Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1114: Analysis and pressure

"Undercurrent surging."

A military magazine analyzed the statement made by Baichuan Guihai Group Company. For the first time, Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation was placed in the position of a super military power.

"A company has the same influence as a superpower, for the first time in the history of the earth."

"This time the voice of Baichuan Guihai Group Company means that Baichuan Guihai Group Company is no longer silent."

"The earliest space-based weapons, and now the Moon, the Titan attack aircraft... At present, Baichuan Guihai Group Company does not display many weapons, but if you analyze it carefully, you will find that all have broken through the traditional Weapons, appearing as weapons of the future."

"From the attack on the Nozomi transport spacecraft, the previously unstable relationship between the two parties was officially torn apart."

"This is something that was unexpected very early. After all, Baichuan Guihai Group has broken the inherent history of the earth. It is like a different kind, more like a giant beast. It has grown rapidly and eventually evolved under the noses of all countries in the world. Today’s form."

"From the perspective of mankind’s future cosmic age, Baichuan Guihai Group Company is unprecedented, but it’s definitely not unparalleled, because companies in the cosmic age have powerful military forces to ensure the safety of their company’s cargo ships. It’s not surprising that a country has a stronger company."

"As the current technological master on the planet, what else will Baichuan Guihai Group have on the cards?"

"To be able to build a Martian city on Mars, obviously the technology of Baichuanguihai Group has exceeded too many people's expectations and is unpredictable."

"If you analyze it carefully, you will find that Baichuan Guihai Group Company is actually not terrible, but Lu Chuan is terrible. China Baichuan Guihai Group Company has always abide by China’s laws and regulations, and the research conducted by the employees is just ordinary. You can treat Baichuan Guihai Group as a very pure company."

"However, Lu Chuan has given this company a military force that can change its colors overseas, and it has shown its fangs to the world."

"Lu Chuan is extremely complicated, because you don't know what his character is. From his growth history, he, like thousands of college students, has no bright spots in his experience. Who will notice the emergence of the group company?"

"His resume and his experience are in the hands of countries all over the world. They have been thoroughly studied, including analysis of his personality, etc. China’s military has developed very rapidly in recent years. From the recent announcements of equipment performance, Far surpassing North America, it can be predicted that Lu Chuan has developed a lot of power in it, or that he has obtained part of Lu Chuan's technology."

"Lu Chuan once announced a super-large scientific research experimental base. With huge scientific research personnel and terrifying scientific research skills, it was suspected to be established on Mars. Compared to Mars City, this scientific research experimental base is really nothing."

"From a transport spacecraft, there are many things that can be seen. Many of the technologies in people's imagination have been realized, such as energy shield technology. A transport spacecraft is equipped with it, and the Moon is designed for combat. How can it be possible for the warship of China to dominate?

"And it is this person who set off the turbulence of the earth today.

"So, has the earth really accepted a special war?"

The article of this military magazine instantly caused a huge heated discussion in the world. Its analysis may not be in place, but the analysis from all aspects is thought-provoking.

In the past, many people didn't have a concept of Baichuan Guihai Group, but after this article appeared, they finally got a general understanding.

Baichuan Guihai Group, which possesses black technology, has been elevated to the status of a super military power.

Whether you believe it or not, the current Baichuan Guihai Group Company has equated with North America, Polar Bear, China and other countries.

Shortly after this article, Baichuan Guihai Group announced a video on its official website.

This video once again brought a fire to the heated discussion that was already hot.

In the video, what appeared in the world map, and then zoomed in to Somalia, flashing light spots on the map of Somalia, let people know for the first time that the location of the video will be Somalia.

"The happiness you never thought of."

The core of the video is this one.

The anomaly in Somalia earlier, the outside world has long known that the Baichuan Guihai Group Company is behind the scenes. No one knows how the Baichuan Guihai Group Company managed to twist Somalia into a ball in such a short time. of.

Somalia, which has been in war, has instantly become an extremely safe country. All warlords and wars disappeared at the same time. The turbulent country that has been affected by war for decades has restored order with an incredible speed.

