Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1166: Porto the Great

In the ninth level, Lu Chuan faced a group of mysterious corpse snakes.

The number is not very large, more than twenty.

Before the change, this kind of quantity was enough to make Lu Chuan feel a little embarrassed. If it was the first time, he might fail. But now, Lu Chuan has more than a hundred ninth-level zombies in his hands. Under the combination, he can completely ignore more than 20 mysterious crystal corpse snakes.

It was a little different from the previous style of play. This time, the Blue Wing Angels did not move, but the three Abyss Demon shot.

Their speed is too secretive, tens of kilometers, or three seconds, is already there.

If the teleport of the blue-winged angel arrives in one second, it is nothing more than that the blue-winged angel's front foot arrives, and they will also arrive at the back foot immediately.

The speed of the abyss demons is their advantage.

When facing the mysterious crystal corpse snakes, the horror of the ultrasonic waves they burst out made the brains of the mysterious corpse snakes confused, rolling and flapping frantically on the ground, turning this area over.

The continuous ultrasonic waves, just tens of seconds later, caused the brains of these mysterious crystal corpse snakes to be severely injured, just instinctively beating.

Three minutes later, the heads of the mysterious corpse snakes burst, lying softly on the ground.

Lu Chuan also received the right to manufacture these twenty-odd mysterious corpse snakes. This harvest was not what Lu Chuan wanted. In Lu Chuan's heart, he wanted more, but it was actually a new corpse species, not more. quantity.

Lu Chuan will continue to withdraw from the ninth level space, with a simple purpose, that is, to encounter new types of zombies through different random assignments each time.

Like now, fighting against the Xuanjing Corpse Snake has almost no effect on his strength.

Ultrasonic bursts are nothing to the abyss demons. They can be released dozens of times.

That being the case, Lu Chuan certainly used the easiest way to find the new level 9 zombies. The characteristic of the nine-level space is random. As long as you exit and enter, you will be teleported to different locations. And another rule of the ninth-level space is that when entering the space, it will be teleported to the ninth-level zombies.

In this way, you will soon be able to fight ninth-level zombies without wasting time.

The reason why the people waiting outside the light gate saw Lu Chuan keep coming and going is because Lu Chuan used this rule to quickly search for ninth-level zombies.

For the third time, I encountered the Xuanjing Corpse Snake, which meant that Lu Chuan would either wait here or quit again.

There is no doubt that Lu Chuan will not wait here foolishly.

"drop out!"

For the third time, Lu Chuan exited the ninth level of space, and then appeared on the planet City of Competitiveness in the ripples of the light gate.


The constant applause made Lu Chuan laugh, waved his hand, turned his head again, and returned to the ninth level. This time, Lu Chuan was determined to unlock the eighth level nine zombies.

Seeing Lu Chuan returning to the ninth level space for the fourth time, everyone here took a breath of cold and felt dumbfounded. They felt that Lu Chuan was too desperate and too risky.

Entering three times, there must be gains, shouldn't it be to digest these gains and enter the ninth level?

The stronger the strength, the stronger the survivability, the greater the chance of success.

But Lu Chuan was not like this. He stepped into the ninth level space for the fourth time, and he really broke the history he had just created.

Now everyone’s guess is that Lu Chuan’s strength is tyrannical and he has ignored the ninth level?

No matter what they thought, Lu Chuan stepped into the ninth level space for the fourth time.

This time, Lu Chuan was also disappointed. What he encountered was a giant thorn in the sky.

The original starry sky thorn was killed by Blue Wing Tian using Qiao Jin. What I encountered this time was a starry sky thorn, and it can't be said to be disappointed, because there is only one starry sky thorn in his hand, which is not safe.

Six giant thorns in the starry sky, they are loitering in this mountain range.

Feeling Lu Chuan's coming in, they immediately seemed to be crazy, running thunderously among the mountains, like six moving peaks.

The starry sky thorn is still very powerful, but...

Lu Chuan was familiar with them and also controlled their weaknesses, so he naturally knew how to deal with them.

More than ten minutes later.

