Super Wizard

Chapter 846: Ten years of trees, a century of trees

"This potted plant is not your own."

Fang Ming looked at Chen Fuhai, and when Chen Fuhai heard Fang Ming's words, he froze for a moment and then replied: "Of course this potted plant is mine, but I bought it. After all, this wisteria has a life span of hundreds of years. , Naturally the earliest owner is not me."

For this, Chen Fuhai did not deny that, because hundreds of years of potted plants, he did not know how many owners he changed. At least when he bought this potted plant, he did not hear from the buyer that the earliest owner of the potted plant was Who.

It can be said that this wisteria potted plant, at least, has changed dozens of owners.

"But now this potted plant is here with me. I will take care of it carefully and let it be passed down and preserved in the hands of generations of my Chen family."

Before entering a modern commercial house, people used to build a house to build a yard, plant some trees in the yard, wait for the trees to grow, and finally witness the growth of the three generations of grandchildren and grandchildren. This is an extremely meaningful thing.

So in Chen Fuhai's mind, this potted plant is also the same. It will be passed down from generation to generation. In this way, future generations will not forget their ancestors, at least they can also see Wusi people. This is a kind of inheritance and continuation.

Hearing Chen Fuhai’s words, the old people of Liang Zhengqiao also showed their recognition. If they were changed to them, they would do the same. This potted plant will be taught to the children when they are old, and then the children can tell their descendants, This potted plant is left by your grandpa or grandpa.

"Leave it in your hands?"

Fang Ming smiled and said lightly: "If I am not wrong, the price of the pot you bought from the last owner is not particularly high."

Potted plants determine the price based on the preciousness and shape of the plant, but the most important thing about a wisteria plant that is hundreds of years old is that it has been pruned so well, the price is definitely not cheap, and most people can't afford it.

Liang Zhengqiao said at this time, "The wisteria price will never be low. If it is really sold, it will be at least hundreds of thousands. If it meets a particular favorite, it may sell for more than one million. "

Although he likes potted plants, and his family is not poor, Liang Zhengqiao will not buy such expensive potted plants. In fact, in their circles, everyone's potted plants are not so precious, the best is tens of thousands of dollars.

Because everyone is a cultural person, playing with a feeling and a mentality is used to cultivate sentiment, it is naturally impossible to fight for wealth, so Chen Fuhai took out such a precious potted plant, naturally it is the first in the circle, but the same Yes, Liang Zhengqiao was also puzzled when he saw this potted plant.

He understands the situation of Lao Chen's house, which is similar to his own. Spend millions to buy a potted plant. This should not be done by Lao Chen. After all, if you don't take good care of it, the wisteria will die, it will be equal to money. The water drifted away.

Millions, this is not a small number, not a particularly rich local tyrant, it is impossible to buy such expensive potted plants.

"Okay, the price of this potted plant is indeed not high, which is why I bought this potted plant."

Chen Fuhai admitted that when he saw this potted plant, he was purely in a state of appreciation, because he knew that he could not afford such a potted plant, and even if he could afford it, he would not be able to buy such a luxury.

But when he asked casually, the owner of the pot plant told him that the price made him dumbfounded. The pot plant was only 200,000.

200,000, this price is the same as buying antiques and picking up the leak. It is exactly the price of a Chinese cabbage. Chen Fuhai believes that if those who like potted plants know that this wisteria only costs 200,000, it is estimated that they will come and compete immediately.

Even if you don't particularly like potted plants, it's a bargain to buy the potted plants alone. It's easy to sell the potted plants at a time, even if you don't sell them for millions.

Of course, Chen Fuhai has lived for such a large number of years. Naturally, he is not the type of impulse. He made a clear investigation and confirmed that there is no problem with potted plants. He even specially invited experts in botany to identify the age of this wisteria. The vitality guarantees that the wisteria has no signs of illness or withering, so it costs money to buy the potted plants.

It’s been less than a month since he bought the potted plant, but everyone in the circle already knows that he has an excellent potted wisteria pot, and this month, wisteria is also very normal, so he I completely let go of my heart.

"Two hundred thousand? How is this possible?"

The faces of Liang Zhengqiao and Xu Yansong all showed incredible colors. Such precious wisteria potted plants, and there are no problems, how can they sell for such a cheap price.

Even if the original owner really lacks money, it doesn't need to be so cheap, as long as the news is released, it can be sold several times more expensive.

"The original owner told me that he did not sell this potted plant for money, but hoped that this potted plant could be in the hands of people who really liked potted plants, so I chose me."

Chen Fuhai added a sentence, but when Fang Ming heard this, his face sneered. His expression was also seen by Chen Fuhai. Chen Fuhai asked with dissatisfaction: "What do you mean by this expression?"

