Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1104: Lift off

Under the impetus of caring people, a message is circulating throughout the refugee camp.

For refugees in despair, this news is like an olive branch from heaven. Some people hesitate, but some people see it as their own lifesaver.

Baichuan Guihai Group Company is so famous in the world. They are refugees, but they know a little bit. Through reporters and people who come here to rescue them, they also know Baichuan Guihai Group Company. of.

This is the number one company in the world, and they are wealthy.

The recent Mars incident has made Baichuan Guihai Group even more famous around the world. Under the heated discussion, people in refugee camps also know about Mars.

It is exactly how much they know about Baichuan Guihai Group Company, so after someone promotes this matter, they have no doubt about the authenticity of this matter.

"You want to know if you will be deceived. It's very simple. If the spacecraft comes to pick you up, it is true. If it is not the spacecraft, it is fake. You can refuse."

The promoters of the news used this method to dispel the worries of many people.

Indeed, in this world, only the Baichuan Guihai Group Company will own the spacecraft. If you want to know if it is real, it depends on whether there is a spacecraft to pick them up.

Waiting desperately for death here, it is better to fight for a hope.

Individual refugees, or a whole family, all signed an agreement. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know the words, you just need your handprint.

"You don't have to worry about this at all. If you are a liar, you think there are some disabled people here, they will want it? But Baichuan Guihai Group Company is different, they even disabled people are allowed to become residents of Mars City, they can enjoy free medical ."

"This is a messenger sent by God, otherwise who would care about you?"

Countless people were moved.

How many people here are seriously ill, and Baichuan Guihai Group Company will promise free medical care. They are already waiting for death. Why should they hesitate?

As more and more people signed this agreement, other people on the sidelines did not hesitate to sign it one after another. If there are more than 200,000 people in the large refugee camp, almost no one refuses.

What about Mars, what about far away from Earth?

If there is a peaceful life, how can it be hell? Only people who have experienced the chaos of war will know that famous Chinese saying: I would rather be too dog than people in troubled times.

The world is not in troubled times, but for Syrians, it has long been troubled times.

The dispersal of wives is still light, so many families are ruined, and some of the whole families die in the fire. The young men, in order to survive, almost devote themselves to the two camps to fight to the death, just to have a bite.

The chaos of war has made this country no longer look like a country. There are deserted places everywhere, and everyone is living in dire straits.

Fleeing here is exactly why their family became refugees.

The promise of Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation gave them a new choice.

"Keep all the time in mind. From tomorrow, we will pack your valuable and commemorative items. You don’t need to bring the others. Baichuan Guihai Group will prepare everything for you. The morning after tomorrow, that is, the day of June 1, The spacecraft came to pick us up."

People kept informing each other, and soon the entire refugee camp became agitated.

Leave here and find a new life.

With this hope, one by one, they packed their luggage and so on on the last day of May, all of them nested in their tents, and with a sense of anxiety, they passed this one. The long night.


June 1.

China’s Children’s Day, on this day, I don’t know how many elementary schools and kindergartens will hold activities, and countless children are celebrating in this festive festival.

In outer space, the engine of the Nozomi transport spacecraft, which had been stopped, started, and then slowly flew towards the earth, and soon crashed into the atmosphere.

In the Syrian refugee camp, it was early in the morning when countless people walked out of the tent. They raised their heads and looked up at the sky, as if they were looking for something.

Changing from the lifelessness of the past, a look of hope and expectation appeared on the faces of people here.

Many people, already holding their luggage, seem to be waiting for something.

Such an anomaly naturally attracted the aid workers working in the refugee camp. At this moment, they fell into consternation, because the hundreds of thousands of people here seemed organized, at this moment. It's all waiting for something.

It's hard to imagine that they just stayed here, but no one knew what happened, why did they do it, who organized them?

If there is no organization, it is impossible for them to do this kind of action in such a neat manner.

"So what happened?"

Someone sent out a question, no matter how you look at it, it seemed like a supernatural event. All people are as if possessed, as if controlled by something.

At this moment, the requirement of confidentiality seems no longer necessary.

A middle-aged man with hope on his face said: "Thank you for your continued care. We are about to leave here and go to a new place."

"Where are you going?" the aid worker asked in surprise, knowing that Turkey has closed the border passage, and they cannot enter Turkey.

The middle-aged man pointed to the sky and said, "Let's go to Mars, to Mars City."