The heads of the six giant star thorns were shattered by the giant axe held by the giant, and the huge body fell on the ground, causing the ground to tremble.

To deal with them, just come back with a set.

First let the abyss demon approach, and when they burst into starburst, use ultrasonic waves to interrupt them to release their big moves, so that their heads are disturbed and unable to counterattack, and then the snow demon lord will work together to freeze them.

The rest is the open sky giant carrying the giant axe and smashing their heads.

It's very simple. It takes ten minutes.


"God, this is five times."

"This Lu Chuan is really going to die?"

"Awesome, so awesome, is Lu Chuan trying to pierce the sky?"

For the fifth time, Lu Chuan broke his record in one fell swoop.

The people outside were all boiling, and the discussion rang out, and everyone was talking about Lu Chuan. In their imagination, Lu Chuan's actions were too unimaginable.

How many people have had a biochemical factory for decades, and the number of times they have entered the ninth-level space is pitiful. It can be said that Lu Chuan has entered the ninth-level space more times than most people in his lifetime.

This is not an exaggeration. How many people have lived for two or three hundred years before they have entered the ninth level three times.

And some people, even though they have lived for two or three hundred years, have never entered.

Now Lu Chuan has turned the ninth level space into a place where you can enter and leave casually. Is this the ninth level they understand that prevents them from stepping further? Could it be that they entered the ninth level space while Lu Chuan entered the parallel import space, right?

This person is really angry.

Lu Chuan could enter and exit the level nine space at will, but they didn't dare to take any further steps. The gap between them made them want to find a piece of tofu and rush to death.

In the city of competition, more and more people rushed here one after another, just to witness Lu Chuan's madness.

Outside the light gate, the surrounding people ranged from thousands, to tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, to several million now... Within a radius of tens of kilometers, people were completely crowded.

For the city of competition, how long hasn't this kind of grand occasion appeared?

Not only the bosses of ordinary biochemical factories, but also the people in the top circle were all shocked. They put down their figures and rushed to Guangmen.

Through the description, they knew Lu Chuan's madness and realized what.

Mozak stayed dozens of kilometers away. Here, he could clearly see the huge light gate towering into the clouds. His complexion was complex and he sighed, "Lu Chuan wants to penetrate the ninth level."

After going in and out again and again, they could guess what Lu Chuan's move was for.

Look for ninth-level zombie types.

If five or six are missing, Lu Chuan cannot do that. But what if only one or two are missing?

If you change yourself, if you just miss one or two, you will be crazy, just like Lu Chuan keeps going in and out, in order to achieve this final goal.

Thinking of this possibility, they were shocked, staring at each other and couldn't believe it.

What they know about Lu Chuan, how long has it been since Lu Chuan first entered Level 9? But Lu Chuan is already able to cross the ninth level space, can he use the rules of the ninth level space to find zombies?

This is not the point. The point is that they expelled Lu Chuan and counted Lu Chuan. This enmity was forged.

in case……

If it weren't for the rules of the City of Competitiveness, they might be shaking now because of fear. They can still be calm, because they are not afraid of Lu Chuan's revenge.

The veterans in the top circle are also silent. They are very low-key and don't care about anything, but their rankings are among the top ones on the competitive list.

Their strength is also lurking, planning and moving later, they will not be as arrogant as Lu Chuan.

Speaking of it, their strength is as crazy as Lu Chuan, and it's okay. Everyone in their hands has dozens to hundreds of ninth-level zombies.

With the accumulation of hundreds of years, it is not surprising to have this kind of strength.

The lifespan of eight-level genetic enhancement is about 500 years old. Once you break through, you will live longer. They survived in lurking and accumulation.

The more difficult it is, the less they dare to venture.

But now Lu Chuan doesn't have this idea. It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and just rushes like crazy. These elders all looked at each other, and as they looked at each other, they all saw the heartbeat in each other's eyes.

They have been in the lead for hundreds of years, can it be said that they are now surpassed by a little baby?

Especially the number one big boss, he can penetrate the ninth level with only one difference, he has more than one hundred ninth levels, is he really willing?