"Do not misunderstand Chen Lao, I am not taunting you. You are indeed a pot enthusiast, otherwise you will not get this pot plant and keep it in your hands. You can sell it to other people. Why do I have this? The expression is aimed at the last owner of this potted plant, and he is not telling the truth at all."

Fang Ming explained the sentence, and after seeing everyone's doubts, he continued: "The reason why he sold it at such a cheap price is because he didn't want to say it out loud, and he didn't want too many people to know that he was this wisteria potted plant. The previous owner."

"Fang Ming, the more I listen, the more confused I am. Isn't this a potted plant? Is it necessary for the original owner to do this? The original owner is telling you that he is changing something bad, and he has to be sneaky. You can't see anyone." Ye Ming couldn't help saying.

"Ye Shu, you are right, the original owner of the potted plant is changing something bad, because he knows who this potted plant belongs to and will bring disaster to him, and he himself is also a victim, so he must Choose to transfer the disaster to others."

Fang Ming's words wrinkled the brows of the people present. What disaster can a pot plant bring?

At the scene, only the faces of the Yeziyus' family showed reflection, because they knew Fang Ming's ability, and knew that what was said from Fang Ming's mouth could not be understood according to ordinary people's cognition.

"Brother Fang Ming, that is to say, this potted plant is not that simple. This potted plant hides secrets." Ye Ziyu looked at Fang Ming and said.

"This is impossible. What secret can a pot plant have?"

Chen Fuhai shook his head. Others thought Fang Ming was a little fanciful. What secrets can a pot plant have?

"Lao Chen has been getting this potted plant for a month. It is also very valuable for this potted plant. I think it is important to put the potted plant at home."

Fang Ming looked at Chen Fuhai, and Chen Fuhai nodded and replied: "Well, this potted plant was placed in the house."

Such a precious potted plant is naturally impossible to be placed in the yard, so as not to be stolen or torn down by the wind and rain, even if the wisteria needs sunlight, it is also placed on the balcony under his care.

"Well, if you want to come to Chen Lao for a month, your body should have some minor problems. If you don't guess wrong, your heart will feel a faint pain, but it is not very obvious, so Chen Lao did not care too much. "

Fang Ming said this, Chen Fuhai's old eyes were enlarged, and there was a shock on his face, and his expression also told other people present, Fang Ming was right.

"Grandpa, is there really something wrong with your body?"

The most anxious is Chen Fuhai’s grandson. Chen Fuhai glanced at his grandson and did not conceal, but answered truthfully: "This month the heart is indeed painful, but it is not very strong, so I did not care, after all At a young age, it is normal to have some minor physical problems."

"This is not a trivial matter, because now is just the beginning, and the pain will deepen in the second month, and if the first half of the year, there will be myocardial colic, and at the age of Chen, I'm afraid it won't last for a year."

Fang Ming's words changed the face of everyone present. This means that everyone who is present for one year can know that, that is to say, Chen Fuhai can live up to one year.

"Lao Chen, if you have any health problems, you need to go to the hospital for examination, don't be okay."

Another old man spoke, but Chen Fuhai shook his head. He felt that Fang Ming was alarmist. Such a little pain was not a problem at all. In addition, he had just had a medical examination not long ago, and his body had no major problems. There are no incurable diseases, let alone one year. Normally, it is not a problem to live another ten years.

"Old Chen may think I am alarmist, but if I tell Old Chen, this wisteria potted plant you had at least two hundred masters, and more than one hundred masters died of myocardial infarction and palpitations pain, I don’t know if you will be old Chen It won't feel strange."

Chen Fuhai was stunned, but before he responded, Liang Zhengqiao shook his head first. He didn’t believe him, and pondered: "Although this potted plant has a history of hundreds of years, it is impossible to have so many masters. Unless the original owner does not have time to cook, he will transfer the potted plants to others, but it is not too difficult to take care of the potted plants. Just take a little time every day."

Liang Zhengqiao's words have been recognized by other people. Most potted plants are the owner of their life. Sometimes the original owner will be transferred to other people after he dies, or the original owner has moved to a far place, it is not convenient to bring Get this potted plant.

Therefore, the normal potted plants for hundreds of years are estimated to be only a few terms, and it is impossible to reach more than two hundred terms.

"Of course, there are so many owners of this wisteria potted plant, not because these owners cannot take care of the potted plant, but because these masters have either died or discovered the secret of the potted plant and transferred the potted plant down. In the hands of a master."

Fang Ming glanced at everyone, and raised his mouth slightly, saying, "Otherwise, how could the previous owner of this potted plant transfer the potted plant to Chen Lao at such a cheap price? He couldn't help it. He was anxious to take the potted plant. Let go, but this potted plant cannot be thrown away at will, and the person who takes over must also meet certain conditions, and it happens that Chen Lao meets these conditions."

Chen Fuhai was silent because he was recalling that it seemed that some of the seller’s actions were indeed suspicious. Before the seller sold him wisteria, he also asked his birthday. At that time, the seller explained that because the potted thing was actually The upper part is also a Feng Shui ornament, so it must be consistent with the master's character.

