Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4884: Shen Baidao vs. Zhang Poshi

The Master looked at the audience with a dark face.

As a member of the referee team of this jihad, Master will never allow anyone to question the justice of the referee team.

"The jihad was created by the Baidi. From the early days of its establishment to the present, each jihad has formed a referee team by different people, but there has not been an unfair judgment. There has not been before, and there will be no in the future."

"The referee team will not favor anyone. Everything is done in an environment of absolute justice, and you are all present. Any doubts about the referee team are regarded as doubts about Baidi."

The Master's voice was as cold as a cold wave, and the audience was frightened to shut up.

Master Mo snorted and was about to leave and announced that the game would continue, but at this moment, Shen Baidao also stood up and questioned the referees.

"Wait a minute, I also doubt your fairness now."

Master Zimo looked at Shen Baidao coldly. If it weren't for Shen Baidao's jihad player, I'm afraid Master Zimo had already acted on Shen Baidao now.

Master Mo suppressed the unhappiness in his heart and asked Shen Baidao to express his doubts.

"Since you are saying that you are fair and just, why don't you say the names in the first four barrels? I am a bit suspicious that the small **** we shot before are all written with the names of midweek."

Shen Baidao's suspicion was not without reason, and the original master who was still a little angry at the end was slightly relieved.

However, it was the people in the referee team that did not do well, which made other players suspicious.

"Since contestant Shen Baidao has doubts, our referee team will naturally cooperate with you to let you know if we collude with other people like you said."

"But before the proof, I also thought of an idea."

"Let’s not talk about the midweek bye for now, it’s better to make arrangements for your next players."

"Don't you want to see the names of the **** in the remaining barrels? How about this, barrel number one, barrel number two, let's decide your random in this order, how do you feel?"

Master Zimo has recovered his calm, watching Shen Baidao and other players ask questions, soliciting their opinions.

"If you don't do anything, I'm fine."

Shen Baidao didn't even think about giving the answer directly.

Others agree.

In fact, Shen Baidao regretted it when he asked the question just now. The fairness of jihad has never been questioned. This time he publicly doubted it was indeed a wise move.

But being in a bye in the middle of the week did make Shen Baidao a little skeptical.

"If this is the case, then you should read the name inside by yourself, lest we have to make people doubt it again."

Since Shen Baidao was the one who raised the question, he was the first to prove it.

Take out the small ball in the first bucket and then take out the note inside, with Zhang Poshi's name impressively written on it.

Shen Baidao couldn't hold back his face, but he still read it out.

If I remember correctly, the ball in the first bucket should have been thrown in by Lu Ying, which also confirmed the randomness of choosing a bye.

"Shen Baidao, since you raised the question, please read the name in the bucket behind you, too."

Although Shen Baidao didn't want to, he still did the same, saying everyone's names at once.

The name in the second bucket is Shen Baidao, which means that he himself will play against Zhang Poshi, and the rest Xue Wangchen will play against Lu Ying.

Although the result is already known, in order to ensure fairness, Shen Baidao still read the names in the upper and lower buckets in turn.

After learning that his opponent was Xue Wangchen, Lu Ying smiled awkwardly, but he was already content to make it into the top five.

"Do you have other objections now?"

The Master finally looked at everyone.

"Since there is no, then the game will continue, Shen Baidao, break the momentum, prepare for the game, the rules are the same as before, and one side loses combat effectiveness, the game will be settled."

Shen Baidao looked at Zhou Zhong with a sad expression, and felt that God was playing with him. He had worked so hard until now, but in the end, he already had the top three seats without doing anything in the middle of the week. It was really unfair.

Zhang Poshi was also depressed. He was not in a bye. His current situation is not optimistic. He consumes a lot of games against Xuan Zhong, and he is also injured. I am afraid that the hope of winning against Shen Baidao is very slim.

Xue Wangchen glanced at Lu Ying, and then ignored Ran He Ren with a calm expression, while Zhou Zhong looked at the eyes full of resentment in the audience, and there was no wave in his heart.

Liu Qingqing in the audience looked at the middle of the week with a look of yearning. Under such random conditions, the middle of the week could be the one who was bye. He was indeed the chosen son of heaven, no wonder his master paid so much attention to the middle of the week. .

The match between Shen Baidao and Zhang Poshi began.

Shen Baidao used the big handprint to attack Zhang Poshi from a distance as soon as he entered the field.

And Zhang Poshi can only be as defensive as possible.

Zhang Poshi's current mood is very upset. Among the five people, except for the midweek accident, only Lu Ying is the most confident of defeating him, but he happens to be in a match with this Shen Baidao.

Zhang Poshi is in a very bad mood, but this is already the final game. As long as he defeats Shen Baidao, he can become the top three, then his goal will be achieved.

Zhang Poshi fought hard to defend, and always paid attention to Shen Baidao's movements. As long as he was given a chance to counterattack, Zhang Poshi would attack immediately without giving Shen Baidao any chance.

And Shen Baidao is indeed lacking in interest now. It is not that Zhang Po is too weak and makes him feel free, but that no one except Zhou Zhong thinks that he can be interested.

The current Shen Baidao just wanted to get rid of Zhang Poshi as quickly as possible, and then wait for the final duel, and that was the only chance for Shen Baidao to fight Zhou Zhong.

The two fought fiercely. Although Zhang Poshi has been pressed and beaten by Shen Baidao, he also showed the strength of a veteran powerhouse, and Zhang Poshi also had a reason why he could not lose.

Put aside the revenge for Zhang's family in the middle of the week, and you can get the opportunity to understand the origin of the domain. This is an important link that can affect whether Zhang Poshi can break through the barrier of the earth emperor, so no matter how much you pay With a big price, Zhang Poshi couldn't just get used to the game.

The stubbornly defensive Zhang Po situation made Shen Baidao, who wanted to end the battle as soon as possible, annoyed.

And the more I look at Zhang Poshi, the more I feel that he is very obstructive, and he already has a desire to kill Zhang Poshi.

Shen Baidao became more and more irritable, and his attacking head became worse and worse. Suddenly the pendant on Shen Baidao's neck flickered, and Shen Baidao's irritable heart gradually calmed down.

After feeling calm down, Shen Baidao also began to get serious.

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