Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4843: Mirror tower

Standing at the back of the team, Zhang Poshi heard someone in the audience recognize him and talk about his battle with the three.

Zhang Poshi ignored him at all, allowing the audience to judge himself, but his eyes never looked away from Zhou Zhong.

Zhang Family went out, Zhang Tianyou and Zhang Tiangong two talents, Zhang Tianyou's poor qualifications are far behind Zhang Tiangong, so Zhang Poshi didn't touch Zhang Tianyou's death much.

But Zhang Tiangong is different. Zhang Tiangong is a person with high hopes from the Zhang family and the person who will lead the Zhang family in the future. However, during the last holy war, he was beaten to death in front of everyone in the middle of the week. This pair of Zhang Poshi It was more uncomfortable than killing him.

After seeing Zhang Poshi in the middle of the week, he entered the mirror tower. Although I don’t know why Zhang Poshi is so hostile to him, but in the middle of the week he didn’t plan to escape. , Just after his own strength was promoted to Di Zu, he hadn't really played a game.

There are even some eagerness to wait in the middle of the week.

In the middle of the week, I walked into the Mirror Tower. There are nine floors of the Mirror Tower, each of which is more than ten meters high. Each floor is divided into a dozen small spaces of the same size.

At this time, there is a jihadist contestant standing in every space.

Looking around in the middle of the week, you can clearly see the crowd outside from here, but the people outside the mirror tower cannot see the situation inside.

When thinking about when his opponent would appear in the middle of the week, I suddenly felt a strong wind coming behind him.

Zhou Zhong's head tilted to avoid the attack, and then grabbed the opponent's wrist, and directly threw out the occasion of the sneak attack.

At this time, Zhong Zhou also saw the other side's appearance, exactly the same as himself, it seemed that this should be the mirror image in the mirror tower.

Although the opponent is only a mirror image, but the strength is the same as the body, but even so, for those players who have the talent and resources, these are nothing at all.

After all, it is a simulated opponent, who has the strength of a body, but has no combat experience at all, and the combat skills are even negligible.

For these players, this competition is a good opportunity for them to show themselves.

The rule is not that whoever can be the first to defeat will be qualified to enter the next competition.

Although there is no set time, for these players, time is the best tool to prove their strength.

The audience outside the mirror tower is even more eagerly looking forward to see who will be the first to come out of the mirror tower.

However, since it is a holy war held in Beijuluzhou, the audience of Beijuluzhou is naturally the most.

All of them hoped that the players from Luzhou North Club would win, and they dismissed the players from other places.

Among them, Zhao Wen from the Zhao family of local forces, Qian Yu from the Qian family, Sun Jian from the Sun family, and Li Ming from the Li family were all hotly discussed by these people. Even Zhang Poshi was very popular. Shen Baidao and Gu Qingfeng from Xizhou did not receive such treatment. They were the objects of rejection by the people of Daxizhou just like mid-week.

For nothing else, I just don't want to see that people in other places are better than those in Luzhou.

Among the local contestants, one of them was mentioned the most times, and he was also the most promising contestant by all the residents of Beiju Luzhou, Xue Wangchen.

This Xue Wangchen in Beiju Luzhou can be said to be an existence that no one knows, not because the Xue family is the largest family in Beiju Luzhou, but Xue Wangchen's own strength.

As the first family power in Beiju Luzhou, the Xue family spreads all over Beiju Luzhou, and this Xue Wangchen is the strongest person in the third generation of Xue family, not only in the third generation, even the first generation. Few people in the second generation were Xue Wangchen's opponents.

Xue Wangchen is now the strength of the Dzogchen in the later stage of the earth ancestors, and he can step into the earth emperor stage with only one foot and become an existence respected by thousands of people.

Moreover, it is said that this Xue Wangchen also comprehended the rudimentary form of the field, which can be said to be the strongest Tianjiao of the Xue family and even the entire Beiju Luzhou.

If this jihad, Xue Wangchen can pass the top three results, I am afraid that it will not take long to be promoted to the strength of the earth emperor, and the field that has a rudimentary shape will also be perfected.

And the middle of the week seems to be a little insignificant among these people. Although all the things that dared in the middle of the week are thrilling, there are too few people who know it.

If you tell these people that the seven great sinners of the Nethershen Sect have now been beheaded by the middle of the week, they will never believe it, let alone the killing of the Black Soul Emperor in the middle of the week. I am afraid that someone will say it in the middle of the week. Pointing to Zhou Zhong's nose and cursing him to pretend.

The first game was completed almost instantly.

When the last contestant enters the mirror tower, the people inside will start the game at the same time, and the mirror will attack the contestants from all angles.

It's just that these mirror images have the same strength as the body, but they don't have the fighting experience of the body, so this first level is not so difficult for these people.

Xue Wangchen also lived up to expectations. He was the first to complete the game, followed by Zhang Poshi and Shen Baidao, and then four players from the four major families of Zhao Qian, Sun and Li.

As time goes by, more and more players have passed the first test, but there has been no movement in the middle of the week.

Li Xiaoan's brows were slightly frowned, and they knew the strength of the week. They were able to defeat the special envoy of the **** of the gods when they were in the earth sage, how could they not even finish the first game.

But when Li Xiaoan came along, the people of Shen Baidao and the Shen family and the Gu family made ridicules one after another.

"We have long said that he just stood by Bai Fan's light in the middle of the week. Daxizhou has nothing to do with him for a few days. Only you old guys will believe him."

"I heard that the strength of midweek was only the early days of the Earth Sage. How long it will take to reach the realm of the Earth Ancestor is definitely the strength that has been forcibly promoted."

"People like him, let alone get the top three, I'm afraid they won't make it through the first game."

Li Xiaoan and several people listened to these people unabashedly mocking Zhou Zhong, and felt uncomfortable in their hearts, but they couldn't say anything about them. They were free to comment, and they couldn't limit their speech.

In fact, in the middle of the week in the mirror tower, nine mirror images have already been killed, but it was discovered in the middle of the week that after the nine mirror images were killed, it is not the end, but there will continue to appear, in order to fully experience the strength of the earth ancestors. , It is convenient for these mirror images to fight all the time in the middle of the week. As the number of times to kill the mirror images in the middle of the week gradually increases, there are more and more mirror images on the opposite side of the week.

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