Super Wizard

Chapter 871: Gogo Jugozan

Fang Ming understood why Liuyue's expression became weird.

What is this place, here is hell, and what are the characteristics of hell?

This question asks anyone, I am afraid there is only one answer: ghost.

As the home of the soul of the sun, the harem is the home of ghosts, and the people of the black snake organization leave such a message here, what is the difference from taking off the pants and farting?

There are ghosts in the front...there is a ghost if there is no ghost in front.

From the expression of Liuyue, Fang Ming can also be sure that the other party is not joking with himself, although this sounds like a joke. 5-63333333333333333333333332

4\\]\\\\\\"Some ghosts in the underworld have not yet reached the time of reincarnation, but they will live in the underworld, but the cost of living in the underworld is not low. The closer to the center, the more precious, and the average Of ghosts do not have this qualification at all, so they can only live in remote places."

Liuyue saw Fang Ming's curious gaze, and she rarely explained it.

Ghosts are illusory in the sun, so they don’t have to eat, but after reaching the hell, the ghosts become entities. Although they don’t need to rely on grains to supplement the body’s nutrition like the Yang people, they need another kind of energy. .


All ghosts in the underworld need to absorb the ghost energy, and the entire **** is full of ghost energy, even all objects in the **** are actually transformed by the ghost energy, and resentment is also a kind of ghost gas.

Therefore, the crops planted by these ghosts are a form of ghost gas, and swallowing these crops can supplement the ghost gas.

Of course, this is a general ghost. If a more powerful ghost can completely rely on cultivation to absorb the ghost energy, it does not need to work in person. It can also be purchased with common currency in the underworld.

"The hierarchical system of the underworld is more strict than that of the underworld. It can be roughly divided into three types. One type is premature before death. After suffering the punishment, it is not until the time of reincarnation. Ghosts are the most inferior."

"Another kind is that there is no great merit before life, but it is not too great. Such people who stay in the underworld will get the ghost cultivation method. Relying on the cultivation method can improve their strength and absorb more ghost spirits. If the talent is high enough, you can also sell the excess ghost energy in exchange for corresponding resources. Such ghosts are medium in the hell."

Liuyue seems to know the underworld very well and talks eloquently: "There is another kind of great merit during his lifetime. If such ghosts are unwilling to go into reincarnation, or they haven't reached the time of reincarnation, then they will be taken care of by the **** In the central area of ​​the netherworld, they enjoy the welfare treatment that the **** has arranged for them. Such ghosts belong to the first class."

"Of course, there is another type of ghost on top of this, this type of ghost is the top layer of the underworld, that is, the rulers of the underworld."

Hearing Liuyue's words, Fang Ming also understood the rules of Hades.

If you connect the sun room and the sun room, then the sun room is a person's working time, and the work is well mixed up to the leading position (with merit), then when the working period is reached, it will be tantamount to retirement, with pension and pension , Life is very comfortable.

If the work is average (without merit), then there are not many pensions and pensions after retirement. If you want to live better, you have to find some work.

The last one is hesitation (having done bad things) before reaching retirement age, then naturally there will be no pension after retirement, and you have to continue to work to support yourself.

"Like this remote mountain village, most of the ghosts that lived in it were created during their lifetime. After serving their sentences, they can only stay in this place and barely maintain their survival."

Liuyue's words were quickly verified. When Fang Ming and Liuyue entered the mountain village, the ghost villagers they saw were all thin and weak, and their strength was just ordinary ghosts.


After seeing Fang Ming and Liuyue, an old ghost working in the field was stunned, and then his face was panic-stricken, and he quickly knelt on the ground.

In the underworld, the hierarchical system is more strict than in the overworld. Fang Ming and Liuyue's ghost spirits are extremely strong. In the eyes of the old ghosts, their strength is above them, that is, adults.

In the underworld, their inferior ghosts have the least status, because they committed crimes in the yang during their lifetime, and after being punished, they became the inferior ghosts, and the inferior ghosts have no dignity at all, Even if it is bullied by other ghosts, as long as it does not die, then the Yinji will not interfere.

This is also an alternative punishment for ghosts like them.

Therefore, if they want to live, they must learn to be grandchildren and to salute anyone they see.

Fang Ming and Liuyue glanced at each other, and they both saw the color of surprise in each other's eyes. Although Liuyue had some understanding of the underworld, it was limited to the most basic understanding. The attitude of the old ghost also surprised him.

"Cough, I ask you, where is this place?" Liuyue Shensheng asked after half a ring.

"Return to the two adults, this is the village under the jurisdiction of the 16th outer district of Luoshan."