In the top circle, Mozak is the vice president and usually manages the top circle, but in front of them, they are insignificant. They are the cornerstone of the top circle.

They act low-key and never show up in front of people. Although they dominate the rankings, they have never been noticed by people, and some people may even forget their existence.

"Really a guy who doesn't make people worry."

Being stared at by several old brothers, the big man shook his head and sighed. Lu Chuan's madness disrupted his plan. Of course, it can't be said that it is completely disrupted, just letting oneself be passive.

His appearance is very ordinary, and he may not be found in a pile of people. With a height of 1.7 meters, looking at the whole world, he is really the most standard ordinary height.

The dark skin shows that he is a black man.

No one knows his history, only that he was the first batch of biochemical factory owners to be in the city of competition, and one of the first to obtain a biochemical factory.

The number of biochemical factories remains unchanged. Only when the owner of the Yiwai Biochemical Factory dies, the biochemical factory will be initialized, and a lucky person will be selected to replace it and start from scratch.

This kind of mechanism also caused different levels of people in the city of competition.

The first group of people should be said to be real veterans. When they came to the city of competition, there was only a deadly city here, and then gradually more and more people flocked here, and it has become today. A city with more than 100 million biochemical plant owners.

Among them, the first group of people have died, and the biochemical factories they built before they were alive have been reduced to zero, and they have chosen a lucky person and moved on.

As the first group of people, they are the most emotional.

No one has traced this history, because in the city of competition, the fist is supreme. Qing comes from blue, and is better than blue, which is explained incisively and vividly here.

Regardless of whether you are a veteran or not, which batch is the first, strength is supreme.

Just like the current Lu Chuan, he should be said to be one of the new biochemical factory owners. After only a few years in the city of competition, he was able to force some old guys like them to show up, and he was very nervous about it.

If there is no Lu Chuan, he will lurch for a while, slowly unlocking the ninth level nine zombies.

But now, it seems that he won't be given time.

Yao thinks that he was born in a war-torn country. His parents and family members died, including his childhood playmates. In this kind of difficulty, every step he made was extremely difficult. He grew up a little bit in the chaos of war, and continued to return to the modern age through the end of the world with weapons, gold, etc., disguising more zombies to fight for himself, and finally became the world. The most powerful person.

Retaliation will violently wipe out several countries that have caused war in his country. For this reason, he has used super weapons to resist nuclear fusion and completely abolished the nuclear force of these countries.

Under the disguise of the pretender system, the huge zombies beyond imagination have become the most powerful fighters. Together with robots, spaceships, and super artificial intelligence, he completely erased these countries.

The brutal rule once plunged the earth into a black frenzy.

Because he is black, his rise has listed whites as a lower race, and blacks have become the most noble race. He used his iron and blood to rule the earth on his plane, making every country tremble under his feet. With.

It took him two hundred years to turn the earth into a country, not a federal system, but a monarchy. His new king ruled over billions of people.

Of course there was resistance, but under his iron and blood suppression, he couldn't make any waves.

Super artificial intelligence allows him to control the world. No one can escape his pursuit. All those who want to oppose him have all gone to hell. It is impossible to assassinate him. His time travel and the identity of the eighth-level gene allow him to escape again and again.

And each time, it represents a great cleansing sweeping the world. Anyone involved in the assassination will end up with only one person, the Jiu Clan, without any mercy.

His lifespan has left countless people desperate. He is in control of an army that absolutely obeys his orders, and there is no possibility of overthrowing him. He spent two hundred years with his iron and blood to erase all national and national sentiments and completely make the earth a country.

He was the most brutal tyrant on earth, and then continued to rule the earth for four hundred years.

Like a god, his immortality was pushed to the altar.

In four hundred years, too many things have changed, so many that no one cares about the arrival of these systems anymore. It is more like it should be. And those who say he is cruel have not known how many hundred years he has died, but what he brought to the earth is no war, and people live and work in peace.

He is God in people's minds.

And he, Emperor Botu, is also the most legendary person on this plane.

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