Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1041: interest

"What zombie is this?"

The first thought that came to Kunal's head was this one.

Before he could think about the second question, the woman with blue wings in his eyes burst into countless rays of light instantly.

This light even drowned the woman, leaving only light.

Then Kunal saw his own group of ghost guards, also submerged in this light.

This kind of influence is not only the ghost guard group, but also the shadow blade group. It is also affected, and half of it is swallowed by the light.

The feeling for Kunal was very bad in an instant, he had already realized for the first time a kind of danger rushing towards him. He will definitely be fine, but Ghost Guard and Shadow Blade Group are hard to say.

The light is instantaneous. After a flash, Kunal once again saw the winged woman in front of him. It was as indifferently as the first sight, like a waveless water surface.

The next moment, it took a sudden step and disappeared before Kunal's eyes.

At the same time, Kunal's ears formed an endless overlapping cue. Millions of prompt sounds appeared and connected into one piece, and finally only one piece was formed.

What Kunal saw was the ghost guards melting like ice, like ice cream exposed under the scorching sun, melting into a thick liquid.

Kunal was dumbfounded, and seemed unable to accept this change.

Not only the ghost guard, but also more than half of the shadow blades, the end is no different from the ghost guard.

Immediately, Kunal felt like it was raining, and countless liquids fell down and hit the ground, making a bang.

When I looked up, I could see that the swarms that had covered the sky and the sun had been chewed out of a huge hole, probably a hole tens of kilometers long.

Just the moment he saw it, Kunal felt cold in his heart. In the sky of tens of kilometers, the scorpions turned into a heavy rain, and they were cut into liquid and broken pieces by the endless light. Falling.

If you change anyone, you will be confused.

All this came too fast, and too secretive, to give you no time to react.

What is even more outrageous is that Kunal saw this blue figure of a woman appearing in a group of tens of thousands of porpoises, and once again this kind of ray that made Kunal desperate appeared again.

The huge porpoise dragon was shot into a hornet's nest by these rays.

The porpoise dragon was destroyed, and they did not melt, but they were in the form of a hornet's nest. They fell directly from the sky and hit the ground fiercely.

With the powerful impact, the porpoises who had been shot into a hornet's nest, shattered into countless pieces, and scattered this area.

The scarlet porpoise dragon pieces make people sick.

And the blue figure in the sky disappeared again, as if it had never appeared before. It no longer destroys, but disappears completely.

But the damage caused by the rays released these two times was too heavy. The scorpion group, the ghost guard, the shadow blade, the dolphins group... the most powerful fire-powered corpse species received a devastating blow in an instant.

It was not destroyed by the group, but the loss exceeded 60, which is no different from the group destroyed.

There are hundreds of thousands of Ghost Guards, only tens of thousands are left, and hundreds of thousands of Shadow Blades are left over a hundred thousand. Because of the previous spread of the scorpion group, they only lost more than 300,000, one tenth, not too much.

But the group of dolphins...There are hundreds of dolphins left in the sky. This loss makes people bleed.

Kunal only felt that his head was blank, and his heart twitched. He was not surprised by the blow. Until now, he didn't even know what was going on.

The next moment, Kunal was mad, clutching his hair and yelling.

"Asshole, what kind of hero is a sneak attack?" Kunal snarled.

But soon, Kunal calmed himself down. He knew that he was not angry now. The more he did this, the more he needed to calm down.

This kind of loss is far from fatal. He still has a chance.

First of all, the first step is to continue to execute the instructions of the scorpion group, and the dispersal of the zombie army is also being executed. It can no longer be like this, when it is the most densely attacked.

The huge army of zombies that can't see the end suddenly changed from the black pressure before, and it continued to spread, and the distance between the zombies and the zombies kept widening.

The process of dispersing takes a certain amount of time. After all, there are tens of millions of zombies, which is not a joke.

Until now, Kunal had no time to observe here.

From the topography, the climate, plus the style of the building, Kunal immediately confirmed that this is China, the China in the last days.

Between Ah San and Huaxia, the border is leaning against, naturally there is constant friction.

In history, they also fought each other.

Naturally, Kunal did not have any good feelings for China. As a trio, he was born with a high-ranking surname and enjoys the power of the nobles. In the end times, he is also pursuing this system. India is the first class, Europeans and Americans are second, yellow people are third, and Africans are fourth.