If the eight characters match, the potted plant will bring good luck to the owner.

Of course, Chen Fuhai didn't believe these things. He was a cultural person. How could he believe these feudal superstitions, only if the sellers were more superstitious, and he didn't take it seriously after saying the eighth birthday.

But in retrospect, it was not him alone who saw the potted plant at that time, there were a few other people who were also in love with the potted plant, and they also said the birthday, but the seller chose to sell the potted plant to Yourself.

You know, at that time his bid was not the highest, but in the end the seller chose himself. According to the seller, he felt that he really liked the potted plant, and the other few people just wanted to buy the potted plant and sell it at a high price. It won't take care of this potted plant carefully.

At that time, Chen Fuhai did not doubt the seller. People who like potted plants know that the potted plants they cultivated hard are the same as their own children. Even if they want to transfer the potted plants to others for other reasons, they also hope to give Potted find a suitable person to take over.

But thinking about it now, Chen Fuhai found that there are loopholes in the seller's words. Potted plants are not pets. There is no need to pay for the care of potted plants. Even if those people just want to change their hands to sell high prices, they will be quiet in order to sell high prices. Take care of potted plants, because potted plants can only be sold at a high price if you take care of them.

In other words, the reason why the seller sold the potted plants to himself was not as he said.

"Fang Ming, what is the secret of this potted plant, you can tell it in one breath."

Ye Ming couldn't bear it. He felt that such a little bit of disclosure might as well be spoken in one breath.

"Ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees."

Fang Ming didn’t sell anymore this time, but said lightly: "The ten-year period in this sentence can make a sapling grow into a towering tree, but if you want to cultivate a talent, it may take a hundred years, that is to say Cultivating talent is a long-term job."

There is no change in the expressions of the people present, because of their cultural level, they naturally understand the meaning of this sentence, especially the Liang family who work mostly in the education system.

"However, this sentence actually has another meaning. This century-old tree man is not just a talent, but also has another meaning." Fang Ming spit out one word at a time, "Tree spirit!"

Tree spirit!

These two words made everyone present even more puzzled. Is the tree essence the tree into essence?

"In many villages, if there are trees more than 100 years old, the local old people sometimes worship this tree, and most villages worship these trees as the village guardian gods. This is not unreasonable. These The tree does not necessarily have its own wisdom, but it will have a little spirituality."

Fang Ming's words made Liang Zhengqiao and other people look at each other. The people who were present were all highly educated people. They were scoffing at the ghosts and spirits. If this word was changed at the beginning of Fang Ming, many people directly sprayed it. .

But Fang Ming guessed Chen Fuhai's physical condition, and the price of potted plants was indeed strange, so everyone did not refute Fang Ming's words for the time being.

"The trees planted in the open air will have spirituality after the baptism of time. Not to mention potted plants. Long-term contact with people makes it easier to give birth to your own spiritual wisdom, and this wisteria is your own spiritual wisdom. "

"Spiritual wisdom? That is to say, this wisteria has become fine, so it is hurting, it is the heartache of the old Chen that it hurts, and the previous owner of Wisteria also encountered these problems, and knew that the problem was on this wisteria. , So I want to give Wisteria to others."

Based on Fang Ming's words, Liang Zhengqiao inferred what Fang Ming wanted to say, but still frowned, because Fang Ming's explanation also had some obvious flaws.

"First of all, no matter whether the tree will become fine, but even if it is fine, there are many ways if it really hurts people. Secondly, since the previous owner knew that it was a wisteria, why not just throw it away. If you want to sell because you are not willing, why not sell at a high price?"

Faced with the question raised by Liang Zhengqiao, which is also a common question in everyone's mind, Fang Ming smiled and explained: "It just has a simple intelligence, and it is not so easy to harm people. As for why not throw it away, it is not The original owner didn’t want to throw it away, but because he couldn’t throw it away. Once thrown away, he would be avenged by this wisteria tree spirit, so he could only find someone to take over.”

"Not everyone can take over. Only the eight-character birthday can take over. Of course, this is not the original owner’s request. This is the wisteria essence. If the requirements are not met, the wisteria essence will not be willing to take it. It is no different than throwing away, wisteria spirits will still retaliate."

Fang Ming looked at Chen Fuhai and said, "If you guess right, the five elements in Chen Lao's birthday should be woody."

"Well, when I was born, my fortune teller told my dad that my five elements belong to wood."

Chen Fuhai nodded. His father's time still believed in these things. Every child was born, he would find a fortune teller to find out if the five elements would be missing.

"Five elements belong to wood, so natural and grass will be closer, and for this wisteria essence, only then can you be affected. I believe that you should keep the original owner's phone, Mr. Chen. Just call him and ask him directly You can get the answer."

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