Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1134: 3 years

In a flash, three years.

Time is like a white horse, it disappears without knowing it.

In the past three years, Lu Chuan spent most of his time in the apocalypse. Every two months, he would go to the City of Competitiveness to earn a wave of competitive points, and when the Blue Wing Angels consumed almost the same amount, he would leave the City of Competitiveness.

The rogue's style of play, but no one can help Lu Chuan.

No one knows how the operation of the City of Competitiveness is. There is no way to complain.

Anyone who meets Lu Chuan can only admit that he is unlucky, but with the huge population base of the City of Competitiveness, Lu Chuan's harvest has not caused any waves.

To use an analogy, five million winners appear every two days. Does it affect China?

The same is true for the principle of Lu Chuan earning competitive points.

In the past three years, Lu Chuan of course took a break and returned to Earth from Mars.

In the past three years, after three years of wrangling, all countries on the earth have finally reached a consensus, and an agreement has been reached. Under the auspices of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, they have begun to jointly build a community with a shared future for mankind.

For mankind, this is an unprecedented grand occasion.

A company dominates all countries in the world. Who would have thought of it before the Baichuan Guihai Group Company appeared?

The community with a shared future for mankind that Huaxia has always proposed is finally in the hands of Baichuan Guihai Group Company. Baichuan Guihai Group Company used its unrivaled strength to forcibly clear away all obstacles hindering the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind.

It took three years to show how difficult it is.

After reaching a community with a shared future for mankind, the impact on the world will be enormous.

Of course, it will take more time to actually implement it. After all, it is not under this system that it can be integrated with strong medicine. It may take ten, or twenty, or a hundred years...

But at least the framework is here, and the technology provided by Baichuan Guihai Group Company will speed up again. It is optimistic that it will complete the initial goal within ten years and realize the real community of human destiny within thirty years, thus entering the Earth Federation. era.

Lu Chuan's reputation reached its peak at the moment the agreement was reached.

In history, no one can compare with Lu Chuan.

With one person, this seemingly impossible thing was completed. There are more than a hundred countries in the world, and the degree of complexity can be imagined. Lu Chuan can do things that can be achieved without human resources.

Countless media pushed Lu Chuan to the altar at this moment.


"My friends, just now, after three years of marathon negotiations, leaders and representatives from 195 countries and 38 regions around the world signed the agreement drafted by the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, representing The establishment of a community with a shared future for mankind built by Hai Group Corporation as the main body has officially completed and entered the first stage.

Regardless of whether it is TV, live broadcast, short video platforms of various sizes, etc., all media are reporting this news at this moment.

As witnessed by countless media and hundreds of millions of people, representatives of the leaders of various countries signed their signatures, and the picture also fixed this moment, accomplishing a feat that has always been considered impossible in human history.

Countless people cheered on the Internet or in the city.

And this day is designated as the Day of Common Destiny of Mankind.

"Dear viewers, now we can see Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and other countries declaring a truce, and countries in Africa where there are acts of war have also issued truce statements..."

"On this day, there is no war in the world."

"Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation announced that they will allocate one trillion U.S. dollars to solve the world's poverty problem. At the same time, under the leadership of Baichuan Guihai Group Company, all countries in the world have made donations to the poverty foundation. It will exceed three trillion US dollars."

"The military department of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company claimed that they have obtained privileges. They have the power to deal with any war or turmoil in any country."

"Baichuan Guihai Group New Energy Company announced that they have made the latest breakthrough in controllable nuclear fusion. Now that the problem of human energy has been solved."

Pieces of news bombed the world.

Like a blowout well, the black technology of Baichuan Guihai Group Company is constantly erupting.

Announced at this point, people are more willing to believe that the Baichuanguihai Group had already controlled these technologies long before the countries of the world signed this agreement on a community of shared future for mankind, and it was only announced at this time.

As always, Baichuan Guihai Group has never disappointed people, and black technologies are smashed out in piles.

People naturally cheered for this kind of black technology like blowout.

Under the agreement of a community of destiny, Baichuan Guihai Group Company will gradually license these technologies to various countries according to the provisions of the agreement, so as to popularize it to everyone.

The most sensational thing is that the hand of God officially surfaced. The medical technology it showed shocked the world.

With the endorsement of the Baichuan Guihai Group Company, the Hand of God quickly spread across every country in the world, and began to accept registered treatments for diseases. As Lu Chuan said before, 30% of the assets are the cost of treatment.

For a time, every station is the person who excludes registration.

