Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1093: Mars Tour

Years later.

People's daily life returns to peace again.

I have been practicing Tai Chi for a long time, and many things that have been delayed for almost a month are finally on the agenda. This includes recognizing the status of Mars City, allowing negotiations for immigration applications worldwide.

Dozens of countries representing the vast majority of the world's power have participated in the negotiations with Baichuan Guihai Group.

What Baichuanguihai Group needs to pay is naturally technology.


It is conceivable that it is difficult to obtain the technology of Baichuan Guihai Group. Many conditions are difficult for these countries to comply with. After all, once the agreement is signed, the impact on all countries is huge.

The specifics were not disclosed, but there were a large number of experts of all kinds who were too idle to join in the speculation, after all, the guess was nine out of ten.

Every day of the negotiation, there are endless arguments.

This dispute is about representatives of dozens of countries, not Baichuan Guihai Group. The Baichuan Guihai Group, which holds these technologies in its hands, is not in a hurry. This matter can be discussed slowly.

In March, there was finally a preliminary result. This is that dozens of countries took a step back and allowed early travel to open global registration to Mars City.

The lifeblood of Mars City is actually people. They know this very well, and naturally they hold onto it.

It's just been more than a month and no progress has been made. They need something new and make some small concessions to let this negotiation continue.

"How can there be a chance of winning when negotiating with Zhong Hua?" Lu Chuan showed a weird smile. How Zhong Hua is also a zombie, it is still, and it can be used until its body is not functioning. Compared with it, it is more self-sufficient. Its shame.

At this level of negotiation, every representative knows, but doesn’t know how many rounds it will take before there is a result.

This time span may be calculated annually.

"They admit that they don’t recognize the status of Mars City, but they can’t help them. Besides, they don’t admit it, what does it matter? Their technical ability, capable of sending a manned vehicle to Mars within 20 years, is already fast, not at all. Possibility to colonize Mars."

Colonizing Mars, within a hundred years, without even thinking about it.

It is estimated that within a hundred years, humans will build a base for scientific research on Mars at most.

As a result, the bargaining chips among countries are actually very small.

On March 15th, Baichuan Guihai Group officially released its news about the city of Mars. The first phase of the Mars tour group was established with a quota of 10,000. It will fly to Mars for a two-month tour.

Once selected, Baichuan Guihai Group Company will send a special plane with a global pass to pick up and drop off.

Once this news was announced, it immediately caused a global sensation.

The number of 10,000 people seems to be a lot, but it is the same as winning the first prize in a lottery lottery. It is hard to say that it must be yours.

The official website of Baichuanguihai Group also disclosed that the first trip of 10,000 people will be free of charge for selection in any country and region in the world.

As long as you fill in the information and hand it in, you will have the opportunity to get such a large-scale interstellar travel opportunity in human history, experience the feeling of flying in the universe, and experience the feeling of stepping on the surface of Mars.

Free, Mars...

Once these two words appeared, the sensation it caused can be imagined, and the world was crazy about it.

"Let’s take a count. Ten thousand people don’t talk about the cost of flying, but the cost of food and drink during the trip to Mars, as well as the cost of going to Mars, and the cost of returning. Baichuan Guihai Group Company is indeed a big deal, because of all this, All need to be transported from the earth."

"Pick one in a million, will you be the lucky one?"

"A rich man offered a sky-high price of one million U.S. dollars in exchange for this free quota."

"Thousands of dollars buy bones, Baichuan Guihai Group Company uses free gimmicks to open people's vigilance and make people understand the city of Mars. Then, what purpose does Lu Chuan have, such as showing good, and then embarking on interstellar immigration?"

A lot of media have topics again. Recently, they are the happiest. Every day there will be new content for them to write and make them hype.

The world is full of news about this trip to Mars by the Baichuanguihai Group Company. Some people who are related have already begun to trust their relationship. In any matter, there will always be some people's love for the world, which means that there is a loophole.


How many people have Lu Chuan ran back? Lu Chuan is not afraid. What are they afraid of?

"If I am lucky, I will die without regret."

I don’t know how many people have expressed such a sigh, but 10,000 of the more than 10 billion people are selected, and some related households are excluded. God knows how many are really lucky?

On the official website of Baichuan Guihai Group, a small video of Lu Chuan was released.

It can be seen that this is a selfie, but the content makes people all over the world feel comfortable.

"In terms of speaking, I can barely be regarded as a post-ninety generation. I have been born and raised in the countryside since I was a child. I am the same as the hundreds of millions of you. Both have enthusiasm and motivation. Of course, I also love fantasy. Very naive. How should I say, I can play games, I can play Douyin...So, I am no different from you."

