Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1049: Forbearance for 0 years

  The city of competition.

   Kunal is in a high-end bar, pouring alcohol.

   This amber-colored liquor is the most popular here. Although the price is higher, it will be customized for your taste buds. It is absolutely mysterious and mysterious.

   The siege failed, this blow is not a big deal.

   The strength accumulated for eight years was wiped out.

   Not only that, it will take him at least more than ten years for the loss of 270 trillion US dollars to make up for this gap. If there is no accident, he will not be able to move within fifteen years.

   After making up for the funding gap, it will take at least another ten years to restore the strength before the siege.

   One come and two goes, it is twenty-five years of time.

   Twenty-five years, even if he has a life span of nearly five hundred years, but thinking about it, it makes people feel heartbroken and crazy, and there is a sense of madness that wants to vent.

   It is this kind of depression that made Kunal come to the city of competition. He wants to get drunk here, then find a woman, and let it go for a while.

   Companies in modern times have almost monopolized the world's economy. With or without him, they will operate according to the route, and he can squander the time.

   Like now, after spending a bit of points, there are three women around him.

   The gene-enhanced woman is absolutely energetic, and her beauty is first-class, enough to make him romantic tonight.

   In modern times, he needs to maintain his own image, but in the city of competition, he doesn't know.

   In the city of competition, big bosses are walking all over the floor. There are many biochemical plant bosses like him, and he is nothing here.

   In other words, no one would be interested in his experience.

   In fact, like him, there are too many frustrated people in the city of competition, and most of them are people who have failed in the competition. This is the performance. After deducting 30% of the assets, this strength definitely makes people feel the collapse, plus the loss of the zombies, it is completely half-life.

   But as long as you win the opponent, you will have 30% of your income. This temptation is really too big, I don't know how many people are involved in it desperately.

   "Look, the big guys are moving."

   Just when Kunal was half drunk, someone shouted out in the bar.

   A series of figures appeared on the holographic projection position of the bar. The background is the barren land in front of the light gate of the ninth level space.

  The city of competition, the most concerned, naturally these big guys, not only because of their strength, but also because of their every move, will affect their future.

   Nine-level space, they will definitely leave in the future.

   And knowing the situation of the ninth level space is why they should pay attention to these big guys. Only the real boss is qualified to break.

   Like them, even if they have the qualifications to enter the ninth level space, but if they really enter, they will die.

   How many people did this kind of attempt, and then they sent out corpses. After that, their planes would collapse. Eventually, the modernity they were in was transformed into the end of the world, and was controlled by a new biochemical factory owner.

   Like a reincarnation, the number of bosses in a biochemical factory is always fixed.

   As long as one person dies, new lucky ones will be selected.

   For the living, this is a cruel thing. As long as you think that after you die, all your relatives and friends who are related to you will become zombies, and you will lose the courage to try.

  Only the real bosses can they have the ability to protect themselves and explore the ninth level of space.

   In the city of competition, these big guys are more like a weather vane, attracting the attention of countless people. In the hearts of everyone, they are the superior powerhouse.

   There are so many big shots this time. Almost all big shots from the top circle have appeared.

   Kunal didn't care at first, but soon, he found a familiar figure. In the siege battle, Kunal knew the opponent in the information. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

"Why is he here?"

   For a moment, Kunal's whole person is not good, so it is the so-called meeting of enemies. I am in frustration, but looking at the other person, it is full of spirits, and it is a complete contrast.

A girl sitting next to Kunal looked at the person that Kunal was referring to, her eyes blinking with a commotion: "Oh my God, he is the new top boss and was invited to enter the top circle, you Don't even know each other?"

   As a weather vane, every big boss has been studied by others. Regarding the top circles, they are constantly being studied, just like celebrities. Starting

   Here, people will only adore these big guys.

   This kind of research is very thorough, so everyone knows what is going on in the top circle. As a newly promoted person in this circle, Lu Chuan is seen from the outside world as a strong one.

   The appearance of a strong man is naturally worthy of their attention and study.

   And Lu Chuan's information was constantly being synthesized, and then everyone discovered an amazing thing, which is that Lu Chuan actually possessed a level 9 zombies.

   The sensation caused by this discovery can be imagined.

   Lu Chuan himself is not sure, but in the City of Competitiveness, it has already spread, and almost everyone knows the existence of Lu Chuan.

   Kunal was stunned. He seemed to remember that there was indeed news about Lu Chuan in the City of Competitiveness, and he had also read it.

   "Will I be so unlucky?" Kunal grabbed his own hair and almost pulled it off. I don't know how many billions of chances I would let myself meet. In the siege battle, his opponent was Lu Chuan, a man with level 9 zombies.

