…Barberis knew that Orlock Merkas must have heard of it by now, because the spy had reported the approach of the Imperial fleet.

He has spies everywhere.

Although there is no evidence, he himself determined that he had ordered the assassination of other thieves, not

This is so because he is worried about what they will learn, because he is worried about what they might learn. Believe

His army is winning the war of conquest-so if people have a limited view on the meaning of "conquest"-but he must

It is very clear that those who still proudly call themselves "empires" cannot win the war against imperial power.

Unless they help, mutation will cause the slow corruption of this world.

Mercas may pretend that Gulzakandra is the last refuge of the wizards and paladins of Sigmates, but this is just

hypocritical. The governor is not a fool, he knows that the wizards and allied leaders of the state have

Just driven underground, and Sostenuto, even though it is the capital of the Sahara Desert, will never get rid of the chaotic pollution

Karazhandra and the first base for immigrant communities.

Olok Merkas thinks the meaning of the word "empire" is very simple

He himself is the planetary governor, and the administrative agency is the empire. In contrast, Lagan Barburys knew

The word empire means faith, purity and discipline, and he is very keenly aware of the vanity of describing himself as a chief

The judge, although he is the heir to a series of appointments, these appointments must begin with the real judge.

Barberis often wondered how the real interrogator would handle the status quo. Formulate his

He often asks his own strategy: "What does the First Inquisitor of Sigmatus want to achieve, and how will he do it?

Is it? \'\'Sometimes he thought he knew the answer. Usually, he knew very well that he didn't know.

The 200-year interval is too long, even if they are "real" years rather than slow local years. Too much

Lost due to important knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Descendants of the colonial crew

Do your best to learn everything the fathers taught them and pray with all your strength

belief. Every generation strives to convey the whole truth, but even the truth needs to pass

Context. When the emperor's power is not manifested every day, even the strongest faith will inevitably weaken.


Due to mechanical failure or exhaustion of the guns imported by ships, the original power of the empire has weakened.

Ammunition, but this slow decay is visible and easy to understand. Faith, purity and discipline have not fallen so much

It is easy to draw out, and more cumbersome. No one knows-not even the chief investigator himself-how much, or how much

The precise method is that the spiritual dimension of the empire has decayed during exile. Technical priests are still praying

But as the technology that prayer helps to maintain slowly decay, so does the belief in prayer.

This is why no matter what the danger increases, the dose of medicine delivered to the spy must be increased

May be involved.

If there is indeed an imperial fleet nearby, contact must be restored-otherwise everything will eventually be lost.

Barberis knew that it was necessary to conquer the war, considering the nourishment lent them by the Allied Masters of Gulzakandra.

Fleeing relatives on other four continents, but he knew it was not enough. No matter how it serves Mercas

Selfish vanity, it cannot save the dominance of the empire-if Mercas’ vanity is as great as it sometimes seems,

Fubra's victory may even contribute to the decline of the little empire.

In the long run, even if you win, you will definitely lose. The only possible thing

Preventing that is to restore contact with the empire, and Lagen Barberis is painfully aware

The opportunity opened due to the recent elimination of this war may not open for long.

Of course, there is another danger. The chief interrogator feels as keenly as anyone: If he manages to be more vigilant, there will be danger.

The true impression of the state of the transaction, the response may be the command.

However, Barberis was one of the very few people who remained in the local empire, and they were able to accept this fate with a philosophical resignation.

If deemed necessary.

Barberis thinks that maybe this is the mental danger when the priest continues to hesitate, because the medicine bottle contains medicine

In his hands-but it seems unlikely. Pastors are the kind of people who are easily frightened by obvious possibilities.

Unlike pretenders, priests are mixed. There is nothing in their names to show the difference-Pisek’s name is

-But this is indeed true.

In fact, I believe that this is likely to be the real source of the problem. 200 ships landing on

A few years ago, he was sent on an investigation mission.

Their soldiers and staff are fully staffed, but 90% of their crew are men.

The soldiers left behind many descendants, but now 99 out of every thousand have at least

There is an aboriginal mother in their lineage. Be more cautious, but cautious has its limitations

This goal can be achieved when the number of original breeding stocks is so limited. The second generation of purebred women is 50%,

This has been true for every generation since then, but the limitations of the original inventory are too strict.

According to the usual definition, "immigrant communities" are less than one-tenth of purebreds. The rest are mixed-races-

The vast majority of marginal combatants and privileged servants do not exceed one-eighth or one-sixteenth of the true number

Emperor blood. The pastor is only a quarter.

"Do it," Barberis ordered harshly.

Can't hesitate forever, he knows.

The priest finally succumbed to reaching out his thin arm, causing the claw-like hand to push the vial to the lips of the pretender. Pretender's

He closed his eyes. Although he didn’t seem to be asleep, when the rim of the vial touched his flesh, he raised it.

His head is slightly, eager to drink.

Drugs have made this little elf's mental state turbulent. Now his senses don’t respond to it

A small part of the secular world is confined to monks’ cells, but they become highly concerned about another person

A world that exists parallel to normal time and space.

In other respects, Barberis was relieved by his teacher, his vision was greatly improved, and even

It is possible to clearly see the entire void in order to observe the world of other stars. More importantly, the way of men

Speak his thoughts silently in his own head so that he can say those thoughts

Go straight into another person's mind and listen to thoughts thousands, millions, or billions of miles away.

That is necessary. This thoroughbred Pisek must keep in touch with people of his own kind, although

The demand is not absolute-a ship of the Royal Fleet is close enough to arrive in a few hours.

The elf drank and the room became cold. The glass bottle in his hand broke, and the priest put it down to prevent it from breaking.

The priest's hand was shaking, as if being shaken by external forces. Barberis feels Friesen penetrated

His own body caused his blood to ooze out of his veins, and abnormal emotions agitated in his heart. He fights for self-control.

Although Barberis never knew exactly what was needed, he still knew what he needed.

Increasing the chance of success is greater than decreasing the likelihood of success.

After the drug took effect, the pretender's face began to twist.

Sweat began to seep from the pores on his forehead and cheeks, his eyeballs slamming wildly behind the closed eyelids. Cairo

Raise a trembling arm on his face so that the sleeve can wipe his nose-but it's something stained with blood instead of snot


"I told you," the frightened priest murmured, without any complacency. ``All you have to do is expose him to

Hell world.

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