And as he pointed his finger to the sky, the sky suddenly went dark, only to see a long black shadow appearing on the clouds, it is so huge, in this underground, you can still feel its huge .


The middle-aged man was dumbfounded, showing a look of consternation. Only the next moment, he admired it again, became crazy, and yelled: "The spaceship, the spaceship is here, it is here to pick us up, this is not a scam, the spaceship is really here."

And this aid worker stared at the huge spacecraft that was getting closer and closer in the sky.

In the information age, he knew about the Nozomi transport spacecraft, so at first glance, he recognized this spacecraft as the famous Nozomi transport spacecraft.

Before, he still didn't believe the words of middle-aged people, but now, he did.

Even if the transport spacecraft Hope appeared, how could it be fake?

In the refugee camp, they were caught in cheers, and the people looked excited one by one, pointing to the spacecraft and yelling and jumping. For them, the Nozomi transport spacecraft is a messenger sent by heaven to pick them up from this place of suffering.

The huge transport spacecraft is sinking slowly. The closer you get to the ground, the more people below can feel its hugeness.

The Nozomi transport spacecraft has developed a radar absorption function. Although it is huge, it is almost impossible to detect it by radar, and only through the naked eye.

It is close to the Turkish border, and some garrisoned soldiers may still see it, but Lu Chuan doesn't care what they see. Compared to what they are doing now, the presence of the transport spacecraft Hope here is nothing.

The huge transport spacecraft landed, and then the hatches opened in all directions.

A large number of small drones flying out are more like horns. Everywhere they pass by, they hear a sweet woman's voice: "Follow my instructions, don’t be crowded, and board the spacecraft in an orderly manner. It’s enough. Take everyone in."

The passenger compartment can only accommodate 50,000 people, but the cargo compartment is empty. Not to mention more than 200,000 people, it is doubled. To load them down and transport them, there is no difficulty for the transport spacecraft Hope. .

There is no need for a good environment, as long as they have food and housing. When they arrive at Mars City, they will be allocated and settled. There will be a lot of things they need to learn. They will be trained for a long time.

The existence of these drones allowed order to be maintained, and then a large number of refugees walked towards the transport spacecraft with a nervous state of mind.

Many people hesitate, but a thing called hope keeps them moving forward firmly, taking their family with them, and then stepping on the conveyor belt and entering this vast and boundless transport. Inside the spacecraft.

The transport spacecraft is like a monster, devouring more than 200,000 refugees here.

If you look down from the sky, you will find that some are like a zombie siege, surrounded by black and heavy people. They rushed to the transport spacecraft and then entered the transport spacecraft.

After entering the transport spacecraft, it will be diverted to different ship layers. Don't forget, this is a 265-meter-high transport spacecraft with many layers and huge space.

There are more than 200,000 refugees, but they can't hold up the huge transport spacecraft and can board the ship from various places.

The assembled crowd grew smaller and smaller, and finally all boarded the transport spacecraft.

During this process, many aid workers and peacekeeping troops stationed here, as well as reporters, can only watch all this happen. They don't know how to stop it.

Just kidding, if they stop such a huge crowd, what will happen?

Among them, they have long been shocked on this unprecedented transportation spacecraft. In their imagination, how could human beings create such a giant?

And why the Baichuan Guihai Group Company wants to absorb these refugees? They are not stupid. The first thing they think of is Mars City. The empty Mars City needs residents to make it complete.

Almost at this moment, the world also knew that the Nozomi transport spacecraft was carrying more than 200,000 refugees.

But everything happened too quickly, and no one responded. The government and anti-government forces in Syria did not respond because they did not deploy troops around the refugee camp.

The fastest response was the polar bears. They immediately dispatched a fighter plane and rushed towards the refugee camp.

The North American fleet deployed in the Mediterranean also received the order immediately and entered a state of combat. One by one, the missiles are ready for launch, and only one command is needed to launch them.

The local armed forces in Syria also sent troops and rushed towards the refugee camp.

"To stop it, we must stop it from flying off."

The orders of several countries are almost the same.


The huge hatch closed, and the suspension system of the Nozomi transport spacecraft was activated, slowly floating. And the intervention of the engine made its ascent speed start to increase, flying towards the sky.

The huge Nozomi transport spacecraft didn't care about the several fighter planes that appeared in the field of vision, but continued to lift off at its own pace.

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