Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4819: Kill Shen Sihai

There was no word in the middle of the week, but Han Li did not agree with Shen Sihai's words.

"Zhong Zhou is different from you. It is because of me that I killed the Black Soul Emperor. It is not the result that Zhou Zhong wanted to destroy most of the Black Soul Sect."

"But you tortured the disciples of the Black Soul Sect, and you also want to destroy the Black Soul Sect. This is fundamentally different from what Zhou Zhong did. Don't confuse Zhou Zhong with you."

"You tortured the Black Soul Sect disciple just to satisfy your twisted heart. Don't say revenge so boldly."

"It's the Black Soul Emperor who has a grudge against you. These disciples are innocent. It is wrong for you to transfer your hatred of the Black Soul Emperor to them."

Han Li said indignantly.

Although Han Li didn't have a small affection for the Black Soul Sect, these people had lived with her after all. Seeing them being tortured by Shen Sihai, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Shen Sihai was not angry after hearing Han Li's words, but clapped instead.

"The saints of the Black Soul Sect are really different. Revenge in the middle of the week is righteous and awe-inspiring. My revenge is the fury of the sky and the resentment. The saints of the Black Soul Sect are really not easy."

Shen Sihai said yin and yang weirdly, and then looked at Zhou Zhong.

"In the middle of the week, I didn't want to be an enemy of you, but the Black Soul Sect is dead. If you stop me, I can only clean up with you."

Shen Sihai's tone suddenly became gloomy, and a pair of hungry wolf-like eyes stared at Zhou Zhong fiercely.

Zhou Zhong shrugged indifferently.

"You can't move the Black Soul Sect. If you want to fight, I'll accompany you at any time, but you have to think clearly and fight with me. How sure are you that you can beat me?"

"Listen to my advice, the disciples of the Black Soul Sect, you are also tortured. After all, your income is the Black Soul Emperor. If I kill the Black Soul Emperor, I will avenge you, so why should you embarrass them."

Zhou Zhong was not afraid of Shen Sihai and his subordinates, but once they fought against each other, the Black Soul Sect that had just been rebuilt might be hit again.

"In the middle of the week, if you say that, you have nothing to talk about. Since you must stop me, then I really can't help it."

Shen Sihai gave an order, and his men immediately switched to midweek.

"Sedum takes Han Li to find a safe place, and I will take care of the rest."

Sedum responded and pulled Han Li away from the middle of the week.

Shen Sihai's subordinates quickly surrounded Zhou Zhong and opened up a battle. There were many people inside and out, and the water in Zhou Zhongwei was blocked.

But in the middle of the week, I didn't panic, it was all a group of young people.

"I am not good at killing people, but I will accept the head of the door."

As the words in the middle of the week fell, the true meaning of nirvana immediately opened, and the colors around the middle of the week became dimmed due to the effects of nirvana.

Shen Sihai's subordinates didn't even know what had happened, and they had been taken by the true meaning of Nirvana.

Shen Sihai's eyelids jumped wildly, and he didn't expect that the fighting power in midweek would be so strong.

"In the middle of the week, if you kill my subordinates, you are against me. Today I will send you on the road."

Shen Sihai roared and rushed towards the middle of the week.

Shen Sihai put his hands together on his chest, his mouth still vigorous as if he was chanting a scripture.

With Shen Sihai's reluctant muttering, his hands still glowed with a faint light.

Shen Sihai had always targeted the Black Soul Emperor, and most of the moves used by the Black Soul Emperor were very gloomy, so in order to restrain the Black Soul Emperor, Shen Sihai deliberately practiced some moves that contained righteousness.

"Hao Ran's righteous palm!"

Shen Sihai pushed his hands apart, a mighty air hit him, and countless gleaming palms patted the middle of the week intensively.

The middle of the week was also unambiguous, and the palm of Liangyi Bailie accurately and unmistakably struck out along the trajectory of Shen Sihai's punches.

The two people wanted to shoot with both palms. Although the surface strength of midweek is not as good as Shen Sihai, the palm of Liangyi Bailie is a magical power that is understood in midweek, and it is much stronger than ordinary moves. Shen Sihai can't take advantage of it in front of midweek. .

Although he only had the strength of the late Earth Sage in the middle of the week, he was able to fight the earth emperor, so Shen Sihai, who was only the strength of the earth ancestor, could not quickly resist the offensive in the middle of the week.

From the active offense before to the defensive now, the transition can only be completed in an instant.

Shen Sihai regretted it a bit and shouldn't be so reckless, but it was too late to stop now, and he didn't mean to keep his hands in the middle of the week.

Han Li will become the Sovereign of the Black Soul Sect in the future. If he wants to sink enemies like Shen Sihai, he will inevitably be eliminated in the middle of the week. Otherwise, the Black Soul Sect will continue to have troubles, and there will be no need to do anything else in the middle of the week. Forget these flies.

The disciples of the Black Soul Sect saw that Zhou Zhong had completely gained the upper hand, and they seemed to cheer for Zhou Zhong, and they also saw that Zhou Zhong was really not malicious to them.

Shen Sihai's practiced moves and supernatural powers were all aimed at dealing with the Black Soul Emperor, so he basically had no restraint ability for the middle of the week, and the middle of the week became more and more fierce, and the tricks were fatal, and he did not intend to leave Shen Sihai alive.

Shen Sihai was defeated by the midweek fights, knowing that he was not the opponent of midweek, but if he was unwilling to die in the hands of midweek, it was best to hit the Black Soul Sect.

Since he couldn't defeat Midweek, he tried his best to destroy the Black Soul Sect.

In the middle of the week, he also watched Shen Sihai harboring a ghost, and wanted to solve him as soon as possible.

The sky-opening axe appeared on top of Zhou Zhong's head, and when he raised the sky-opening axe in the middle of the week, a majestic aura suddenly appeared. Zhou Zhong held the sky axe in his hand and took the lead towards Shen Sihai.

Shen Sihai died suddenly on the spot, but the Black Soul Sect was also severely damaged in the battle between the two.

It made the Black Soul Sect who had been badly injured even worse, but it was finally able to save these disciples of the Black Soul Sect.

Jin Mantang knew that he could no longer stay in the Black Soul Sect, and wanted to take the opportunity to sneak away, but was stopped by the sharp-eyed Black Soul Sect disciple.

"Jin Mantang, we trusted you so much and made you the steward of the Black Soul Sect. I didn't expect you to sell us at all. It's really hard to understand our hatred if you don't kill you today."

Jin Mantang was in a cold sweat.

"To the younger brother, listen to me to explain, I don’t know that Shen Sihai has a grudge against the Black Soul Sect. Actually, I want to let the Black Soul Sect recover its vitality as soon as possible. To accept it, I am also kind."

Jin Mantang has all good things to say, but no one wants to believe him anymore.

Many disciples of the Black Soul Sect rushed forward and directly tore Jin Mantang to pieces.

After Jin Mantang's death, the disciples of the Black Soul Sect came to Jingtian and Zhou Zhong, each with ashamed expressions.

"You don't have to be like this. I have always done things to wrong people. I have understood the affairs of the Black Soul Emperor, and I will not impose hatred on you. You can rest assured of this."

"You, as the disciples of the Black Soul Sect, I have something to ask, is there a place similar to ancestor worship in the Black Soul Sect?"

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