For them, this will be their new life.


China Handong City.

The location of the Hand of God was specially approved by the Chinese government. It occupies an extremely large area and has a small airport built that can be used to rescue some terminally ill people who are racing against time.

You can't see the same buildings, there are no tall buildings, but it's huge, beyond imagination.

Outside the inpatient department of the Hand of God at this time, countless reporters appeared here.

Here, a surgery that is open to the world, limb regeneration surgery is underway. A lucky little girl became the first Chinese to receive this treatment, and was also the first surgical case presented to the world.

The physical regeneration is unbelievable, even if the hand of God repeatedly confirms the maturity of the technology, it is still difficult for the world to accept.

Liu Jia, an unfortunate little girl.

In a car accident three years ago, a truck crushed her legs to pieces, and has since lost her legs.

After the medical staff launched Liu Jia, in the eyes of people all over the world, Liu Jia did amputation three years ago, because in the picture, under the witness of countless media, Liu Jia exposed the amputation part. come out.

"The Hand of God really dare to broadcast the treatment live?"

"I think ten of them are true."

"Yes, if you don't take porcelain work without diamonds, people dare to broadcast live, it's sure to be sure."

During the discussion, Liu Jia was pushed into the operating room.

Immediately, the live broadcast opens.

It didn't take long to wait, and soon a picture of the operating room appeared on the huge virtual screen that popped up. This is an operating room with only one huge medical device. Several doctors are already waiting here.

Through the screen, you can see that Liu Jia was pushed in.

The first step is straight paralysis.

After the injection of the paralysis needle, Liu Jia soon fell into an unconscious state.

All of this is presented to the world through pictures. The reporters here broadcast all this to countries around the world through virtual screens.

The signing of the Community with a Shared Future for Mankind made reporters seem to have no country and no favoritism. Instead, they would pass the most true scene back to their country and let the world know what is happening now.

Hundreds of millions of people watched the incredible operation through live broadcast.

After confirming the paralysis, the operation started. First, new scars were cut out from the amputation area. Then Liu Jia was sent to this huge treatment device, which was activated.

Through tomorrow's glass, you can see that a reddish mist appeared in it, and a probe appeared in the faint, and then he got busy on Liu Jia's thigh.

"Something like 3D printing?"

Some people have speculated that, in fact, what we saw was too similar to 3D printing.

Through this fascinating way, Liu Jia's thighs can be seen slowly taking shape.

The entire operation, which took about three hours, was over.

Through the live broadcast, you can see that when Liu Jia moved out of the treatment device, she could see that her legs had been constructed, but they were very matte and tender, like a newborn.


The world is boiling over, even if Liu Jia hasn't stood up now, but this kind of technology is already amazing enough.

Liu Jia was pushed to the intensive care unit. She needed to be monitored for 24 hours because the new structure of the thigh needed time for the brain to adapt and stabilize the thigh.

As Liu Jia entered the intensive care unit, the Hand of God also announced the principle of body weight. It is indeed the same as 3D printing. They need to build a prototype of Liu Jia’s thigh and then pass the same All indicators will be entered into the treatment instrument only after they are compared and modified.

And its principle is to use genetic technology to construct the same flesh and blood as Liu Jia's gene, so that her thighs will not be rejected, thereby ensuring the success of the operation.

The principle is very simple, but people know that the technology inside has reached an incredible level, even beyond their understanding of the technology.

Whether it will succeed or not, the outside world is still uncertain, and it will take a week to know everything.

This week, the world is reporting this incident.

And this week, very soon, Liu Jia will be broadcast live every day, appearing in the eyes of the world. From her thighs can move, from she can do some small experiments, to be able to move her legs like a normal person.

On the eighth day after the operation, Liu Jia finally took the first step in the past three years since she lost her legs. Although she was still a little shaken, she was really walking.

When this picture appeared in the world, the world boiled again.

Countless people have witnessed that Liu Jia had her lost legs from scratch. This is enough to ensure the authenticity of this technology, and the hand of God has become the focus of the world for a while.

This is a technique for body regeneration, an incredible black technology.

From this technology, all proved the terrifying medical technology capabilities of the hand of God. Naturally, it has become simple to overcome most of the human diseases.

Under the influence of this magical physical regeneration technology, people fully believe that the hand of God is indeed worthy of its name and is almost omnipotent.

The crazy people all flocked to the points established by various countries. Many desperate people saw the dawn of life in an instant. They were glad that they did not have to die.

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