"Fall down?"

Seeing the doubts on Fang Ming's and Liuyue's faces, the old ghost was also confused. Haven't these two adults heard of the downhill?

Wanli around the village is under the jurisdiction of Luoshan, and these two adults will appear here and should have been to other areas of Luoshan. How could they not know Luoshan?

What the old ghost does not know is that Fang Ming and Liuyue are not ghosts of the underworld at all, but stowaways from the sun.

"The two of us had an accident in the teleportation and was transported to this place. You will elaborate on the situation here."

Liuyue said that this teleportation was fabricated by him, but in his view, such a vast expanse of the underworld must have a teleportation array. Otherwise, would it be necessary to walk to death when walking on some yin missions?

Facts have proved that Liuyue did not guess wrong. When the old ghost heard "transmission", Laoyan's face was shocked. There was indeed a teleportation array in the underworld, but not everyone was qualified to use the teleportation array.

To use the teleportation array in the Hades, you must have a certain status, such as those ghosts with merit, or the high [Biqu Court] floor of the Yinji, even ordinary ghosts are not eligible.

Of course, if other ghosts want to use the teleportation array, it is not without chance, but it needs to pay a high fee, which is an astronomical figure for the old ghost.

There is no doubt that he, the old ghost began to introduce the situation here, and Fang Ming and Liuyue finally knew where they were.

The Hades are divided into five domains and fifteen mountains. Each domain has five high mountains. Like Luoshan, it belongs to one of the five mountains in the southern domain. In addition to Luoshan, there are four other mountains in the southern domain.

This is actually the same as the mountain range on the earth, such as the Qinling Mountain Range. Although it refers to the Qinling Mountain Range, there are many people living in the area around this mountain range. It can even be said that all human beings live on each mountain range. .

The small village in front of me is in the outer area of ​​Luoshan. According to the old ghost, there is a distance of 100,000 miles from them to Luoshan. There are countless villages like them in the entire Luoshan. After the existence of the town, it is the county town.

A mountain is divided into ten counties, and above the county is the mountain, known as the mountain owner, which is the highest power in this mountain range.

There are two types of yin system in the hell, one is external, that is, the yin difference that connects with the yang. It is responsible for indirecting the soul from the yang to the hell, and then arranging the punishment according to the things these souls did during their lifetime.

When these ghosts have finished their punishment, then they have the eligibility and identity of Hades, and at this time another Hades system will be responsible for the management of these ghosts.

Like the shadows that Fang Ming encountered before, all belong to the foreign shadows.

Fang Ming and Liuyue did not ask about the strength of a mountain owner. The reason is that it is easy to cause the suspicion of the old ghost. Of course, the most important thing is that they do not think that the old ghost will know the strength of a mountain owner.

The level of the two sides is too different, just like ants and elephants, how can a ants describe the power of an elephant.

"The two adults came to the village, it really made the village flourishing, and invited the two adults to sit in the village."

The old ghost looked at Fang Ming and Liuyue with expectation, which made them understand that the old ghost should invite them into the village for a certain purpose, but it was expected that the other party would not dare to be a ghost.

Following the old ghost into the village, all the ghosts in the village knelt down to salute. Finally, Fang Ming and Liuyue were greeted by these ghosts to the center of the village, and they were the only house built of wood. As for The other ghosts in the village live in stone houses, which are simply made of stones.

"Two adults please use snacks."

A wonderful young woman came out holding a snack box with several dried fruits on it. The woman had bangs, her skin was fair, and she was wearing a linen cloth, like a princess in distress.

"Two adults, this little girl, my father and son have just come to **** for three years, the little girl is not yet married."

The old ghost was talking, and Fang Ming’s eyes circulated on the old ghost and the woman. This old ghost looked so ugly. I didn’t expect her daughter to be very aquatic. Reminiscent of the current social atmosphere, Fang Ming’s mind came out of the next door. The idea of ​​Wang.

"That... the villain was considered a rich man when he was in the sun, only because of a car accident, and his daughter both died in life with Huang Quan, because he didn't make a big mistake during his life, but he didn't have any merit, so he was assigned by Shangguan. Come here."

Hearing the explanation of the old ghost, Fang Ming and Liuyue also understood that this old ghost did not commit a big sin during his lifetime, but apparently did something bad, so he can only have the treatment of inferior ghosts.

However, the two were puzzled by the question: Why should the old ghost specifically emphasize that his daughter is not yet married?

In their case, it should not be long before they can go to the reincarnation channel to reincarnate.

PS: My dad’s 50th birthday today, will there be a second and nineth lamp that I dare not guarantee?

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