Super Tycoon

Chapter 332: The Selling Point of the Magazine

Liu Cunzhi, formerly an editor-in-chief of the Youth Digest magazine. But now, he is the editor-in-chief of the Game and Culture Magazine, and his salary has been increased by 50%.

He not only came here by himself, but also brought three subordinates, and presided over the recruitment of two fresh graduates. This is the backbone team of Future Magazine.

The magazine has been collecting some materials before, including translating some foreign magazine materials, and Liu Cunzhi also participated in the battle himself. But today, he was fidgeting in the office.

After a while, he heard a knock on the door, and immediately stood up and went to open the door, and saw the young and over-the-top boss.


"Well, I see that everyone is busy. The work has already started? When will the first issue be released?" Zhang Yang sat on the sofa and asked with a smile.

"Boss, do you have a request for how often our magazine will be published?"

"No, but the intervals should not be too long. Is it difficult to issue once a month?" If it is made into an annual publication, it will be boring, and it will not achieve the effect of advertising.

"Well, it's definitely okay at the beginning, but it's hard to have so much content in the future. Our magazine is mainly divided into several sections."

"The first one is to publish the content of the latest game. This part of the future plan is to generate income, which is a kind of advertisement. There are new games launched every month, and the content is not difficult. It's just that no one spends money on advertising for the time being, so My plan is to first publish some game content independently developed by Zhiduoxing Company.”

"The second is the promotion of game consoles, including the performance, price, and purchase channels of game consoles, which can also generate income in the future. The current problem is the same as the above, and only Zhiduoxing can only be published."

Liu Cunzhi still has some things to say, even in the future, he can only publish Zhi Duoxing. As a magazine under Zhiduoxing Company, is it appropriate to publish game console advertisements from other companies?

"The third is to interpret some masterpieces of games, including some game guides, and some game records, etc. This part is difficult to generate income, and it is also one of our core selling points."

Publish some strategies above to attract consumers to buy. Help some people to pass many difficult levels, so that they can play more happily.

"Fourth, my plan is to comment on some games that have been criticized by players. This can resonate with players, and at the same time help Zhiduoxing to fight against competitors. This part is also not profitable."

"But now the content is easy to find,

It is also possible to reprint the content of some foreign magazines, but it is difficult to achieve once a month. I figured it out, unless the number of pages of the magazine is reduced, then the pricing will be lowered again, and it will be more difficult to make profits in the future. "

A magazine needs more than 20 sheets of paper, and if it is front and back, it is about fifty pages. Excluding the cover, back cover, and some advertisements, the main content must be forty pages, right?

Even if some small jokes and the like can be added here, it can only take up one or two pages at most. How much content do we need for the remaining pages?

The font of the magazine should not be too large, otherwise it will give others a feeling that there is little content, and people will feel that the magazine will be finished in a short time without reading it.

If it is a clothing magazine or something, more pictures can be added to it. In their game magazine, there can be some screenshots of the game, but how many can there be, it can't be all of them, right?

The magazine can temporarily accept being unprofitable, but it will remain unprofitable for a long time. Will the boss be happy? His salary is not low, and he doesn't want to lose his job after working here for a year. When he returns to the original magazine in despair, I'm afraid there will be no place for him.

Zhang Yang thought about some game magazines he had read in his previous life, and there were many contents that Liu Cunzhi had not mentioned.

"Old Liu, some interesting content can be added here. For example, some players complain about the game, and through the players' mouths, they say some shortcomings of the game, which makes people feel lively and interesting."

"There are also some screenshots of the game. You can replace the dialogue in it, so that it can be turned into a comic. Comics, jokes, etc., everyone likes to read it now, right?"

"For example, in some shooting or adventure games, game characters are always easy to die. This kind of collection can create a collection of fancy deaths, so that players can find resonance."

Liu Cunzhi: "???"

Fancy Death Collection? Can you still do this? Will anyone like it?

"There can also be some short stories about playing games, such as a young man and woman who are playing Zhiduoxing Z2 on the train. At this time, they chat slowly and find that they work in the same city again, and finally reaped a happy life. love."

"We are a magazine, not news in a newspaper, so we can write some small stories for readers to entertain. This kind of story, it is best to have a happy ending."

"Of course, you can also solicit from other readers. You are familiar with this aspect, so I won't say more."

It's not difficult to play a small story triggered by the game. How many stories just need to switch the background and the way of meeting, it is a brand new story.

You said there is overlap with other stories? Any similarity is purely coincidental!

"You can also publish photos of some characters on it. I'm not talking about game characters, but game characters played by real people. For example, many people know that the prototypes of the characters in the Contra series are Schwarzenegger and Stallone, but people who imitate them And there are many."

"However, imitating a tough guy is actually not easy. Most of the characters in the game don't have particularly clear facial features. Through makeup techniques and costume props, people can feel very similar."

"This kind of imitation, known abroad, is a recent activity. It was originally popular in animation, and now it has also expanded to games."

"We can also hold some activities, such as imitating the most similar ones, and we can get some bonuses or prizes."

"Besides, you can't just focus on the games on the game consoles. There are also computer games. The development speed of this part of the market in China is faster than that of game console games."

"In our country, the number of computers is not weaker than that of game consoles. If you leave out 8-bit machines and computer learning machines, then the number of computers is far more than that of new game consoles."

"Computer games are something that people can secretly play at work. Of course, we do not recommend or encourage this kind of behavior."

"That's all I can think of for the time being. You can also look at the popular pages in foreign magazines. For this magazine, my request to you is to allow losses in the first year, to keep capital in the second year, and to start in the third year. profit."

"What request do you have, just say it, and I will solve it for you!"

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