Super Urban Master

Vol 11 Chapter 206: Lead the war

My arrogant speech, like thunder on the ground, instantly exploded the original chilling atmosphere, and all eyes fell on me in an instant.

Even if I showed good strength, I escaped Jinwei's sword. But after all, I am not from the strong league, but from the ordinary people, plus my points ranked low, so most people regard me as the same kind.

They subconsciously think that I am speaking for them, so most people are not hostile to me, and even silently support me in their hearts, waving the flag for me, and eager for me to create miracles.

But the strong alliance is different. The reason why they are strong is not only their superior strength, they also have an arrogant heart.

At this time, someone provoked them, even if they showed their strength, they also aroused their anger.

In an instant, those strong men of the strong men's alliance sacrificed magical weapons, with an aura of power to destroy me.

The third strongest Jinwei was even more angry, and returned without success, making him completely lose face. So he pinched the sword with the sword in his hand, trying to prove himself again.

While lifting the sword to attack me again, Jin Wei said angrily: "So there were two things, but I underestimated you!"

"Boy, I was careless just now, but with your strength, I want to overturn the rules we set. It's still far away! Take your life!"

When Jinwei finished speaking, when his sword pierced me, at the same time, several other powerful men also showed their magical powers, killing me one after another.

They belong to the same camp, and they represent the strong. Naturally, no one is allowed to provoke them.

But before these attacks came to me, before I counterattacked, Shen Wen shot.

He wanted to test me, but he still had to behave. He was also afraid that I was really angry.

Shen Wen had the strength above them, and soon helped me stop those attacks.

"Who, who is not long-eyed wanting to die together?"

Seeing that his attack was stopped, Jinwei was furious.

But soon Shen Wen appeared. He stood in front of the strong men and also appeared in front of me.

Seeing that it was Shen Wen's move, Jin Wei was relieved, and immediately said: "It turns out that Lord 1111 made the move. Then there is nothing to do with us. Let this guy who doesn't know the height and the earth see what the real strong is, and realize that he is really strong. Who is it!"


After Jin Weigang finished speaking, Shen Wen Jiqi slapped him with a big slap.

"Who is he? He is the existence I want to look up to! You are the one who doesn't know how high the sky is!" Shen Wen scolded angrily.

Jin Wei was stunned by Shen Wen's words, everyone was stunned, even the three-eyed man who had never taken a shot couldn't help frowning.

"My lord, are you planning to fight for the king? Then I am willing to give up this position to you, but 007 is better than me, and I can't convince him to let him out. Therefore, it may be necessary for you to compete with him, or else just Can you vote together."

Shen Wen said in a very respectful tone, in fact, deliberately lifting the sedan chair, wanting the three-eyed man to fight me.

Soon, some people in the crowd remembered something and said: "9527, it's the mysterious 9527!"

"Yes, it's him, the man who is unfathomable in the legend. He used to be a short-lived man. He thought it was just a meteor. It seems that he is really hidden and hidden!"

"Fight! If you can win first, all of us will vote for him!"

When the crowd was enthusiastic, the three-eyed man also walked in front of me.

Not only is he strong, but obviously he is also very active. He quickly understood it. First, he looked at Shen Wen and said coldly, "1111, are you kidding me?"

Shen Wen immediately said: "Master 9527 is indeed very strong, I am not a fool, but if he wants to be the king of our southeast region, I really have to give in. I advise you to let it out too, you are very strong, but In my opinion, it is not his opponent!"

The three-eyed man was also aroused, and he looked at me and said, "Oh, let's fight! I want to see what you can do!"

After finishing speaking, he exploded the star core, and he was indeed a three-star world master, one star higher than Shen Wen.

I also exploded the star core, just like before conquering Shen Wen, the vast nine galaxies instantly made the three-eyed man appear humble.

However, as I expected, the three-eyed man did not succumb, even if he saw my star core with his own eyes, he still did not regress.

He even burned more and more intent to fight, and said excitedly: "Okay! Okay! I didn't expect that there will be a peak world leader in the Star Yao Competition! We three-eyed people have been evolving in battle all their lives. Today, let me see if you really have it. Match the strength of the pinnacle master! It's still an embroidered pillow that can help you grow!"

He obviously had doubts about my strength, but he didn't doubt the star fruit, but thought that I might be a level that was forced out by the tonic. Presumably this is also Shen Wen behind the scenes.

Shen Wen wanted to see all this. After all, he didn't really fight with me before, so he planned all of this and led this three-eyed man to fight with me, just to see how good I was.

The three-eyed man closed his eyes, and opened the third eye on his forehead. He rushed towards me at a speed that was hard to catch with the naked eye.

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