Super Weapon Exchange System

Chapter 2523: Shoot down B-2

The B-2 bomber continued to fly steadily while making the final preparations before launch. To bomb the target, it did not throw a bomb over the target's head, because after the bomb went out, it would still fly forward, so it needs to have An advance amount, the higher the altitude, the greater the advance amount, and after the bombs fly out, due to various effects of the air, they may deviate from the target. This is also the reason why throwing free-fall bombs always misses the target in the previous era. .

In fact, even now, although the accuracy of bombing can be greatly improved with the help of computers, the flying of free-fall bombs is uncontrollable, so there will still be errors. However, the low-cost precision-guided bomb JDAM has not officially entered The equipment sequence, even the advanced B-2 bomber, either uses cruise missiles or this ordinary aerial bomb. They have no choice.

The higher the altitude, the farther the throw distance in advance. Therefore, if you want to improve the accuracy, you have to lower the flying altitude. For example, now, the B-2 bomber has lowered its altitude to one kilometer, and it doesn’t care that it will be attacked. , Its stealth is impeccable, and now, the B-2 bomber has entered the final attack range.

"Attention, prepare to drop the bomb!" Ted shouted, and at the same time, he pressed the weapon release button.

His button is only to allow launching. In fact, everything is automatic. The precise bombing device will calculate various data, and then drop the bomb at the most precise moment.

"Boom." The bomb bay opened. At this moment, strong electromagnetic waves radiated to the fly swatter radar, and the high-speed computer system immediately began to calculate. Almost at the same time, the target data became accurate.

launch missile!

Everything is automated, no instructions are needed anymore, just after calculating the target data here, the Hongqi 9 missile flew into the sky!

When exporting, the Kaishan missile was used, which was a low-level model, and the most advanced surface-to-air missile in Han was secretly tested here. It is hoped that this actual combat will be used for testing. Of course, for various purposes, this interception unit is not fully equipped. There is only one missile launcher, six bombs, and it does not have continuous combat capability, and it does not need it. They are here to test their own side in actual combat. The performance of the equipment is not really to help the date palm country fight.

The two Hongqi 9 missiles dragged a long tongue of flame and flew toward the target. Because they are guided by the meter wave radar, they will not trigger the radar warning receiver on the opposite side. Any airborne radar warning receiver has the same beam range. Will not expand to the order of Meepo.

The missile dragged the flames, with everyone's expectation, jumped into the sky, and then, near the target, a precise explosion occurred.


Relying on command guidance, it is always inferior to the missile's own radar to lock the target. However, the warhead of the Hongqi 9 missile with a huge charge is enough to make up for the accuracy gap. Countless fragments flew around and splashed into the B-2 bomber. Suddenly, pieces of skin were lifted up on the fuselage.

Of course, the skin of this weird bomber will not be made of aluminum alloy. It uses a special composite material. To put it simply, it can be said to be plastic. When it encounters flying debris, suddenly, Pieces of skin were lifted up, and then some fragments hit the fuel tank. The gurgling fuel poured out and white smoke emerged. The flame suddenly formed from the end of the white smoke. A black bomber suddenly formed. Become blood red!


By this time, Ted knew that there was an accident and didn't need to react at all. He pulled the ejection handle under his seat.

Different airplanes have different ejection methods. Most fighter jets eject the cockpit without the canopy. The cockpit of his bomber is closed. When they board the airplane, they follow the ladder from the belly of the plane. Climbing in, now, there was a banging sound above his head, and the fragile hatch on the top was smashed. Then, a huge thrust came from the seat, pushing him up and out of the plane.

On his side, George was also ejected a few seconds later.

After the huge overload disappeared, the two of them opened their parachutes over their heads. As they slowly descended, they watched the B-2 bomber under their feet. It had fallen to the ground, and the wreckage continued to burn.

They were shot down, yes, they confirmed that during the final attack, their aircraft did not have any mechanical failures, not only their B-2, but the previous F-117 was also shot down. Yes, they are sure!

But now, what should they do? They find a place to hide and try to wait until their rescue team comes. If they are caught by the date palms, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Evacuate." At this time, just after the bomber was shot down, the position just set up was quickly preparing for the retreat. The fly swatter was recovered, the missile launcher was recovered, and various cables were recovered. Within a few minutes, just The anti-aircraft missile position that was still waiting for it had disappeared, heading towards the direction where the wreckage fell.

At this time, the bomb dropped by the B-2 bomber had also exploded over the first target. The capital of the Date Palm Nation suffered a blow from the Eagle Nation!

Not only the capital of the date palm country, but other air force bases have also been attacked. MK84 bombs landed from the sky and landed on their strongest hangar fortress, exploding the airport terribly, especially Yes, among ordinary bombs, cluster bombs are also included!

Since the date palm country bombed the base of the eagle country with cluster bombs, the people of the eagle country also attacked the base of the date palm country with a tooth for a tooth!

This is another sleepless night!

For General Schwapf, this night is difficult. They can’t fail anymore. If this attack fails again, it will definitely depress morale, and there will even be opposition in the country. Why bother Do your best to fight a war that does not belong to the Eagle Country?

"General, the bombing was successful. We have destroyed the main air base of the date palm country!" As General Schwapf was walking around impatiently, he finally got a report that satisfied him.

They dispatched the SR71 reconnaissance plane, and carried out reconnaissance immediately after the bombing. According to the infrared photos, the target was bombed horribly and destroyed the main air base of the date palm country!

After dawn, a more accurate bombing assessment will come.

"However, there was a bomber that lost contact when bombing the capital of the date palm country."

The good news has just been said, it is bad news.

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