Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4812: Sedum again

Mid-Zhou didn't take advantage of the victory and chase. It was easy for Mid-Zhou to break through the Black Soul Sect's guarding formation, but Mid-Zhou didn't want to bully others.

Since the people of the Black Soul Sect were unwilling to cooperate, he had to figure out a solution by himself, and he could sneak into the Black Soul Sect at any time with a spirit formation.

Looking at Han Li in the middle of the week, her expression was dim, and she left directly with Han Li.

It turned out that the attitude of those colleagues toward themselves made Han Li feel very uncomfortable. Zhong Zhou wanted to make Han Li happy. Before Zhou Zhong could speak, Han Li spoke first.

And Han Li's appearance seems to have improved.

"Mid-week, I will take you to a good place."

Han Lila came to a street called Lianhua Street in the middle of the week, which is very remote and few people come here.

At the end of the street is a huge lake with rippling blue waves, the lake is sparkling, not fish jumping out of the water, there is a small pavilion in the center of the lake, and the surrounding scenery is also beautiful.

When Han Li was still in the Black Soul Sect, she would come here to relax whenever she was in a bad mood.

This place was brought by Jingtian to Han Li. Since then, it has become the village in Han Li's heart. Once here, the mood will become particularly comfortable.

At the mention of Sedum, Zhong Zhou also sighed.

Regardless of Sedum's status as a big disciple in the Black Soul Sect, in fact, he is also a pitiful person. It can be seen from the Black Soul Great Emperor's forcibly raising his strength to the Earth Emperor, that the Black Soul Great Emperor did nothing but profitable.

Just as Zhou Zhong and Han Li were walking towards the small pavilion in the center of the lake, there was a sudden fighting sound on the side.

One of them was besieged by eight people and was struggling to support him. In the middle of the week, he didn't want to be nosy. Although the eight-on-one is despicable, no matter where it is, this kind of thing will happen in the middle of the week.

"In the middle of the week, do you think the man was besieged by Sedum?"

Because the distance is too far, Han Li can't be sure.

Look at it in the middle of the week, isn't it just Sedum?

The Black Soul Great Emperor used the formation method of the latter to forcibly upgrade the cultivation base of Sedum to the early stage of the Earth Emperor. However, due to the unstable foundation and the use of extreme methods, Sedum could only exert the strength of the middle stage of the Earth ancestor.

Sedum's original strength was not bad, if it hadn't been forcibly promoted by the Black Soul Great Emperor in a way that promoted cultivation, his achievements would definitely not be worse than it is now.

But even if Sedum could only play the strength of the mid-term ancestors, it would not be beaten by those eight people without the power to fight back.

Han Li wanted to step forward to help. After all, he was from the same school, and perhaps Sedum could help if he went to the Black Soul Sect this time.

But in the middle of the week, Han Li asked Han Li not to worry, first to see what was going on.

The eight people who besieged Sedum seem to know the Sedum. They have mastered all of Sedum’s moves, and from where the eight people stood and the magical powers they used, they all restrained Sedum to death. .

These eight people should have been investigating Sedum, otherwise it would definitely not be so easy.

"In the middle of the week, let's go quickly, I think Sedum can't hold on for long."

Han Li was a little anxious, Jing Tian had thoughts about Han Li, but Han Li always regarded Jing Tian as his brother, even if he had left the Black Soul Sect, he didn't want to watch Jing Tian die in front of him.

"Don't worry, I'm here, Sedum will be fine, let's look at it again."

Surrounded by Sedum, Sedum suddenly roared, like a beast driven to a dead end, with scarlet eyes and a hideous expression.

The powerful momentum directly shook the eight people back, but Jingtian did not choose to leave, but instead fought with the eight people here.

Relying on his own strength, he did not want to replace his wounds at home and killed two of them, but Sedum was also not lightly injured, blood gushing from his mouth.

Tousled hair and broken clothes looked very embarrassed.

Seen in the middle of the week, Sedum is already at the end of the battle.

Sedum spit out blood from a big mouth again, and the blood vessels on his head were agitated, as if it were about to burst. Sedum with red eyes tried to suppress the blood surging in his body, looking very painful.

This is the sequelae of forcibly upgrading the cultivation base. As long as you try your best, you will be backlashed, and if you don't suppress it in time, you may even explode and die.

But Sedum couldn't manage so much anymore. Although he killed two people, he still had to concentrate on dealing with the remaining six people in his current situation, and he couldn't relax.

Sedum laughed loudly and laughed at any time, but there was an intriguing sense of vicissitudes.

"Come on! Don't you want my life? Come here!"

Sedum seemed to know his fate, but still refused to give up.

The former Sedum was also the arrogant of the Tianwu Empire. It stood out among the many disciples and became the big disciple of the Black Soul Emperor. This is something that many people dream of, and it is also the proudest of Sedum.

So he couldn't run, even if he died in the hands of these six people, he definitely couldn't escape.

In the middle of the week, he sighed. If Sedum continued, he wouldn't be able to do it without these six people.

The six people surrounding Sedum seemed to have noticed something wrong with Sedum, and none of them was anxious to take action.

If you shoot now, it is very likely to be killed by Sedum, but they consume it. As long as they entangle Sedum, they will win.

Zhou Zhong and Sedum didn't count as much enmity, everything was caused by the Black Soul Emperor, and now the Black Soul Great has been cut by Zhou Zhong, and Zhou Zhong and Sedum had a smile and hatred.

In Zhou Zhong's eyes, Sedum was also a pitiful person. Although he inherited from the Black Soul Emperor, and the Black Soul Emperor did indeed value Sedum, all of this was for the use of Sedum.

Sedum was nothing but an obedient tool to the Black Soul Emperor, just like Han Li at the time.

Han Li had no hatred for Sedum in his heart, and Sedum was completely arranged by the Black Soul Emperor to marry Han Li. In fact, Sedum took special care of Han Li when he was in the Black Soul Sect.

Although Jingtian has affection for Han Li, it is an indisputable fact to take care of Han Li.

Seeing that Sedum's condition was getting worse and worse, midweek knew it was time for him to take action.

In the middle of the week, stepping on the lake and galloping in the direction of Sedum.

The sudden appearance in the middle of the week surprised the six who besieged Sedum.

Zhou Zhong stood in front of today, with his back to Sedum, looking at Sedum's enemies with a kind face.

"Everyone, please forgive others and forgive others, why do you do things so terribly, to give the next face, today's things stop here, we all take a step back."

"What are you doing? Do you know how much effort we have put in to wait for this day? You let us go with a word. You think of yourself as someone."

"It's too late to leave now, otherwise we will kill you together."

The eldest among the six pointed to Zhou Zhong and said with a disgusting expression.

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