Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4817: Shen Sihai's resentment

If the Black Soul Sect is taken over by the Shen Family, with the Shen Family's current power in the Tianwu Empire, no one would dare to cause trouble, and he can control the Black Soul Sect himself, it can be said that it would be three birds with one stone.

Not only has he found his backing, but he can also control the Black Soul Sect, and he can also discourage his enemies. Jin Mantang's wishful thinking is called a sound.

As for offending Sedum, Jin Mantang didn't care at all.

Jin Mantang has already felt that today is just an ordinary person, with no cultivation base at all. Although Sedum lost his cultivation base for what reason, even if Sedum still retains his previous strength, he did not use Sedum. Keep it in the eye.

A lone palm is hard to scream, two fists are hard to beat four hands, Jin Mantang has the Shen family backing up, and even Sedum will walk around him.

Seeing Jin Mantang's attitude, Jingtian knew that it was impossible to help Zhou Zhong enter the Black Soul Sect today, and looked at Zhou Zhong apologetically.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect it to be like this."

In the middle of the week, he shook his head.

"Don't blame you, I have encountered such a thing."

The five left the Black Soul Sect.

Seeing Jingtian's departure, the disciples of the Black Soul Sect finally couldn't help but question Jin Mantang.

"Jin Mantang, are you going too far? The big brother helped a lot in the dark when we rebuilt the Black Soul Sect. You don't know, but why do you treat the big brother like this today?"

"We know that you hate midweek, but Sedum is our big brother after all, and he usually takes care of us. Don't you feel ashamed of him if you do this?"

Jin Mantang looked gloomy and stared at these people fiercely.

"Shut up, don’t forget that I’m in charge of the Black Soul Sect right now. There can only be one voice in the Black Soul Sect. If you eat things inside and out, if you are letting me hear you talk about Sedum, go home immediately. Legal disposal."

Although the disciples of the Black Soul Sect did not dare to refute Jin Mantang's words, they were increasingly dissatisfied with Jin Mantang in their hearts.

Although Jin Mantang taught several people for a while, the eyes of these people looked at him more and more unfriendly.

Jin Mantang knew in his heart that he would lose his right to speak in the Black Soul Sect sooner or later in this way.

Taking advantage of the fact that he is still in control of the Black Soul Sect, he should go to the Shen Family as soon as possible and let them take over the Black Soul Sect.

Jin Mantang left the Black Soul Sect and found Shen Sihai, the Shen family.

"Boss Shen, I think it's time for the Shen family to take over the Black Soul Sect. Today Jingtian went to the Black Soul Sect. I found that the disciples of the Black Soul Sect are becoming more and more dissatisfied with me. Zong’s words, I’m afraid the night will have many dreams."

Shen Sihai was overjoyed when he heard that Jin Mantang wanted to dedicate the Black Soul Sect to himself.

Shen Sihai and the Black Soul Emperor had an old grudge. At the time, the Black Soul Emperor destroyed their Shen family. The only person Shen Sihai escaped by chance. Then he hid his name in the Tianwu Empire, just waiting for the day when he had enough strength. The Black Soul Sect stepped on its feet.

Therefore, Shen Sihai did not participate in the crusade against the Black Soul in the middle of the week.

Although he couldn't handle the Black Soul Emperor, Shen Sihai transferred all his hatred to the Black Soul Sect.

The Black Soul Sect without the Black Soul Great Emperor is no longer in Shen Sihai’s eyes, but in order to satisfy his distorted mentality of revenge, Shen Sihai did not hesitate to fund Jin Mantang to re-establish the Black Soul Sect. The Black Soul Sect is destroyed.

On the one hand, it satisfies the distorted pleasure of oneself, on the other hand, it is also able to use this time to become famous.

The Shen family is now the strongest power in the Tianwu Empire, but other forces have been reluctant to admit it. After all, the Shen family has taken advantage of the loopholes and it is difficult to convince others.

Shen Sihai looked at Jin Mantang and said words of praise, but there was more killing intent in his eyes.

Jin Mantang is a member of the Black Soul Sect, and Shen Sihai would naturally not let Jin Mantang go to destroy the Black Soul Sect. Previously, he funded Jin Mantang to make him the steward of the Black Soul Sect just to make it easier for him to destroy the Black Soul Sect.

Now that it is actually mature, Jin Mantang has no need to keep it.

Jin Mantang looked at Shen Sihai's eyes incorrectly, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Boss Shen, you are looking at me like this, and I feel a hairy heart."

Jin Mantang seemed to be talking jokingly, but in fact he was already thinking about how to escape here.

Shen Sihai laughed wildly.

"Jin Mantang, you helped me rebuild the Black Soul Sect and it was also a great help. As a thank you, I will kill you by myself today and be the first to send you to see your master."

Shen Sihai suddenly violent, and slashed towards Jin Mantang with a palm, his palm was like a knife, with a swift whistling sound.

Jin Mantang was shocked. Although he was prepared, he didn't expect Shen Sihai to be so decisive. He said he would do it.

Jin Mantang only had the strength of the early days of Di Sage, and Shen Sihai's opponent was almost killed by Shen Sihai's one move.

But fortunately, after taking over the Black Soul Sect, he took a lot of magic weapons in the Black Soul Sect and barely managed to save his life.

"Shen Sihai, you are not trustworthy, I will help you rebuild the Black Soul Sect, and give you the Black Soul Sect first, you actually want to kill me!"

Facing Jin Mantang's questioning, Shen Sihai burst into laughter.

"When the Black Soul Emperor destroyed my Shen family, I regarded destroying the Black Soul Sect as my lifelong goal."

"Don't say that you are so innocent. When you manage the Black Soul Sect, you also did a lot of dirty things. Do you think I don't know?"

"And for your own sake, even willing to give the Black Soul Sect to me, you are not a good thing. I guess he will not let you go when he sees the Black Soul Great Emperor below."

Shen Sihai launched another attack.

Shen Sihai's words awakened Jin Mantang's only remaining conscience. Although he was not taken seriously in the Black Soul Sect, there were still brothers who had been with him day and night.

Shen Sihai wanted to destroy the Black Soul Sect. Although he was unable to stop him as a disciple of the Black Soul Sect, as long as he escaped from here, he would be able to inform everyone to evacuate quickly, which was considered a good thing.

Jin Mantang took out the magic weapon brought from the Black Soul Sect, crushed it, and threw it to Shen Sihai.

The magic weapon exploded, and the huge impact threw Shen Sihai and himself away.

Jin Mantang contacted the impact and escaped from Shen Sihai's home. Shen Sihai did not pursue it either. He was just a disciple of the Black Soul Sect, and it was simply incomparable to destroying the Black Soul Sect.

Shen Sihai immediately prevented the manpower from going to the Black Soul Sect, and must rush to the Black Soul Sect before Jin Mantang brought the news that he was going to destroy the Black Soul Sect.

After escaping from Shen Sihai’s home, Jin Mantang wanted to return to the Black Soul Sect immediately after confirming that no one was following him. Go to Jingtian and Zhouzhong, hoping that they can help the Black Soul Sect through this difficulty.

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