Under this system, there are extremely strict regulations and extremely strict hierarchy.

In Kunale's eyes, the boss of this biochemical factory is the third class, a lowly untouchable he scorns.

And it is this kind of low-level untouchable that just caused such irreversible harm to himself?

Seriously, at this moment, Kunal was angry and frightened.

What made Kunal feared was this kind of attack power, and he didn't give himself a chance at all, and it formed such a high loss. If the opponent has this kind of power, you don't need to fight, you can go home directly.

But Kunal did not lose his square inch because of fear, he was calm.

The opponent left with one blow, and in just one minute, came and ran. It was a manifestation of guilty conscience. The opponent wanted to use this kind of sneak attack plus a thunderous attack to scare himself?

With such an analysis, Kunal felt confident.

If the opponent is really so strong, you can take advantage of this time difference that you have not dispersed, and hold high the butcher knife to yourself, so that you have failed before you start.

If the opponent doesn't have it, that means the opponent doesn't have this strength at all.

In this case, the defender must be frightening himself, making himself confused, facing this extremely powerful thunder strike, so he dare not take risks, but only admits that he is unlucky and obediently admit defeat.

"Huaxia people are really cunning."

Kunale sighed, he had read Hua Xia's military books in ancient times, and it was truly exquisite. Obviously, this time the defender should have won the five flavors of this one, knowing that this trick is used.

Unfortunately, he still underestimated himself and was seen through by himself.

The spread of the scorpion began to bring back information, but when the scorpion appeared within a hundred kilometers, there would be casualties, and the opponent's defensive firepower caused damage to the scorpion.

However, this kind of damage is not too strong, and this kind of loss is completely negligible.

"The opponent should have also competed in the city of competition, with a small amount of points, exchanged for some weapon technology that can damage eighth-level zombies, but there should be not many, not particularly powerful weapons."

Kunal made a quick judgment, which made him more confident.

With the breakthrough, the general appearance of this settlement was finally presented in front of you. Kunal also saw huge crocodile dragon corpses, lying outside the city, lying on the ground.

Almost besides, the sky above this city was filled with dolphins and dragons.

Kunal expected this kind of defense, and didn't feel it was too surprising. From this reconnaissance information, you can see that the number of zombies on the other side is not too large.

It is difficult to place crocodile dragon corpses in the city. They can only be placed outside the city, so it is clear how many crocodile dragon corpses the defender has.

If you can find a city, you can naturally find a settlement.


Several squirrels passed by in this settlement, allowing Kunal to look at this settlement more clearly.

Kunal had a fierce light in his eyes, he had just suffered a heavy loss, and now he should always get back a little interest, right? And this settlement is where Kunal vented.

"King Kong, destroy this place."

The order was issued, among the King Kong group, thousands of King Kong zombies came out of the group and rushed toward the settlement. They are like a group of ancient giants with a terrifying aura.

Where the King Kong zombies ran wildly, the ground collapsed, and a road they stepped on appeared.

A large number of uncollected crops were crushed by them, and the places they passed, no matter what they were, were destroyed. In front of the King Kong zombies who are more than 20 meters tall, even the tall trees are just a joke.

King Kong zombies don’t seem to run fast, but when you look at it from a distance, if you get closer, you’ll find that their rushing speed is very fast, every step they take is a dozen or twenty Meters, a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

They rushed to within a hundred kilometers, they didn't stop, they were still running wildly.

The earth was trembling, and there was a series of "dongdong" trampling sounds. Only thousands of King Kong zombies had this effect. If hundreds of thousands of King Kong zombies rushed in a rush, it would be no less than an earthquake.

For tens of kilometers, the King Kong zombies only took less than 20 minutes to arrive.

They roared and did not stop, with the impact of this rush, rushed into the settlement fiercely. The buildings here, in front of the King Kong zombies, were as paper as they were, all shattered and collapsed during the impact.

When encountering taller ones, they raised their arms, clenched their fists and hammered them down, and then abruptly tore down these tall buildings.

There were rumbling and collapsed buildings everywhere in the settlement. Thousands of King Kong zombies smashed side by side, shattering the settlement, and everywhere was collapsed into ruins.

This settlement was still a beautiful home for the survivors at the moment, but now it is like hell, destroyed to pieces by the zombies of King Kong.

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