Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4852: Shen Baidao passed Tongtian Road

Shen Baidao saw that Zhou Zhong had been completely restrained, with a cruel smile on his face.

"In the middle of the week, I asked you to call out in front of me. Today, I will let you know how big the gap is between us. You can only look up to me in a casual cultivator."

As soon as Shen Baidao's voice fell, his two hands shook together fiercely, and the two huge golden palms came together as Shen Baidao's hands were closed.

There is not much space left in the middle of the week between the two golden palms. If this continues, sooner or later they will be severely injured by the two golden palms.

However, the middle of the week did not panic at all. To be precise, it was the middle of the week that Shen Baidao deliberately trapped himself.

Although Shen Baidao's strength could not make Zhou Zhong be cautious with him, but this big handprint magical power is troublesome. After all, it is the secret skill of the Great Ye Shenzong. It is really powerful. If Zhou Zhong is not sure, he really doesn't dare to be so big. .

Just when Shen Baidao thought that Zhou Zhong was wiped out by himself, his eyes suddenly flashed, and then his eyes were full of golden light, and the proud Shen Baidao suddenly felt a huge pressure that was about to crush his whole person.

Zhou Zhong suddenly appeared in front of Shen Baidao, listening to Shen Baidao's screams from the middle of the golden palms, it was not easy to mention it.

When fighting against Gu Qingfeng in the middle of the week, Shen Baidao didn't pay any attention, so he didn't know that there was such a magical power as Dou Zhuan in the middle of the week.

Mid-week Mid-week Douzhuan can only cause the greatest damage to opponents by turning around unexpectedly. Just like just now, if Shen Baidao knew the magical power of mid-week Douzhuan, he would definitely not be like this.

Shen Baidao was almost fainted by his own supernatural powers.

A mouthful of blood spurted far away, and his eyes were full of resentment and looked at Zhou Zhong.

In the middle of the week, he looked at Shen Baidao with a smile and full of playfulness.

At this time, Shen Baidao had been severely injured by his own supernatural powers, so it was natural that he would not miss this good opportunity in the middle of the week.

In a flash, he already came to Shen Baidao's side.

"You seem to have few misunderstandings with me, so I plan to let you stay in the second level. As for the third level, you don’t have to participate. Humiliation, it's better to stop here, maybe it's still a good thing for you."

In the middle of the week, I know that dealing with people like Shen Baidao who have never suffered setbacks, sometimes using words to stimulate him can have an unexpected effect, so I have never been idle, and kept instilling something that he didn't want to admit but felt that there was. Reasonable information.

Soon this Shen Baidao was somewhat lost by Zhou Zhong.

Shen Baidao, who had always thought that he was aloof, was about to collapse after being hit continuously in the middle of the week.

I didn't waste such a good opportunity in the middle of the week.

Taking advantage of Shen Baidao's poor state, he raised his foot in the middle of the week and directly moved Shen Baidao far away. If nothing else, this foot would be enough to make Shen Baidao fly out of Tongtian Road and lose his qualification for the third game.

But just when he thought that Shen Baidao would be solved in the middle of the week, the necklace on Shen Baidao's neck suddenly emitted a blue light.

Although Zhou Zhong didn't know what the blue light was used for, he was sure that Shen Baidao's body protection magic weapon had been activated.

It was hard to get the chance to kick Shen Baidao out of Tongtian Road. It seemed that things weren't that easy.

The blue light flickered continuously, and Shen Baidao, with a hideous expression, regained his consciousness under the influence of the blue brilliance.

In the middle of the week, he did not expect that Shen Baidao had a magic weapon that could calm his emotions.

Not only Zhou Zhong was surprised, but the others also showed greedy eyes.

Sometimes a person's emotions can influence his choices, thoughts, and even life and death, so this kind of magic weapon that can calm the emotions is very precious.

But this can only be manifested in these powerhouses above the ancestors.

And people with the strength of the Earth Sage basically don't care about this kind of magic weapon.

Because it seems to them that their emotions can improve their combat effectiveness, sometimes they will deliberately let themselves fall into an out of control emotions, so they can gain uncontrollable power when they are awake.

However, it was only in the realm of the ancestors that he truly realized how terrible a person's emotions had on the situation of the war.

Shen Baidao's eyes were cold or cold when he was sober. At this time, he no longer had the emotion that he had to kill midweek, and replaced it with how to win the holy war.

So now Shen Baidao doesn't plan to fight a midweek battle.

However, Shen Baidao was still out in the air at this time, and was constantly falling. If he didn't want to find a way, he would not run away if he was eliminated from the game.

Just when everyone thought that Shen Baidao was out of play, Shen Baidao suddenly drank and slapped a palm towards the ground.

The huge golden palm appeared again, and with this powerful thrust, Shen Baidao's body shot towards the key point of Tongtian Road.

Zhou Zhong saw that Shen Baidao was about to be solved, but he didn't expect to be busy in the end.

However, it was indeed too cheap for Shen Baidao to pass through Tongtian Road.

Zhou Zhong ran towards the end of Tongtian Road, trying to stop Shen Baidao before he arrived.

But still a step slower, Shen Baidao looked at the middle of the week with a smug look, and then walked into the venue of the game on the ground.

Xue Wangchen and Zhang Poshi, who had been walking in the forefront, didn't expect someone to arrive sooner than them. Although they were a little unhappy, they didn't show it.

Zhou Zhong sighed and listened to the opportunity, but he didn't expect Shen Baidao to put one. It seemed that there was an enemy in the third game.

But Zhou Zhongbai didn't wait to catch his breath, and suddenly four ill-intentioned breaths locked Zhou Zhongbai behind him.

In the middle of the week, he turned his head helplessly and looked at Zhao Wen, Qian Yu, Sun Jian, and Li Ming. They were looking at him, knowing that these four people must have discussed and wanted to deal with them.

The family of Zhao Wen, Qian Yu, Sun Jian, and Li Ming is also a well-known family in Luzhou, Beiju. Although the four families are in a competitive relationship, they are not malicious competitions, so the relationship between the few people is not bad. Not bad.

So when they first entered Tongtian Road, the four had already formed a team, and when Gu Qingfeng was resolved in the middle of the week, the four of them had thought of doing it on the middle of the week, but they were taken a step ahead by others, but they were relaxed by the middle of the week. Solved it, and it didn't seem to be a big problem to look at the middle of the week, so he gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the middle of the week.

And the battle with Shen Baidao in the middle of the week gave the four a little opportunity, thinking that they should be able to solve Shen Baidao by virtue of the strength of the middle of the week. Even if they can’t solve Shen Baidao, they will definitely make him consume a lot. Come out and pick up a leak.

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