Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4841: Gu Qingfeng

The Great Ye Shenzong is not only powerful, but also independently controls a continent. At the beginning, the founder of the Great Ye Shenzong believed that he was strong, and he did not want to be controlled by others, so he took the people of the Great Ye Shenzong and occupied an uncontrolled land. Later, Under the management of the sect, the development is getting better and better.

More and more people came here. In the end, in order to make the name of Daye Shenzong more famous, the occupied area was simply renamed Dayezhou.

Dayezhou is developing rapidly, and it has far surpassed Daxizhou a few decades ago. Although Shen Baidao is a person from Daxizhou, he has always lived in Dayezhou, and what he has seen and heard is far from what people in Daxizhou can compare.

Before mid-week in Daxizhou, a part of the congregation of Mingshen Sect was wiped out. Later, Bai Fan came to Daxizhou for a better management. However, there was a lot of trouble, but in Shen Baidao's view, it was all pediatrics.

Only those who have no strength will try their best to keep all the forces in their own hands, but Da Yezhou is not the case. Their influence on Da Yezhou has always been a free-range state, as long as it does not affect the development of Da Yezhou. , You can make trouble anyway at the sect below.

But once the matter was caused to make a big mess and affected the development of Dayezhou, Daye Shenzong still suppressed it with thunder means.

Therefore, in Shen Baidao's view, the turmoil in Daxizhou is entirely because Bai Fan and the others have no strength to manage Daxizhou.

Even Bai Fan was not put in the eyes of Shen Baidao, let alone in the middle of the week, the trivial ancestors also dared to claim that they had saved Daxizhou.

Shen Baidao showed sarcasm, believing that mid-week was a mere illusion, and was abruptly touted by Li Xiaoan and others. If Shen Baidao knew that he was only able to deal with the **** of the gods in mid-week when he was dealing with the gods of the gods, I am afraid Now Shen Baidao had walked up to Zhou Zhong and pointed his nose to greet him.

"Gu Qingfeng, you said you had an enmity with your family this week? What is going on?"

Shen Baidao looked at the young man who clasped his hands beside him and asked.

Gu Chuan was delusional to control the entire West Continent, but was later destroyed by the middle of the week, and the plan of the Plutoism was not realized. Gu Chuan's dual identity has to play the role of gluttony and a well-behaved righteous son in front of Bai Fan. , From this we can see that this person is quite scheming.

When Gu Chuan decided to control Daxizhou, he had already figured out a way out for the Gu family.

The Gu family was destroyed, and only a small number of people survived, but they were also insignificant people. In order to prevent such a day, Gu Chuan sent away the most talented descendants of the family in advance, so that one day he could station in Dongshan. Up.

And Gu Qingfeng is the one with the best aptitude and the most perceptive among the younger generation of the Gu family.

Today's Gu Qingfeng has the strength of the early ancestors at a young age, and he also has the inheritance and secret treasures left by Gu Chuan. It can be said that few people can become his opponents under the same strength.

And Gu Qingfeng did not hide his murderous intentions towards Zhou Zhong in the slightest, but he just glanced at them from beginning to end and ignored them.

Even Liu Qingqing next to Midweek didn't pay attention to Gu Qingfeng. How could the trivial ancestor be an opponent in midweek.

If you say that he is ranked second in the middle of the week at the same level, no one will dare to say that he is the first, but Gu Qingfeng does not think that he has such a great ability in the middle of the week.

Moreover, Gu Qingfeng's attitude in the middle of the week was very upset.

In the middle of the week, they chatted happily with Li Xiaoan, but they were interrupted by an angry Gu Qingfeng.

I didn't know Gu Qingfeng in the middle of the week, and I didn't want to have more rights and wrongs. After all, he came with Li Xiaoan, and he always wanted to give Li Xiaoan a little bit of face.

But Gu Qingfeng obviously didn't want to make it easier in the week.

"In the middle of the week, you kill my Patriarch, don't think that you can escape to Beiju Luzhou, and I will avenge the Patriarch personally when the jihad starts!"

Li Xiaoan looked at Zhou Zhong helplessly, and explained Gu Qingfeng's identity to Zhou Zhong.

Suddenly in the middle of the week.

"No wonder it looks a bit like Gu Chuan."

It's okay not to mention Gu Chuan in the middle of the week, but the mention of Gu Chuan makes Gu Qing more angry.

"In the middle of the week, remember that I will kill you personally during the holy war to avenge the Patriarch."

Gu Qingfeng's sudden burst of fierceness actually wanted to give the middle of the week a blow, but how can a small person like him be able to intimidate him in the middle of the week.

Zhou Zhong gave a chuckle, and didn't care about Gu Qingfeng's intimidation, but Gu Qingfeng still wanted to beat and beat.

"Gu Qingfeng, right? I don't think I need to tell you about Gu Chuan's virtues. Don't tell me that Gu Chuan did it for your family. If it wasn't for Bai Fan's face, your Gu family would have long been It was leveled by me."

"You little **** dare to yell in front of me."

What happened to Gu Qingfeng was said so, the veins on his head were violent, and it seemed that he might act on the middle of the week at any time.

However, Zhou Zhong didn't mean to stop, he took a step closer to Gu Qingfeng and continued.

"I know you are not convinced, but you will remember to me that no matter how long you have fangs in front of me, put them away for me, let alone you, what must you and Gu Chuan do?"

"Even if Gu Chuan is dead and resurrected, I dare not say such things in front of me. I think you are still young and don't want to care about you, but I also want to advise you, don't beat my crooked ideas, you can't bear the consequences."

"Gu's family is no longer what it used to be. If you really want to do something for Gu's family, just live well, otherwise Gu's family really won't even have a good person."

The Gu family is also a member of Daxizhou anyway, and although Gu Chuan is hateful, many Gu family members don't know about his dual identity.

Zhou Zhong didn't want to ruin the entire Gu family because of one Gu Chuan, but Gu Qingfeng didn't think so. Knowing Zhou Zhong was provoking him.

What should be said, and what should be talked about. In the middle of the week, I didn't want to waste time with Gu Qingfeng. After bidding farewell to Li Xiaoan and a few people, they returned to the inn with Liu Qingqing to prepare for the holy war.

Looking at Zhou Zhong's back, Gu Chuan clenched his fists, and there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Li Xiaoan glanced at Gu Chuan and several others shook their heads helplessly.

Although the two groups are both from Daxizhou, their goals are different. Li Xiaoan and the others wanted to come and see the excitement, but Gu Qingfeng changed his mind after seeing the middle of the week. , He not only wants to win the top three in the jihadist list, but also kills on the spot in the middle of the week.

"Gu Qingfeng, I know you are obsessed with midweek, but I also want to remind you that you'd better listen to what the midweek says, and just play honestly, don’t put your mind on midweek. Now, Gu’s family can’t bear tossing, so you can think about it."

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