Super Tycoon

Chapter 583: Put Ru0026D in China

"Zhang, Intel's strategy has been adjusted, and it should be because it knows that it was cheated by ati."

On the phone, Jason Huang's voice was very excited. You, Intel, want to team up with Ati to pit us at Eagle Weida, but now you are at a disadvantage, right?

He didn't pay much actual benefits to ati, but he just shared his interests with the other party, and the two sides temporarily united. Jointly publicize the advantages of independent display and squeeze the living space of integrated graphics.

In fact, the production cost of integrated graphics is lower, and often includes sound cards, network cards, etc. on the motherboard, which has good compatibility, low energy consumption, and low cost. After all, not everyone has particularly high requirements for graphics card performance.

However, integrated graphics cards generally have low performance and occupy memory and CPU performance, so they are not suitable for playing some large-scale games, and the current interface standards are different from those of independent graphics cards.

When Eagle Weida implemented the new interface standard, ati originally did not support it, but now it is united with Eagle Weida, and everyone promotes the same graphics card interface standard, which has been accepted by major motherboard manufacturers.

As a result, Intel suffered even more. They had to change the interface standard to meet the requirements of motherboard manufacturers and facilitate users to replace high-performance independent graphics cards by themselves.

It was also ati's support of Eagle Weida's standards that dealt a heavy blow to Intel. Whoever sets the standard can take the initiative. Now that Intel's standard has been replaced, it is naturally at a disadvantage.

"It doesn't matter, this matter can't be hidden. I just want to tell Intel, don't think about targeting us. If Intel dares to burn money to compete, it will only hurt both sides."

Intel has strong assets, but Zhang Yang is not afraid. When necessary, it is also possible for Eagle Weida to introduce other shareholders. Many people have come to inquire about investment and shareholding before, and many people can see the potential of Eagle Weida.

It's just that those people's shareholding conditions are not high, far inferior to Zhang Yang's, so Jason Huang didn't agree, and he didn't want his shares to be diluted again.

Now Eagle Weida has sufficient funds for its operations, its debt ratio is low, and there are still many orders, making money is not a problem. The most important thing is to improve technology. With better technology, we can get more orders.

"Zhang, I'll deposit the 300 million bridging funds into your account?"

"The bank loan has been approved? You can enter the account of Blu-ray Investment. In my name, entrust them to invest. The funds previously lent to Yingweida were also disbursed from their account."

"Then I also hand over the stock certificates worth 30 million US dollars to Blu-ray Investment for custody?"


Jason Huang had never paid attention to Blu-ray Investment before, but when he borrowed money last time, he discovered that Blu-ray Investment was already very famous in the New York financial market.

It is said that during the stock market crash last year, they shorted the stocks of many companies and made a lot of money. And the big boss behind Blu-ray Investment is Zhang Yang.

Some people even said that Zhang Yang was the mastermind behind that incident, at least he knew the news, otherwise why would the investment company under his name sell short the stocks of those companies so quickly?

But someone did some research. In the past two or three months, Zhang Yang invested in many manufacturing industries with a long payback period. If Zhang Yang really knew the news, he should have invested all of it in the financial market.

The financial market can bring double or even more profits in a few months, and the manufacturing industry is far from reaching this standard. It may really be just a coincidence, or the manager Will is lucky and talented.

In fact, Zhang Yang himself did not expect that Will could do so well and help him earn so much money.

"Jason, how do you plan the joint work of cpu and gpu? Did Sanders say anything?" Zhang Yang asked.

"Not yet, we are in the process of merging the two companies, which is expected to be completed in April,

Stock trading will resume in May at the latest. We have talked about the apu project before, but with the current technology, the performance may not be very strong. "

"We are thinking about working out the product structure first, and strive to complete this project within five years. And we need to establish a separate R\u0026D center and choose the right person in charge."

"Jason, have you considered placing APU R\u0026D on China's side? Originally, Chaowei and Eagle Weida both had R\u0026D centers on China's side. Now that they have merged, the two R\u0026D centers can also be merged."

"They used to do some secondary work, and now they are solely responsible for the research and development of APU, do you think it's okay?"

This is Zhang Yang's idea for a long time, but he never said it. Important technology research and development is placed in the United States, so when will Huaxia grow up?

Apu will also have a wide range of applications in the future. Although the performance may be weak on PCs, it is definitely first-class when used on tablets, mobile phones, and game consoles. It can also be used on products such as learning machines and translators, and the profit is definitely not low.

Zhang Yang also plans to put Chaowei's microprocessor research and development in China. He discussed this with Sanders before, and Sanders did not refuse.

China's research and development costs are lower, which can also save Chaowei a lot of money. Chaowei wants to surpass Intel in cpu, so it must save what can be saved, otherwise it will not be enough when the money is really used.

"Put the research and development of apu in the Huaxia R\u0026D Center? I think it is feasible. Anyway, this project cannot be completed in a short time, so you can try it first. If the architecture plan is successful, then invest more manpower and material resources to speed up the research and development progress, and strive for the fastest possible roll out."

Jason Huang didn't think the apu would have a wide range of applications. He thought it would be used on game consoles, just like a microprocessor specially designed for handhelds.

This is mainly used by Zhiduoxing Group and companies in island countries. Of course, it is more appropriate to put it in Huaxia for R\u0026D and production.

Moreover, Jason Huang also has opinions on Sanders, and intends to cooperate more with Zhang Yang. In the future, he will push Sanders down. Now of course he has to show Zhang Yang some favors.

"If you agree, it's easy to say. I'll call Sanders later to settle the matter. Let someone bring the research materials of your two companies to Huaxia. This work will be carried out as soon as possible. If it is completed one day earlier, it will make money for the company one day earlier.”

The next day, Sanders received a call from Zhang Yang and learned that Jason Huang had agreed to put the research and development of APU in China's R\u0026D center, and he did not object.

The representatives of the two major shareholders both agreed. Is there any use for his objection? And it's just apu, this is just a concept, anyway, it has already been said, when it is finally launched, it will also use the Chaowei brand.

It's just that he was the last to know about it, which made him somewhat unhappy. Don't forget, he is the chairman of the merged company!

All of this will be discussed after the business merger.

At the end of March, the merger between Chaowei and Eagle Weida had not yet been completed, and Forbes once again released the list of the world's richest people.

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