Super Tycoon

Chapter 517 The gap is getting bigger and bigger

When Zhang Yang was playing games every day, gBa was officially launched. After getting the sales report for the first week, he stopped paying attention and continued to play games.

The legend developed by the Zhiduoxing Group was quite different from what he remembered, which gave him a sense of freshness. Although the screen cannot be compared with the games on Zhiduoxing g2, it has more changes, bigger maps, and more online people at the same time.

Occasionally PK with people and cut them down, Zhang Yang still feels very happy.

The reason why Zhang Yang is so relaxed is because the sales volume of gBa is very low. The sales volume of z4 has already exceeded 10 million units, and it is heading towards 20 million units.

Including the pre-orders, gBa sold only 1.2 million units in the first week, which is still a global sales volume.

For the global synchronization of gBa, Nintendo has increased a lot of R\u0026D expenses and spent more publicity funds, thinking that this product can be popular, but they did not expect the data to be so poor.

In the past, Nintendo's gB was only able to create a sales volume of hundreds of thousands of units a week in the island country or North America. The two markets combined could exceed one million in a week.

Now it is the global market, there is only so much, and it is still a reservation, which means that gBa has lost.

Nintendo is a little confused. Obviously their publicity is very good. There are also sequels to the series of games. They also bought many popular 32-bit games and ported them to the gBa. Why do consumers still not like them?

He overlooked one thing. At the beginning, Zhiduoxing g started with 32-bit games, and only made 2D games, and there were no 3D masterpieces. Because of the fun of 2D games, it surpassed Sunny Ps1, Nintendo n64, and stepped on 3Do and Saturn, because they made 2D games to the extreme at that time.

In terms of the 32-bit game camp, Nintendo is at an absolute disadvantage compared to Zhiduoxing, especially for 2D games, which Suony can't match.

Nintendo has lowered the price of the handheld, but the price of the game cannot be lowered, because the price they bought is high. No way, in order to expand its game camp, Nintendo has to do some business at a loss, so it also needs to rely on prices to make up for losses.

However, the price of the games on the Zhiduoxing z4 is relatively cheap, and the quality of the CF card used for storage is also better, and it can be formatted and used in other places.

What's more, the design of z4 is extremely novel. How many people say that this design is worth fifty dollars. So even if the price is high, they are willing, and the screen is even bigger.

Nintendo originally thought on the 32-bit handheld,

Make up the gap between gBc and z3 before, and let people re-recognize their status as the king of handhelds.

Even this time, gBa also used the strategy of linking with ngc, which cost a lot more in development costs, but it still failed.

It can be seen from the first week's sales that everyone doesn't care too much about the linkage, because there are not many players who originally bought NGC, and the overlord of 128-bit video game consoles is still Zhiduoxing g2.

Can linkage with failed products drive sales?

The markets for video game consoles and handheld consoles are inherently different. Although linkage is a feature, it doesn't hurt to not have it. What's more, Nintendo still has those game characters, such as Super Mario, constantly, and everyone is getting tired of playing.

It's just a game where a villain breaks through the levels. Every plot is similar, so how attractive can it be?

Zhiduoxing’s games are different, such as KoF, which adds some new characters and teams every year to give you some surprises. At the same time, there are comics, animations and other stories to make everyone like it more.

Although KoF series animations are no longer profitable at this time, they can maintain the popularity of KoF games, and some peripheral dolls and clothing can also bring profits to the company.

This is the advantage of own copyright management, related derivative income will last for a long time, and can also prolong the life of copyright.

The cost of 32-bit games of Zhiduoxing is relatively cheap, so it can be sold cheaply. Everyone knows that when selling a handheld, it is impossible to only play one game all the time, and always have to buy new games. So is it cheap and fun to buy games, or is it expensive and more ordinary to buy games?

So this time Nintendo's plan to regain its position on the handheld can already be declared a failure.

The gap between z3 and gBc was not that big before, but this time gBa was launched later, and the gap between z4 has widened. Many professional media have said that z4 will occupy 70% of the 32-bit handheld market.

This was seen by Sega Bandai, but Isao Okawa disagreed. What's going on with those media, they all said that Sega Bandai will launch a new handheld this year, but you didn't count our sales at all?

Zhiduoxing z4 sold 30 million+, Nintendo sold 12 million+, so we can't sell one?

Compared with Sunny, Sega Bandai has experience in developing handheld devices and related technologies. As long as you purchase suitable electronic components and assemble them, it can be a handheld.

They have also planned that the screen size should be comparable to that of the Zhiduxing Z4, the use time will be longer than that of Nintendo, and the game price will be similar to that of Zhiduxing. on the handheld.

Isao Okawa also adjusted his psychological expectations. He hoped that the new handheld could sell 20 million units, guaranteeing no loss, and then mainly to accumulate successful experience to prepare for the next generation of research and development.

After all, all of Sega's previous handhelds failed, and none of them made money. There is also the painful experience of the color screen machine being defeated by the black and white screen handheld machine.

On Suni's side, Kutaragi Ken personally watched the company's handheld development progress. They also planned very well. For the first time to release a handheld, they don't expect it to be a big hit, but they just need to keep their capital.

In terms of the price of the machine, it can be reduced appropriately. After all, they still have the copyright of many 32 games, and they can still pay back the cost by relying on the games.

When they first made 32-bit game consoles, they thought that one day they would make 32-bit handhelds, but they didn’t expect this day to come so fast, and the progress of hardware technology is getting faster and faster.

Sonny's idea is very simple. We will try to launch a handheld device at the end of this year or early next year to test the market, and then make up for some shortcomings based on market feedback.

There is no one game console that everyone likes, and no one can say that it has no shortcomings. What Sunny wants to do is to be the most powerful game console at the same time.

Souni even has an idea that they can combine other electronic products with the handheld game console to add new functions, so that the price of the handheld game console can also be increased.

Hardware doesn't make money, that's what Nintendo thinks, their Ps2 is so expensive, can't they sell it? Although the sales are not as good as g2, but making money, the research and development costs will be recovered soon, and the production cost will be lower and lower in the future, and the profit margin will be higher and higher.

Now that Sunny has entered the game industry, he will never miss the handheld game console. At the beginning, Suuni could start from scratch and gain a firm foothold on the video game console, so he must be able to succeed on the handheld!

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