No matter how the outside world commented on the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, in Somalia, the Baichuan Guihai Group Company is like a god, shining the glory of this land and establishing a new order.

Here, soldiers can be seen everywhere, they are wearing military uniforms, but the military emblem on their chests is the mark of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, just like this, telling the outside world that Baichuan Guihai Group Company has in fact controlled it. To Somalia.

Although the camera flashed past, among the soldiers, a large number of exoskeleton soldiers can still be seen. They control the exoskeleton armor, patrol freely, and maintain order here.

In the sky, Titan attack planes pass by from time to time, giving people a sense of security.

It is with this kind of iron-blooded wrist, coupled with the infiltration of Somalia by Lu Chuan in the early days, that Somalia can be integrated so simply.

A military force that is so powerful that it makes people desperate, some disobedient warlords often disappear on the surface without being able to hold it for an hour.

The exoskeleton armored zombie army formed by huge zombies, they are also like the undead army in modern times, no matter how powerful your firepower is, they are completely undead monsters, force them to push over, and drown everything about you .

The simple and rude way of fighting silenced every warlord.

In the face of this kind of power, they have two choices. One is to surrender with the huge amount of money provided by Baichuan Guihai Group Company, and then disappear in Somalia. Baichuan Guihai Group Company will arrange for them to live a rich life overseas. Second, it is death.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, money is nothing at all. Every warlord spends a billion dollars, and they know how to do it.

Under the pretender system, Somalia has been infiltrated by zombies a long time ago, otherwise there will be no such effect, and the restructuring of Somalia can be completed so quickly.

In the video, people live in stability, schools have been established, hospitals have appeared, providing free medical care for the whole people, and implementing a minimum guarantee mechanism to prevent hunger.

At the end of the video, there is a large number of exoskeleton armor corps. Tens of thousands of soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor are marching. They are as mighty as ants, which makes people feel shocked.

This video does not seem to have any logic. It seems to be what I want to play. I cut some of it and it is a bit messy, but the content presented in it shocks the world.

The exoskeleton armor has always been called the research direction of the world in the future, and the individual combat power it can provide will be of terrorist level. With the help of exoskeleton armor, soldiers can use all kinds of heavy weapons, can easily lift heavy objects and so on.

It's just the technology that the exoskeleton armor needs, and even the laboratory has not gone out, let alone actual combat.

However, Baichuan Guihai Group Company has already equipped it in the army, and has formed a huge exoskeleton armoured legion. Just seeing the number gives people an endless feeling.

Through the video, it is not difficult to see that some exoskeleton armors are larger, equipped with vehicle-mounted Vulcan guns, or missiles, grenade launchers, and so on.

This shows how powerful a soldier with an exoskeleton armor will be.

The technical power of Baichuan Guihai Group has once again refreshed the world. It seems not surprising to think about it carefully. Even space battleships can be made, but this kind of exoskeleton battle armor is a backward technology.

In the video of the previous Titan attack aircraft, there is a scene where the mecha appears. Although it is short, the shock it brings is huge.

Mecha is the standard equipment of the universe age. In contrast, the current exoskeleton armor is outdated in technology.

"Through the video, we can be sure that as long as the Baichuan Guihai Group Company thinks, they can create a mecha force in a very short time, based on the Baichuan Guihai Group's achievements in artificial intelligence~www. mecha units can even be handed over to artificial intelligence to drive and fight."

After watching this video, I don't know how many media exclaimed.

Perhaps Baichuan Guihai Group has already done so, but they don't know it yet. A mecha unit can almost sweep the land. God knows if the tank can withstand the attack of the mecha unit when the tank meets them?

What's more terrifying is that if the mecha unit is controlled by artificial intelligence, as long as it has money and resources, it can be produced continuously, and it doesn't care about losses.

On the contrary, tanks need drivers and gunners, etc. To be a qualified tank soldier requires at least a few years of rigorous training. Once lost, it is a huge shortcoming to supplement.

What really makes people breathless under the pressure of a big mountain is the Moon, the existence of this super warship, and any military force looks pale and weak in front of it.

The statements and videos of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company were understood as pressure from the outside world. Once an agreement cannot be reached, it is difficult to imagine the consequences.

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