Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1053: Poor

   Zhao Qingtan left after everyone watched the video.

   Don't think about it, but also know that he will return to the biochemical factory for the first time to create the mysterious corpse snake, making him a real top boss with level nine zombies.

   The ninth-level zombies need to be owned, which is a challenge, but at least Zhao Qingtan has already had a good start.

   Lu Chuan has read the information, and almost all of the top five bosses have a varying number of ninth-level zombies. It's just that they haven't fully possessed everything yet, and they cannot know the mysteries of the universe.

  The big bosses at this level are unfathomable one by one. It seems that the rankings are before and after. In fact, there is really a game. Who wins and who loses is still inconclusive.

   As soon as Zhao Qingtan left, many bigwigs left, some stayed and continued to observe the video, while others stayed to exchange views on the video.

   Lu Chuan and An Yuran are among the people who left.

   Back in the villa, An Yuran asked: "What do you think of the video just now?"

  In the city of competition, they are the closest to each other. An Yuran could only talk to Lu Chuan about this kind of thing. Back to her real society, she really didn't know to talk about this with other people.

   "Build walls high, accumulate grain, and slowly become king."

   Lu Chuan slowly said these nine words. In fact, for An Yuran, or for ordinary biochemical plant owners, this is the most stable way.

   Zhao Qingtan's road is this road.

   After leaving, it may not be a successful day. Zhao Qingtan won the Xuanjing Corpse Snake, he only needs to calm down, and within three years, he can challenge the ninth level space again, and the winning rate will be very high.

   The first step is done, the next step is easy.

   When you have more and more level 9 zombies, conquering the level 9 space is not a problem at all.

   An Yuran is very smart, she immediately understood the nine words Lu Chuan said. She now has this condition, the external pressure is already very small, and she can concentrate on accumulating her strength.

   Lu Chuan thought for a while, and still said, "This is just the core idea, but some external factors, such as accelerators, need to be added. Otherwise, it takes the year of the monkey to have nearly a billion zombies?"

   At the moment, neither of them can calm down.

   opened the mall, it was just a matter of mind. Through searching, I did see the accelerator.

   It is not a technology, but a functional prop.

  In the mall, there are indeed this kind of functional props, but the quantity is scarce, and the price is extremely high, and not many people are really willing to use it.

  Manufacturing accelerator: A manufacturing accelerator dedicated to the biochemical plant, which can shorten the manufacturing time by a hundred times, and is priced at 10 million competitive points.

In the introduction of   , you know that it is indeed very powerful.

   is just this price, which gives Lu Chuan a feeling of looking up.

   10 million competitive points can be exchanged for ten Lunar. At the level of a million, it takes ten games to earn so many competitive points.

   Ten games, still one cannot lose. If it fails, it may not be able to turn over.

   So these 10 million competitive points are very expensive, and everyone is dumbfounded.

   Lu Chuan has always believed that you get what you pay for. Its price is so expensive, Lu Chuan knows that it can't be priced for you to see.

   Realizing this, Lu Chuan carefully calculated it in his mind.

   Take the manufacture of crocodile dragon corpses, it only takes one month for two hundred, which is thirty days. After using the manufacturing accelerator, the manufacturing time was shortened by a hundred times. Ten times is three days, one hundred times is 0.3 days, which is 8 hours.

  Using three, you can create six hundred crocodile dragon corpses in one day.

   There are 216,000 in a year, and 21.6 million in a hundred years.

   Don’t forget, this is only calculated once. His focus is one hundred times. It takes about a thousand years for you to make 216 million, but it only takes ten years for you to use the manufacturing accelerator. Starting

   In ten years, if you use it for the second time, it will be shortened to one month.

   If you spend three extravagantly on a 1,000-year manufacturing task, you can create 216 million crocodile dragon corpses in just 8 hours.


   I don't know if I don't calculate it. After such a calculation, Lu Chuan took a breath of cold air.

   Manufacturing accelerators is entirely for those who do not lack competitive points. As long as the points are enough, they can explode the zombies to the point of billions in minutes.

   30 million competitive points can create more than 200 million crocodile dragon corpses.

   There is a manufacturing accelerator, and it is no longer the manufacturing speed that is stuck with the number of zombies, but how you can get enough competitive points.

   Anyone who knows how to make accelerators will do everything possible to earn points from the arena.

"The number of one billion zombies, using the accelerator, actually only takes one month. But Zhao Qingtan has used it for a hundred years, which means that this competitive score makes him hard to get up because it is too difficult to get. Not many, but everyone who has competed knows that 30 million points requires a certain number of arenas, and there is a certain degree of difficulty, and Zhao Qingtan will be stuck."

   Lu Chuan analyzed, in fact, he was close to the answer.

   At the position of Zhao Qingtan, it will not be easy to compete. He will indeed have massive points in a win. But the question is, who fights him?

   It seems that the points are not difficult, Zhao Qingtan does not mean that he has it if he wants it.

