is not to attack laziness, it really makes the middle of the week feel aggrieved.

In the middle of the week, he even wanted Shi Lei and the others to help resist for a while, and try to buy a little time for themselves, otherwise, sooner or later, they would be consumed by laziness.

But there is concern that Shi Lei and others are not strong enough, and they will die in vain.

At the moment of embarrassment in the middle of the week, a white figure suddenly appeared in front of the middle of the week.

Laziness looked at the sudden appearance of the figure, his pupils shrinking slightly.

Zhou Zhong looked at the familiar figure in front of him, and suddenly let out a sigh of relief.

The person here is not someone else, it is really Bai Fan, who hasn't seen him for a long time after the Great West Continent, but I don't know why Bai Fan came to the Nanzhan Empire.

The two didn't have time to relive the past. In the middle of the week, Bai Fan asked Bai Fan to help him as much time as he could, and told Bai Fan that his laziness win at this time was connected with the residents of the main city of the Nanzhan Empire, and he must not attack laziness.

Bai Fan didn't talk nonsense. Bai Fan believed in what he said in the middle of the week. Since he would attack laziness in the middle of the week, he would try to hold him back.

Laziness had already guessed that he would crack the formation in the middle of the week, so naturally he couldn't let him get his wish and attack immediately.

Bai Fan stopped in front of laziness and didn't give him a chance to attack midweek.

"Bai Fan, what are you doing in Nanzhan Empire? It's really nosy to stay in Daxizhou."

Bai Fan sneered.

"You don't know what I want to do in the Nanzhan Empire, but what I didn't expect is that Brother Zhou's actions are so fast that he has already touched you."

"With me today, you can't even think about it."

Bai Fan's clothes have no wind, and they seem to give people a very vague feeling. It seems that Bai Fan's strength has improved in these days.

With Bai Fan's help, the middle of the week was much easier, and all the attention was focused on breaking the formation.

"Bai Fan, you think you can stop us, as I am, the residents of the entire main city will suffer."

Lazy and shamelessly speaking to Bai Fan, his words were full of disdain.

Bai Fan snorted softly.

"My task is to stop you. As for the rest, just leave it to the middle of the week."

Laziness sneered, and the sharp attack slapped Bai Fan like a storm.

Bai Fan fully defended.

Bai Fan has followed Bai Di for many years. After Bai Di's teaching, his fighting skills and experience are very outstanding. Although he can't attack laziness, it is not easy for laziness to hurt Bai Fan.

The two were inextricably fought at once.

"In the middle of the week, an attack formation is arranged here, and the voice of the spirit of the formation sounded in Zhou Zhong's mind."

Array spirit has found a way to crack the combined defense.

The formation of laziness is quite complicated, but every process is like the second round, one side is closely intertwined, as long as one damage is done, the entire formation can be paralyzed.

Don’t talk nonsense in the middle of the week, and immediately start arranging the formations, but it’s still too late to set up large-scale attack formations. You can only arrange a few small formations, and then use the formation spirit as the core and let the formation spirit control these formations. , To destroy the lazy array.

The formation has the blessing of the formation spirit, and its power has increased a lot, and it is also established in a lazily arranged large formation, which is equivalent to directly destroying it internally, and the effect is also considerable.

Three small attack formations were activated, and the formations commanded the formation to brew attacks. Three different forms of attacks directly destroyed the lazy formation from the inside.

Laziness is the core beneficiary of the big formation, and when the big formation is destroyed, it also caused a considerable backlash to himself.

The laziness who was attacking Bai Fan with all his strength suddenly vomited a mouthful of blood, and the whole person became sluggish.

Those thin lines of lazy links also began to disappear one by one.

Lazy's face is ugly, and he didn't expect his killer to be cracked by midweek.

Injured laziness is no longer a midweek opponent, not to mention that there is a Bai Fan beside him staring at him eagerly, and if he continues to fight, it is definitely him who suffers.

After Zhou Zhong broke the formation, he immediately joined the battle. Zhong Zhou didn't want to let the laziness go. The two of them sandwiched the laziness one after the other.

"Lazy, your combined defense has been cracked by me. Accept your fate, I will let you meet your old friends, and you will have a companion on Huangquan Road."

In the middle of the week, the golden light of the whole body was released, and the Heavenly Axe appeared behind him.

Holding the sky axe in his hand in the middle of the week, his whole body soared, and the sky opening axe directly smashed into laziness.

Due to the backlash of the formation, the laziness at this time no longer has the ability to contend with the middle of the week, and can only watch the huge sky-opening axe slashing towards him.

With a roar, the ground in front of the middle of the week was split by a huge crack by the open axe, and the laziness also died under the open axe in the middle of the week, becoming the sixth sect of the **** of sins killed in the middle of the week. .

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