Super Tycoon

Chapter 557 Games can also be retro

"The president is going to give us a game planning meeting today, do you know what it is?"

"I don't know, I just said that all planning must be participated in. I also asked everyone to think about their favorite old games and favorite old objects."

In fact, many people are a little confused. It is understandable to think about their favorite old games. They are game planners, and they must understand the characteristics of all popular games and use them to make use of them.

But the scope of favorite old objects is too broad, what does it have to do with games? What does it have to do with them?

Entering the large conference room, there were already many people sitting inside, and they found seats in the back row to sit down. There were only two microphones on the stage, and there should be only the president and vice president Li.

Looking at the time, there were still ten minutes before the meeting. Li Junsheng went downstairs with a small notebook and entered the conference room. The company's game planners are all here, including some programmers who are interns and rotated.

Li Junsheng knocked on the microphone: "Everyone be quiet, wait for the president."

One minute before the meeting, Zhang Yang appeared at the door, still holding nothing in his hand, as if he never used scripts for his speeches.

Sitting on the stage, the time was just right, Zhang Yang looked around: "Unknowingly, our company's game development team is getting bigger and bigger, I'm very happy to see this."

"Everyone is a game planner, some are solely responsible for the main planner of a game, some are executive planners, and some are just job rotation internships, and the majors are not considered counterparts."

"But everyone must understand that no one who plays games is a game major. Many games are not made by professional game planners."

"It is not uncommon to make some outstanding performances in non-professional fields. I am not a student of animation or programming. For example, I am not good at your mainstream art, computer, and other related majors."

"Mr. Li didn't make games before, but he was a very hard-working programmer. He worked a lot and didn't make money."

Li Junsheng shook his head and smiled bitterly, and some programmers in the audience couldn't help laughing.

"So everyone, don't be afraid of not doing a good job, read more, learn more, and think more. This is a job that requires creativity, and you must also be careful."

"I informed everyone yesterday that I asked everyone to go back to take up a little personal time at night, think about your favorite old game, think about your favorite old objects, and everyone already has the answer in their hearts?"

In fact, when many people think,

There are many things that come to mind, but the first thing that comes to mind must be the one that I particularly like and have a deep impression on me.

When Zhang Yang thought of old games, his first reaction was Contra. When I think of an arcade, my first reaction is KoF, when I think of an actor, my first reaction is Cang...

"Let's talk about old objects first. What is an old object? It can be a piece of jewelry, a piece of clothing, a decoration, or something commemorative."

"But no matter what it is, this thing must have a deep impression and memory in our own hearts."

"Most of you are male colleagues. I don't know if you read some fashion magazines. But at least you will read some other people's outfits, and hope that you can look so handsome when you wear them?"

"Have you found that there is a fashion trend called retro style? That is, some old design styles are refurbished to make them popular again."

Many people suddenly realized that yes, they hadn't noticed it before, but the retro style is really blowing up. The theme that the president wants to tell them today is retro?

When it comes to games, is it to redevelop some old game copyrights?

The company has also had relevant successful experience, such as redeveloping the copyright of eT, and the game is very popular in North America. It's not a series, but it always gives players a somewhat familiar feeling, which naturally attracts the interest of many players.

"I think everyone understands now. What I want to say is to develop some retro-style games. It doesn't mean that the graphics and plots are the same as the old games, but it still needs to go through some modern processing."

"Today's technology is better and the equipment is better. The graphics of the game must become more refined. Everyone can understand this. In terms of game plot, many old games are relatively simple, so we will enrich it."

"But it can't be too much. Many gamers don't have the patience to read so many text introductions, and they don't have the patience to watch the dialogues of nPCs. After all, the pace of life now is much faster than ten years ago."

"My request is just one point. The new game developed will give everyone a sense of familiarity. I always feel that it is similar to some games I have played before, but it is more fun, and it is not the same."

"Some games can be derived from our copyrights and developed again. They can also imitate other companies' games, giving a new character and a new background."

"This involves bypassing the other party's copyright issue to avoid legal disputes. We also need to study the areas that were criticized by players in their games at the beginning. We must make up for it and not fall into the same pit."

"Take this game plan in my hand as an example. A web game is also the new research and development direction of several R\u0026D teams in the company. Many domestic game companies are also doing research and development in this area."

"I don't talk about the advantages and disadvantages of web games, I only talk about the content. How to make this game attractive, so that more players like it and are willing to pay for it."

"The payment method can be a time card, a VIP top-up, etc., or selling props, equipment, gold coins, etc. inside."

"This is a level-breaking game. Characters can wear equipment, so we can make some familiar settings on the equipment."

"For example, this wooden sword can be changed to a mahogany sword. When I say this, what is the first thing everyone thinks of when they hear a mahogany sword?"


"Catch zombies!"

someone shouted from below.

"That's right. Many of you have seen ghost movies and zombie movies. There are mahogany swords and copper coin swords in them. How can we make some distinctions."

"For example, a century-old mahogany sword, a thousand-year mahogany sword, and a ten-thousand-year mahogany sword. There can also be some fairy swords recorded in Taoist classics, which make people feel powerful when they hear their names."

"Does this game look complicated? In fact, as long as the zombie kings and zombies in the legendary game are transplanted into this game, they can be regarded as monsters, and seeing these familiar monsters can make many people feel familiar. "

"We have to learn to integrate some different elements into a game. This element does not have to be innovative. Retro is good, and it can attract many middle-aged players. The advantage of middle-aged players is that they have certain economic strength. ..."

Zhang Yang talked eloquently for more than half an hour. He saw that many people were lowering their heads to record something, and some began to discuss in a low voice. He knew that what he wanted to remind was enough, and the rest was left to these professional planners.

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