Super Wizard

: Let me know

Everyone sees the update, one in the morning and one in the evening!

From December 12 to today, almost forty-five days, 300,000 words are updated. This update is not too short in the new book, because the nine lamps are all three thousand words in one chapter.

However, Jiudeng only discovered that the new book is now popular with the 2k party, two thousand words in one chapter, and three chapters a day...

Well, I found out that it was too late, and I was used to three thousand words. Two thousand words always felt like I couldn't finish it. In addition, the three thousand words were all scolded. Two thousand words can be imagined.

In addition, many old book friends have a worry about whether Jiu Deng's book will become a fantasy. In fact, don't worry too much about this book. This book will not leave the earth. You can rest assured.

The reason why the last book will become like this in the end, if the 15 and 16-year book friends will know, then the Internet has ushered in the most severe strikes in history, the city, especially the hardest hit area, the entire city has insufficient books to survive In one-tenth, Xiang Shi’s book was changed again and again, and it was sealed several times.

It can be said that all the authors who wrote the city at that time were ignorant, and they always feared that the book would be harmonized in the next moment.

However, when Jiu Deng started to write the outline of the photographer, he didn't even know that it would become like this. The original outline could not be used. The family background of the two heroines directly faded to the back, and the ending was completely changed.

Fortunately, after several rounds of hard work, we authors now know which taboos cannot be written and which ones will cause accidents. So when the new book starts, the background of the major characters is designed so as not to touch the line.

In addition, the reason for opening this single chapter is to tell you one thing. The editor notified that the book will be available on February 1st. It’s bitter. There is no manuscript. I can only work overtime and hold back some manuscripts. , And when the time comes, it's ready to break out.

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