   What's more, 30 million points are just accelerating a kind of zombie. One billion manufacturing volume requires 100 million competitive points.

   It took a hundred years to meet this condition, and the difficulty can be imagined.

   The ranking is high. No one competes with you. The other is that I am afraid of failure. If you fail, the price will be too heavy. How many years will it take to ease your breath?

   As the saying goes, the more powerful and powerful, the richer, and the more afraid of death.

   When I was young, I had nothing, not afraid of death, dare to fight and dare to kill. Instead, they are old, afraid of death, and fearful of doing things. In general, this is the case for the big guys on the rankings.

   After clarifying these things, and An Yuran stayed here for two days before Lu Chuan left.

   The blue-winged angel has not recovered, and staying here is not useful. Without the blue-winged angel, Lu Chuan's current strength is in his ranking position, which is a scum.


   Lu Chuan’s position for himself now is very simple, just like the nine-character mantra he gave to An Yuran, everything is suitable for him.

   It’s good to have a blue-winged angel, but the number of other zombies is really too weak.

   After seeing a billion-level zombie group, Lu Chuan suddenly realized that he was actually just a poor ghost. The newly acquired 270 trillion US dollars seems to be a lot, but there is really not much used in this level of manufacturing.

  According to the current exchange rate, the biochemical plant will automatically convert it back to 270 trillion US dollars, which is nearly 1900 trillion.

   The manufacturing price of a crocodile dragon corpse is 1 billion, so that 1.9 million crocodile dragon corpses can be manufactured. The difference between Zhao Qingtan's crocodile dragon corpses in units of 100 million is too big.

   Even if Lu Chuan calculates all his capital flow, he can only make 2.5 million crocodile dragon corpses. Not to mention, in addition to over 100 million crocodile dragon corpses, Zhao Qingtan also has hundreds of millions of scorpions, over 100 million dolphins... hundreds of millions of corpse dragons and bloodthirsty claws.

   Compared with that, Lu Chuan is really a pauper.

  Of course, Lu Chuan has nothing to lose and feel discouraged. He has his own advantages. Holding a blue-winged angel in his hand is worth a billion zombies.

   The strength of the blue-winged angel, in Lu Chuan's eyes, far surpasses that of the Xuanjing Corpse Snake.

   Even if the blue-winged angel has no energy, its teleportation makes it difficult to hit it. It is small and invisible when moved.

   Lu Chuan only needs to accumulate a little more strength to have the strength to break into the ninth level.

   "It seems, I have to make more money."

   Lu Chuan's first thought when he returned to the biochemical factory was this one.

   Making money is easy and easy, and difficult and difficult, it depends on how Lu Chuan does it.

   Returning to the end of the world, Lu Chuan first patrolled a circle of new settlement cities. In just a few days, it has recovered. For example, the vast wasteland outside has been reclaimed, and people have been put into work again.

   Large areas of land reclamation, food, vegetables, fruits... The first thing to ensure is the stomach.

   With the expansion of the safety circle, some animals were finally found in the deep mountains and old forests. Wild boars, etc., have been transported back and managed together. They are like seeds. They will be reproduced and then cultivated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, and finally transformed into domestic pigs.

   It takes a long time, but the survivors don't care. They can't enjoy it in this generation, but the next generation can restore the material conditions before the end of the world.

   Provide a stable and safe living environment for the survivors, and leave the rest to their hands.

   In fact, Lu Chuan is still interfering with this kind of process. For example, through the exchange of technologies, the overall technological level of the end times has been improved by nearly a hundred years, and some technologies have even improved for hundreds of years.

   The meeting chaired by Sun Jiangong finally confirmed the development plan for the next five years ~ ~ Lu Chuan has reviewed it and signed his name on it, which is officially effective.

   There are no ambitious goals, but the plan is to complete the global removal of zombies and at the same time include survivors into China's system.

   Five years, it will be a remarkable feat to be completed.

   After Lu Chuan’s signature becomes effective, Sun Jiangong will distribute it, and various departments will formulate their departmental plans, and everything will revolve around this plan. After the various departments have formulated, the five settlements of more than ten million people will work together.

   There is no need for Lu Chuan to worry about the details involved.

   After the siege, in Lu Chuan's eyes, there was no war on the earth. No matter how big a battle is, it is a battle between survivors and zombies, or between unyielding settlements, but compared with siege warfare, it is really not a battle.

   The level of tens of millions of zombies in siege battles, how can they be compared?

   Everything is going smoothly.

   "Hey, let's worry about how to make money, poor!" Lu Chuan smiled wryly, this is a distressing question.

Lu Chuan’s distress, if you let people on the modern earth know that they are all bad, the industry under your name has already reached tens of trillions of dollars, and some people even estimate that it’s nearly one hundred billion dollars, still crying for poverty. How does this make wage earners live?

   Or, is this the trouble of the rich?

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