   Kunal hated, almost vomiting blood.

   "I should have thought of it a long time ago, this beautiful female zombie, its appearance does not exist in the eighth-level zombies, I am a pig. If I thought about it early, I would not lose so much."

   Kunal slapped himself, cursing that he was an idiot.

   If he knew, he would be more decisive, 270 trillion would definitely be a loss, but at least he would not be almost wiped out. In eight years, the army of zombies, which was created with no idea how many trillion dollars of funds, was scrapped.

   Looking at Lu Chuan, who was with a group of big guys, Kunal knew that he could only look up at each other in his life, and they didn't even know who he was.


   The light gate in the barren land.

   The collective actions of the big guys naturally attracted countless people. They moved when they heard the wind, turning the front of Guangmen into a sea of ​​people.

  In the city of competition, as long as someone enters the ninth level space, it attracts countless people to come and watch. They can't enter the top circle, they can only infer some information from the results through this kind of onlooker.

   The existence of the top circle actually monopolizes the information about the nine-level space.

   Under the monopoly, information is closed, and the outside world rarely knows this information. To enter this circle, you need to keep this information.

   There is no interest in the city of competition, and the output of interest is very limited, so there is almost no need to worry that the people below will gain some inside information through interest.

   Fairness and justice, where everyone is equal, is the meaning of the existence of the city of competition.

Lu Chuan also showed up here with An Yuran. There is an unwritten rule in the top circle, which means that when you are in the city of competition, if you are not in a competitive state, someone in the circle will try level 9. Space, they all need to be there to see each other.

   In the nine-level space, it is extremely dangerous, and any mistake will fail.

   The defeat here is not like a siege war or a competitive battle. Once it fails, it is possible that only a corpse will return. Mysterious power will send your bones back. I don’t know if it serves as a deterrent or allows you to be buried?

   People who have the courage to step into the ninth level are all powerful and brave people.

   The nine-level space of ten deaths and nine lives, even if there are more zombies, it will make people feel bottomless. So everyone who enters is respected as a hero.

"This is extremely dangerous. I don't know if it can be saved. So here I will tell you. If you die unfortunately, I hope you will see your friends in the past and bury me not far away from Guangmen. "

   Someone who talks is bookish.

   is wearing a modern literati shirt, and looks about forty years old on the outside, very literate. He can be said to be Chinese, but he does not belong to Chinese. He has always lived in Southeast Asia. In fact, his ancestors also fled to Southeast Asia to take root in the Qian Qing Dynasty. He is regarded as an overseas Chinese.

   Zhao Qingtan is the boss who wants to break into the ninth level this time.

   In the rankings, he ranked fifth.

   is just this kind of ranking, which has not changed for decades. No one knows how strong he is now, because after reaching this ranking, he will no longer be able to compete easily.

   Lu Chuan knows him. After all, they are in the same circle, but they have no friendship.

   Among the people present, Lu Chuan can only be regarded as average strength, plus he is not very familiar with the other party, and he has not gotten too close, standing not far from An Yuran.

   Zhao Qingtan's words were a bit sad and decided not to do anything else, and the few people who had made friends with him all cursed him with bad luck.

Zhao Qingtan didn't care He laughed and said: "I know what everyone means, but I have been thinking about it for a long time. If I stop, it is really meaningless. For this day, I have been preparing for nearly a hundred years. Yes. Longevity is good, but this feeling of taking over the mountains is really too lonely."

   "What's more, we are selected, we are lucky. From the moment we were selected, we have been burdened with the mission of exploring the nine-level space. It is just ease and power that makes too many people unwilling to take this risk."

   "Actually, I am also very curious about what it is that has such great supernatural powers that can control all of this. Tracing back to the origin can also be regarded as finding something to do for myself."

   Zhao Qingtan is very calm. It can be seen that he made this decision after careful consideration, not hastily.

   Hundreds of years of preparation, thinking about it, people admire his perseverance and forbearance.

   At least Lu Chuan couldn't do it. Maybe if the strength in his hand was a little higher, he couldn't help curiosity and went to explore the ninth level.

   Hundred years of forbearance, accumulation and accumulation, only this one, the other party has today's achievements, it deserves its name.

   Seeing that Zhao Qingtan had decided, everyone did not persuade each other, but picked up the wine glasses one by one: "I wish you can return victorious and live up to a hundred years of preparation."

   Zhao Qingtan laughed, some literati's kind of madness, he drank the wine, smashed the wine glass, twisted and strode towards the Guangmen.

   Lu Chuan, like everyone else, always held up a glass of wine and respected Zhao Qingtan's background, and then drank it all, which is considered to be a heroic deed for him.


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