Super Treasure Hunter

Chapter 4888: Double kill

Zhou Zhong wanted to persuade Shen Baidao to take the initiative to abstain. Shen Baidao now has no power to fight anymore, and if he supports it, it will only cause him more damage.

However, Shen Baidao had been disturbed by the words before the middle of the week, and was completely mad, regardless of his own situation.

"In the middle of the week, you must be afraid of me when you persuade me to give up, but I won't let you succeed. It is impossible for me to give up."

Zhou Zhongyi showed his face and looked at Shen Baidao helplessly. Now Zhongzhou is really not in the mood to fight Shen Baidao. At this time, Shen Baidao is not saying that it is the middle of the week. Even the injured Liu Qingqing can easily solve him.

"Shen Baidao, don't make trouble for yourself. I advise you to admit defeat for your own good. Don't wear out my patience. At that time, if you want to admit defeat, I won't give you a chance."

Zhou Zhong's meaning is obvious, that is, he wants to let Shen Baidao make a living. Although the two of them have a little friction, they still don't have to take the other's life.

But Shen Baidao didn't care about this, even though he was injured, he still had to continue fighting with Zhou Zhong.

It’s just that Zhou Zhong is no longer interested in fighting Shen Baidao again. In order to make Zhou Zhong shot, Shen Baidao once again used his handprints, but this time it was not against Zhou Zhong, but towards Liu Qingqing in the audience.

Shen Baidao knew that the middle of the week and Liu Qingqing were together, so he wanted to use this to force him to play against him in the middle of the week.

Seeing Shen Baidao's hands on Liu Qingqing, a trace of killing intent flashed in Zhou Zhong's eyes. Without any hesitation, he immediately jumped off the ring to block Shen Baidao's supernatural powers.

Leaving the ring is equivalent to giving up the game, but it doesn't care about midweek, as long as the top three are enough.

Without waiting for the action in the middle of the week, Lu Ying had already come to Liu Qingqing's body first and resisted Shen Baidao's supernatural powers.

In the middle of the week, there was no time to thank Shen Baidao, and he was going to be beheaded.

Seeing that he was finally willing to fight himself in midweek, Shen Baidao laughed loudly, but how could Shen Baidao now be his opponent in midweek?

Just when it was about to start in the middle of the week, the pendant that was torn down by Shen Baidao suddenly brightened, and a translucent figure appeared.

"Junior stop!"

Everyone was shocked by the scene that happened before them. Unexpectedly, Shen Baidao's magic weapon was still left behind by others.

However, it was just a sense of consciousness and could not affect the game, so the referees did not intervene.

"Junior, Shen Baidao is a member of my Great Ye Shenzong. Since you have already won him, why bother to kill him? Do you know how many existences in this world that you can't afford to provoke? Leave yourself a way out."

Although Divine Sense was trying to persuade Shen Baidao not to do anything against Shen Baidao in the middle of the week, it was full of threats.

Zhou Zhong originally didn't want to kill Shen Baidao, but Shen Baidao wanted to attack Liu Qingqing once to irritate him.

Since he was so anxious to die, it was enough to satisfy him in the middle of the week.

Moreover, in the eyes of Zhong Zhou, the Great Ye Shenzong had nothing to do with him. Shen Baidao had to pay the price if he wanted to kill his friend, whether he was Great Ye Shenzong or Xiaoye Pterocarpus.

Moreover, it was just a piece of divine consciousness that wanted to make the middle of the week stop, and it didn't take it seriously.

Flicking his finger in the middle of the week, he directly smashed the pendant, then looked back at Shen Baidao, the bone sword directly cut down, and Shen Baidao's head was in a different place.

The game ended and won in midweek, but instead of leaving midweek, he jumped directly onto another intact ring and looked at Xue Wangchen, who had been waiting for a long time.

"Come on, too, don't make it so troublesome, I will take care of all of you today to save trouble."

Xue Wangchen chuckled slightly, and the audience in the audience also expressed that Zhou Zhong really didn't take Xue Wangchen seriously, thinking that by killing Shen Baidao, Xue Wangchen would have the power to fight.

All the people in the ring support Xue Wangchen, only Liu Qingqing and a few people support Zhou Zhong.

Xue Wangchen jumped directly onto the ring, and Xue Wangchen, who had been waiting for a long time, was a little impatient.

However, what happened in the middle of the week just now made Xue Wangchen have to say a few more words.

"In the middle of the week, Shen Baidao is just a trash with an unsound mind in my eyes. Don't think that you are qualified to stand in front of me by killing him."

"Fight with me and be prepared to die."

Zhou Zhong cast a roll of Xue Wangchen's eyes, and took the initiative to attack Xue Wangchen.

Liang Yi Bailie palms, fists to the flesh, but Xue Wangchen resolved all of it and was able to counterattack mid-week.

Xue Wangchen's no loss is known as the number one arrogant of Luzhou in the North. Compared with Shen Baidao, Xue Wangchen basically has no obvious flaws, and it makes it difficult to solve him in a short period of time in the middle of the week.

The two went back and forth, and they were inextricably fought.

Xue Wangchen also finally recognized the strength of Zhou Zhong. He originally thought that Zhou Zhong also relied on external forces to compete with himself in the free space, but now it is not like Lei.

The audience under the ring finally realized the toughness of the middle of the week, Zhang Poshi looked ugly in the audience, and it seemed that there was not much hope for revenge.

On the ring, Xue Wangchen suddenly began to think about it. It turned out that this is a magical power that Xue Wangchen has mastered a long time ago, called Qianjikou Escape.

Use unshielded messy sounds to infuse some useless information into the opponent's mind to influence the opponent's judgment.

However, Zhou Zhong's heart can be broken especially by Xiaoxiaozui.

The middle of the week was not affected, but instead seized the flaws of Xue Wangchen.

Comparable duels have very high requirements for the rhythm of the battle. Once the rhythm of a match is chaotic, then the distance to defeat is not far away.

And Zhou Zhong really caught a small flaw in Xue Wangchen, and immediately changed the two people who had the same rhythm.

In the middle of the week, he was straightforward and unforgiving, using a little advantage to immediately snowball and slowly expand his advantage.

And Xue Wangchen wanted to find the rhythm first, but it was impossible to give him this opportunity in the middle of the week. A stormy attack in the middle of the week made Xue Wangchen completely lose control of the battle.

The battle experience of midweek was also vividly displayed at this time. After establishing an advantage, midweek used the extraordinary powerful body and surging energy to continue to suppress Xue Wangchen.

Under this circumstance, the energy and physical strength that Xue Wangchen would consume to maintain the status quo in the middle of the period were much greater than that of the middle of the week.

And the war of attrition with Xue Wangchen began in the middle of the week.

Xue Wangchen had all his cards, and the same was true in Zhou Zhong. Xue Wangchen, who had to turn defeat into victory, failed in the end.

Finally, it was placed in the hands of the middle of the week, but only once in the middle of the week did not intend to let Xue Wangchen go.

In the middle of the week, Xue Mingchang, the head of the Xue family, ended the life of Xue Wangchen.

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