Super Wizard

Chapter 584: Identity exposure

The huge St. Peter's Square!


In addition to the high-level churches and believers, there are also top-level figures from all over the world in the auditorium. This time they were invited by the church to observe the ceremony.

The coronation of Qin Ming, God of the Church!

There are only two people in the entire church who need to be crowned. One is the Pope, and the other is the Son of God. Even the equally noble and noble lady has no such coronation ceremonies open to the outside world. Only the ceremonies are carried out inside the church.

Therefore, leaning on the side of the square, Eve Ni's pretty face was jealous. Why did she, the church virgin, get a person of spiritual inheritance, and after returning to the holy city, His Majesty the Pope just praised her a few times. ended.

"This is the Son of the Church, and it really is the face of the East."

"The appearance of the Son of God, I am afraid that the territory of the church will have to expand a little bit."

These honorable guests are the top figures in the entire West, including the prince Kassel from the British royal family, but the expression of Kassel at this time is a bit cloudy.

At the beginning, Fang Ming reached an agreement secretly between London Cathedral and the British Royal Family, but because of some changes later, the agreement between the two parties was invalidated, which made Kassel extremely dissatisfied.

In the heart of the British royal family, the emergence of an unfounded **** son from the East is simply a gift of opportunity for the royal family. They can fully support the **** son and the pope to rob the church of control, and even achieve the purpose of splitting the church.

Yes, the British royal family never thought of helping Fang Ming sincerely. Their real purpose was to split the church and weaken the power of the church. This is not only the British royal family, but also the politicians and forces of the entire western countries want to see.

"Since you are unwilling to cooperate, don't think of inheriting the position of the Son of God so smoothly." Kassel whispered in his heart. This time the crowning of their royal family also had arrangements and would definitely not allow the church to proceed so smoothly.

The coronation of the Son of God has a set of strict procedures, but when it is implemented, the church’s ceremonial personnel are also very cautious, because the Son of God is rarer than the Pope, and the Pope is elected from generation to generation, but can the Son of God be completely Look at the luck of the church.

"Dear Pope, thank you for everything you did for the Lord and spread glory for the Lord."

Fang Ming suddenly stopped when he was three meters away from Louis Vuitton, his hands folded, and Louis Vuitton put his hand on the left chest and lowered his head, as if listening to Fang Ming's teachings.

For this scene, the entire church and even those believers are not dissatisfied. The identity of His Majesty the Pope is extremely honorable, but the Son of God represents the Lord, and the identity of His Majesty the Pope is noble, and he is only a believer of the Lord.

After a few seconds, Louis Vuitton raised his head, his deep eyes could not see any colors, his expression was calm, and on his left, the Archbishop of Red himself had dragged a tray, a Bible and a Top hat.

The Bible is very old. This is the original version of the first version of the Bible. It is now hundreds of years old. For all believers in the church, this is the most precious book in the world.

Fang Ming's eyes also fell on this Bible, very ordinary paper, or even yellowed, but he was afraid of this Bible, because he could vaguely feel the horror contained in the Bible energy.

"Thank you, the merciful Lord, once again reincarnated into the world to listen to the confession of his faithful believers and guide the world to liberation. His glory will spill over the entire earth."

Louis Vuitton spoke, and his voice was old and low, but it was extremely strangely stored in the ears of everyone in the square, and after speaking, Louis Vuitton picked up the hat in the tray, Ready to wear it on Fang Ming's head.


Just as Fang Ming bowed his head and was ready to accept, a voice suddenly sounded, everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and a white robe priest came out slowly.

"Who is he?"

"Cher, this is the person below you. At this time, I would like to disturb the coronation ceremony of His Royal Highness. Do you want to enter the Inquisition?"

Gamma glanced at the white robe priest and said with disappointment to a red cardinal who was next to him. The white robe priest was a subordinate of the red cardinal, and each archbishop had 36 white robe bishops.

"I don't know what's going on, but I dare to disturb the coronation ceremony of His Royal Highness at this time, and the Inquisition He went in and decided."

When Chel said this, he looked at the presence of the few people in black robes who stood in an inconspicuous place. The position of these few people was extremely inconspicuous, and they were even easily overlooked, but Cheer and others But they did not dare to ignore these people, because these people are the people of the Inquisition.

The coronation of the Son of God is a great event for the church, and such people will also participate in the magistrates’ courts, and these people also have the responsibility of supervising and observing. Anyone who behaves rudely or makes a surpassing move at the gala will inevitably go to the tribunal afterwards.

Feeling that everyone's eyes were on him, and even a lot of killing intentions, Cook was also trembling in his heart, but then he gathered courage, because he knew that when he opened his mouth, he was caught The ending of the Inquisition, but even then he had to speak.

"Respected Pope, the Son of God is very important to our church and is the reincarnation of the Lord. Therefore, the identity of the Son of God must be determined again and again, and absolutely no mistakes are allowed, otherwise there will be a great possibility of ruining the entire church."

Cook could not ask anyone else, but continued directly: "This Oriental, because of the light of glory that was once revealed, was identified as the Son of God, although the light of glory can only be done by the Pope. However, in the event that some conspiracy forces have discovered these flaws through years of research, and deliberately set up such a bureau, it will be a deadly conspiracy for the church."

"Well, Cook, do you mean that the Pope and I are not as good as you? You have to know that the identity of His Highness has been confirmed by us." Chel said, and his subordinates said so at this time. Needless to say, the pope’s lord must be dissatisfied with himself.

Cook glanced at his boss Chere, and his face was ruthless. He said firmly: "Maybe the Pope and the Archbishops have been deceived. This person is called Qin Ming, but in fact according to my investigation, he His real name is not this at all, nor is he an ordinary Oriental, but comes from the Eastern practice world, named Fang Ming!"


As soon as Cook's words came out, the audience was in an uproar, and Fang Ming's eyes narrowed in an instant. As for Louis Vuitton, the old face was old and well, but the old face full of folds was a little deeper.

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