Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4869: Yuanjia Road is narrow

Standing in the formation, Zhou Zhong looked at the angry Shen Baidao confidently.

Shen Baidao's attack was offset by the formation.

Shen Baidao snorted coldly. Although he was arrogant, he didn't think he could break through the formation of the middle of the week. Even Xue Wangchen could only let them look at the formation of the middle of the week, presumably he had nothing to do with the formation of the middle of the week.

Although the words that Zhou Zhong said earlier stung Shen Baidao, he still had nothing to do with Zhou Zhong. He could only look at Zhou Zhong dumbly outside of the formation in angrily.

Just doing some tricks on the square in the middle of the week, the formation itself will be rebounded to the attacker, but it is not immediately effective, but the rebound force is quietly transmitted to the attacker, and it is of an incremental nature. That is to say, this power will slowly manifest in the attacker's body.

By the time the attacker noticed it, it was too late, but this kind of counter-shock force could not transmit all the attacker's attacks back, at most it could only transmit general damage, but this was already a very abnormal ability.

Shen Baidao was still stupid and didn't know anything. If he knew that he not only didn't hurt Zhou Zhong, but he had calculated himself secretly, he would definitely get angry with Qiqiao.

"In the middle of the week, you have a general manager, don't you hide in the formation and can't come out? Well, I will die with you here. When Xue Wangchen catches Liu Qingqing back, I think you can sit still."

Shen Baidao looked at Zhou Zhong with a treacherous smile. He knew that now only with Liu Qingqing's fuss could he make Zhou Zhong uncomfortable for a while.

Seeing Shen Baidao's proud look, Zhou Zhong really wanted to rush out and beat him severely, but these people around were all staring at him. As long as he walked out of the formation, he could be sure that these people would have nothing. Do not hesitate to shoot yourself.

It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them to work together to solve a competitor, and it is naturally impossible to just miss it.

Don't go too far in the middle of the week, not paying attention to Shen Baidao, but sinking your heart to observe the changes of this spirit.

The formation spirit at this time was in a very mysterious state, and even Zhou Zhong didn't know what the formation spirit was experiencing now.

The only thing that makes Midweek feel at ease is that the aura on the body of the formation spirit is getting stronger and stronger. When the formation spirit wakes up, there will be a flyover in strength. However, it is not clear what level it can reach, but it is very much looking forward to it. .

"In the middle of the week, I think you should be particularly worried about Liu Qingqing's safety now. Let me tell you the good news. Xue Wangchen has not found Liu Qingqing, but he is not far from Liu Qingqing. If there is no interlude, I want to use it. It won’t be long before Xue Wangchen finds Liu Qingqing."

Shen Baidao's words not only attracted the attention of Zhong Zhou, but also attracted the attention of others.

"Shen Baidao, is what you said is true?"

"If Xue Wangchen finds Liu Qingqing, can we stay and leave here."

A man with a height of two meters and a swarthy beard, like an iron tower, spoke, and asked with an urn sound.

This person's name is Xuan Zhong, nicknamed Heita, and he is a strong man in the middle of the earth ancestors. Don't look at his naive appearance, but his strength should not be underestimated. If it is not because there are too few fragments on his body, he has not beaten Xue Wangchen. It is impossible for him to listen to Xue Wangchen watching Zhou Zhong here.

Shen Baidao looked at Xuan Zhong and seemed to want to tease him, but was stopped by the man who came first and persuaded him in midweek.

"Shen Baidao, if you want to finish the game well in the free space, I advise you not to have other ideas about Xuan Zhong. I can guarantee that the person who regrets it will be you."

This person's name is Lu Ying, who is not from Beiju Luzhou, but he knows the situation in Beiju Luzhou quite well, and has conducted investigations on every player participating in the holy war.

Shen Baidao glanced at Lu Ying. Although he was disdainful, he still dispelled the idea of ​​teasing Xuanzhong, and then solemnly said.

"What I said is true. When Xue Wangchen fought against him just now, I planted my spiritual seed on him. I can sense the position of the spiritual seed and at the same time the attachment of the spiritual seed. That’s why Tell you that Xue Wangchen is about to find Liu Qingqing."

Zhou Zhong did not expect that Shen Baidao still had this ability, but it was very convenient. If he could also have it, it would be great, but at the same time Zhou Zhong also frowned deeply. Shen Baidao said that Xue Wangchen is already close to Liu Qingqing. Not far away, if Xue Wangchen were to find Liu Qingqing, then he would be passive.

Now we must find a way to leave here, and rush to find Liu Qingqing in front of Xue Wangchen.

But before midweek thought of breaking the law, Shen Baidaona made the disgusting voice sounded again after midweek.

"Caught, caught, Liu Qingqing should have been caught by Xue Wangchen."

Shen Baidao said excitedly.

The others were expressionless, and they were not surprised that Xue Wangchen could catch Liu Qingqing.

The only expectation now is that Xue Wangchen hurriedly brought Liu Qingqing over, and then let them leave. As for those things between him and him in the middle of the week, they were not interested in understanding.

After hearing the news that Liu Qingqing was arrested in the middle of the week, I felt extremely anxious.

"Wait a minute, why did Xue Wangchen stop, eh? Does any of you know who Ye Feng is?"

Shen Baidao suddenly asked everyone to be confused, and it was Lu Ying who recovered first.

"You said Xue Wangchen met Ye Feng? In the middle of the week, it seems that your beautiful friend is going to be unlucky."

In the middle of the week, I looked at Lu Ying with some doubts.

Lu Yingben didn't want to be nosy, but because it was really boring to stay here, he explained Ye Feng's identity to the middle of the week.

"That Ye Feng is from Dongsheng Shenzhou. I heard that the power in the family is great, and there is a grandpa who understands the realm, which is very powerful."

"The Ye family controls the trade zone bordering the East Sheng Shenzhou and the Nanzhan Empire. Where is the dominant family and has a younger brother, if I remember correctly, I should be proud of Ye Zhiqiu."

"His younger brother is a pornographic critic, but compared to Ye Feng, he is nothing short of a witch. Ye Feng is not only a man of adultery, but also cruel. All the women he stares at will be tortured fiercely after being played by him. A meal, not only physically, but also mentally."

"So Liu Qingqing should not end well."

In the middle of the week, I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here. Although I haven't seen Ye Feng, the Ye family was destroyed by his own hands.

It's really an enemy on a narrow road. It's not enough to kill Ye Zhiqiu. It seems that Ye Feng has to die in his own hands, and the right is to be removed for the people.

And in the middle of the week, he also knew that even if he didn't go to Ye Feng, this Ye Feng would come to him one day sooner or later.

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