"Don't think that I'm just a research madman and don't listen to worldly things. For this trip to Mars by Baichuan Guihai Group Company, many people will worry about the inside story and there will be too many related households."

"In fact, none of this exists, because my artificial intelligence assistant is responsible for the choice this time. It will choose from the world, regardless of whether you are rich or poor."

"Aside from these 10,000, there will indeed be a certain number of observers from all countries, because Baichuan Guihai Group needs to go global and needs the understanding of all countries. Only by understanding on the ground will they know that we are trapped on the earth. , Just sitting on the well and watching the sky."

"The mission of Baichuan Guihai Group Company is to make everyone live well and happily. Everyone lives happily and happily. There is no problem of disease, and will not be hungry because of poverty. And I, too Will work hard in this direction."

The video was short, but Lu Chuan’s speech spread to every corner of the world in an instant.

In the content, people have a more comprehensive understanding of Lu Chuan. Sunshine, positive, optimistic... Lu Chuan's achievements have been overlooked by his age. In fact, strictly speaking, he is only in his early thirties.

Many people suddenly realized that Lu Chuan, like them, is also very ordinary everyday.

Lu Chuan’s statement, I don’t know how many people will admire you, it doesn’t matter whether you are rich or poor. This sentence is too heartwarming, and suddenly Lu Chuan’s image has become taller.

Before in people's minds, Lu Chuan and the lofty rich men were the same, but now they discovered that they weren't. Lu Chuan seemed to live with them and know their aspirations.

Ordinary people will never think too much, but think tanks in various countries do not. They need to consider too many things. For example, in the video, Lu Chuan mentioned artificial intelligence assistants.

Artificial intelligence is currently the most important offensive direction of all countries in the world, but for now, it is not ideal at all. To put it more appropriately, it is just a kind of basic intelligence, and it is not even an entry point.

The technological frenzy brought by Lu Chuan is all black technology. Because of this, no one will ignore the artificial intelligence in Lu Chuan's hands. It must be artificial intelligence beyond their imagination.

It's just that no one knows its existence. If it weren't for Lu Chuan's mention this time, who would have thought that Lu Chuan would make achievements in artificial intelligence.

The result of the analysis is that people need to have a new understanding of Lu Chuan.

The artificial intelligence like black technology, as long as you think of the meaning it represents, it will make you chill and enlarge your brain a little. This is exactly like the existence of the **** of the network. With the existing technology, I am afraid it is difficult to correct It guards.

Suddenly, the leaders of all countries were unable to sit still. Does it mean that their country's network is no longer secure?

The second analysis is the last sentence of Lu Chuan.

No disease, no poverty.

When others say it, it will only be considered a naive fantasy. But is it really an illusion to say it from Lu Chuan? Does it mean that Lu Chuan will turn to medical treatment and poverty alleviation?

In other words, Lu Chuan is so great, he wants to change the face of the world with one person?

The first feeling is that it is impossible, this is simply a fantasy.

The world is so complicated, how can poverty be eliminated? This is a world made up of people. This society is always complex and chaotic. You will never be able to do this.

Of course, the upper classes of various countries are rarely silent.

In this world, there is an organization whose name is almost non-existent among ordinary I have never even heard of it.

But its existence is also of a terrifying level, because eight out of ten of the world's richest and high-level political officials are its members. If this number and proportion are spread, it will definitely cause a global sensation.

In fact, it is not that nobody mentions it. With so many rich and high-ranking officials, there will always be some servants, bodyguards, etc. around them, and they will get some words from their exchanges, and slowly some words will flow out.

hand of God.

Anyone who hears this name will definitely feel a choking pressure. Ordinary people don’t know what it represents, but the rich know best.

Becoming its member means that you will hardly be troubled by diseases and can extend your lifespan.

What a complicated disease is nothing in the eyes of God, even after amputation, it can make you regenerate a limb. This is almost a terrifying technique that is equal to resurrection.

There are even internal rumors that as long as you have enough contributions, even if your head is chopped off and your body is shattered, as long as your head is not burst, the hand of God will save you back and give you a complete and healthy you.

The increase in life expectancy has also made countless rich and high-level officials crazy. With the hand of God with anti-sky technology, no one will doubt that they will extend their life.

Lu Chuan's words are reminiscent of the hand of God in the eyes of the rich.

In this world, only the hands of God can do what Lu Chuan said, there is no disease. The question is, is Lu Chuan really related to the hand of God?

The hand of God, in the eyes of the world, is far more deterrent than Lu Chuan.

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