Super Wizard

: 495 Glory Light

After gazing at the audience and waiting for all the believers to stand up, Fang Ming suddenly pointed at a middle-aged man in the crowd and said, "Lucky, come in front of me."

The middle-aged man was a little uncertain at first. He pointed his finger at himself. When he saw Fang Ming nodding with a smile, he excitedly walked forward from the crowd.

In the same way, the believers present gave way to the order in order to let the middle-aged man walk to the door of the church and walk to Fang Ming.

"My dear boy, will you pray to me?"

Fang Ming looked at the middle-aged man with a smile. The middle-aged man heard Fang Ming's words and turned to kneel before Fang Ming.

"Dear child, I know it is not easy to give birth. You have a son and a daughter, and your daughter is tortured by illness. However, when you pray to the Lord, the Lord will bless you."

Fang Ming reached out and touched the middle-aged man's head. "Your child will receive the care of the Lord and bring him to the church. The Lord will personally bless her and eliminate the torture."

The middle-aged man couldn't help himself when Fang Ming's words fell. He didn't expect that the Son of God would even know his family's situation and he would also treat his daughter.

The man in his forties, suddenly unable to restrain his excitement at this moment, just cried prostrately.

"Benevolent Lord, Holy Lord, I praise you, I am your most loyal child."

The dialogue between Fang Ming and the middle-aged man also reached the mouth of all the believers present, which made many believers become excited. They believed that the man and the Son didn’t know because it was impossible for the Son to deceive them. They will also be touched and happy by the man. With the word of God, the man's daughter must have been saved.

"That respected old man, are you the Lord's child?"

Fang Ming looked at an old man again, and all the believers knew what Fang Ming was going to do. They made way for the old man and let the old man walk to the door of the church.

"Son Son, I am a faithful child of the Lord. I am willing to dedicate my life to the Lord." The old man knelt down directly.


Fang Ming nodded and touched the old man's shoulder. "The Lord felt your sincerity. To find your loved ones, please go all the way to the west. The Lord will give you guidance."

The old man looked up, and there was a look of consternation on his old face. When he was a kid, he was sold to Sheffield by human traffickers. He had been searching for his loved ones for decades, but there was no gain.

The old man did not come alone, and his children accompanied him, so when he heard Fang Ming’s words, the old man’s children exclaimed directly in the crowd. When he felt the curious eyes of the people around him, the old man’s children were busy. Explained.

"My father was sold here by someone when he was a kid. He has been trying to find loved ones all these years, but it has never been fruitful. Now, with the guidance of the Divine Son, it is certainly possible to find loved ones."

"The Divine Son is the Divine Son. My father had never seen the Divine Son before, but the Divine Son could see it at a glance. Apart from the omnipotent Lord, I really can't think of anyone else who can do it."

The words of the elderly and children let many believers know the causes and consequences. It is precisely because they knew the causes and consequences that these people looked at Fang Ming’s eyes with more awe. Just as the children of the elderly said, besides the omnipotent Lord, who else Such a skill.

Feeling the awe of these people, Fang Ming was laughing in his heart. He just used Xiangshu. Of course, it is not a simple matter to use Xiangshu to look at the face, but it can’t stand the crowd here. More than 20,000 people. Some faces are relatively unique, and you can see some clues at a glance, so naturally it has become the object of his choice.

But this is not enough, and at the same time, Pierre's gaze suddenly lit up, because he saw the presence of a pedestrian.

"His Majesty, the Cardinal is here."

Among the crowd, the Cardinal from the Vatican appeared. The believers all knew the level of the church. Seeing the red robe on the Cardinal, all of them respectfully gave way.

"Thelma Blair has seen His Royal Highness."

Fang Ming narrowed his eyes and looked at Sylma who came to him, Cardinal, and that was the Pope's confidant.

"Bishop Thelma does not have to be polite."

Raising his hands to indicate that the other party does not need to salute, Fang Ming's eyes fell directly on the box held by Sylma, and Simar was very simple, saying directly in front of so many people present: "His Royal Highness, the Pope learned You prayed for many believers at Birmingham Church, so I specially brought me the most precious holy water from the Holy City."

After speaking, Sylma opened the metal box, which contained thirty bottles of holy water, which showed an intoxicating golden luster.

The quantity is quite generous, but what is the size of each bottle as the oral solution?

"His Royal Highness, the holy water of glory is very precious. Even if the holy city does not have a lot of stock, the use of each bottle of holy water must be approved by the church meeting. These thirty bottles are all left by His Majesty the Pope over the years. I know that the Son of God is To bless many believers, the pope took it out."

Seeing Fang Ming's expression, Sylma quickly explained a sentence on the side, and said this to other believers.

Sure enough, after Sylma said this, many believers began to chant the pope's name and express gratitude to the pope.

Fang Ming pouted in his heart. It seems that the pope didn't want to be alone in the beauty. The thirty bottles of holy water were sent over. No matter which church he went to brush his face, believers would also be grateful to the pope.

Even in the eyes of many believers, there will be an illusion that they are carrying the holy water given by the pope, and blessed and prayed to the believers under the command of the pope, and the greatest merits may be taken away by the pope.

"In the end it's an old fox, I guess I saw through my purpose."

Fang Ming sighed inwardly, but even if he knew the purpose of the pope, he had to accept the holy water.

"Thanks to the Pope for his support, reincarnation as the Lord, and blessing and prayer for the Lord's believers should be what I do."

Picking up a bottle of holy water, Fang Ming opened the cap, but at the moment when the cap was opened, Fang Ming was stunned, because an extremely rich and pure energy was emitted from the bottle. Although it was not as good as Dragon Crystal, it was definitely The second pure energy he saw.

Without any hesitation, Fang Ming directly sprinkled this holy water on himself. Since the pope has already made a move, then he will use this opportunity to consolidate himself again.

The holy water of glory sprinkled on the body, and in an instant, Fang Ming was shining brightly, not the golden light, but the pure white light, which set off Fang Ming like an angel.


All believers knelt down at the same moment, including Simal. The moment he knelt down, his eyes were horrified, because he had only seen the light on the pope, but even the pope It was only in the last ten years that such a light could be revealed.

This is the divine light, the light of glory, and the light that represents the Supreme Lord.

Even if he is the confidant of the pope, he can’t stand a bit of other thoughts in this divine light, because before he became a cardinal, he also climbed up from ordinary priests step by step. The church is already in his bones.

However, in many cases, they, the cardinals and the tribunals, equated the pope with the church. After all, the pope will not betray the church, at most it will be a little selfish, but who in this world Not selfish?

At the moment, Fang Ming did not have time to care about the psychological changes of Sylma and others, because he was shocked by the situation in his body.

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