Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1229: understand him

"Let's go."

Since it's here, it's impossible to just leave.

Lu Chuan didn't matter, he was the first to enter the earth, but his location was Somalia. The headquarters of Baichuan Guihai Group Company was established here.

After Ye Lingwei and the others left Handong City, in addition to some industries, Luchuan in Handong City was just a public company of Baichuan Guihai Group Company.

In Somalia, Lu Chuan feels more free.

Somalia is actually controlled by Lu Chuan. Otherwise, why would Lu Chuan spend such a huge amount of personal power to build Somalia so that Somalia has undergone a major change in just a few years?

With the blessing of the Baichuanguihai Group Corporation, it is hard to imagine that Somalia before it even had no industrial foundation, but now Somalia is defined as a high-tech country and has become one of the most influential countries in the world.

This shows how much influence the Baichuan Guihai Group Company has on a country.

As long as it is not a brain smoker, it is impossible for the Somalis to stand up because of the influence of the Baichuan Guihai Group on Somalia.

Without the Baichuanguihai Group Company, Somalia would now even have a problem with food.

If the Baichuanguihai Group Company withdraws, needless to say, Somalia will immediately be beaten back to the prototype and return to the era of chaos and disorder.

What's more, how could Lu Chuan vomit out the meat in his mouth?

The funds smashed into Somalia exceeded more than ten trillion yuan. Whoever dares to move, Lu Chuan will chop off his claws. With Lu Chuan's control over Somalia, anyone who has changed can be erased in the first time.

In this kind of matter, Lu Chuan would not allow anyone to touch his cheese.

With Lu Chuan's power and influence today, no one really has the guts to attack Somalia. Even people who are tired of life can't list Lu Chuan as a goal, but choose something else.

With the emergence of Victoria, Baichuan Guihai Group Corporation towers high.

The landmark of the world now is the headquarters of Baichuan Guihai Group, the tallest building in the world.

For Victoria, Lu Chuan has nothing to guard against. As far as the technology content of the Baichuan Guihai Group is concerned, it is not higher than that of the company in Victoria's hands, but the Baichuan Guihai Group is more bluffing.

As the sacred land of earth science and technology, the status of Baichuan Guihai Group Company can be imagined. People who can work here are all elites in the eyes of mankind.

With Victoria, Lu Chuan appeared here at the headquarters.

In a moment, the entire headquarters caused a sensation.

Lu Chuan has a tendency to be deified in the earth. Lu Chuan has rarely appeared in front of the public now, but now he appears in the headquarters, attracting countless media attention in an instant.

The previous launch of the planetary converter had already earned Lu Chuan a lot of attention, but Lu Chuan did not show up at all and was unable to interview.

After finally catching the opportunity of Lu Chuan, how could the media reporters not be excited?

Especially now that Lu Chuan brought a woman to show up. Seeing the closeness of the two, the reporters suddenly smelled something and became excited one by one.

Everyone knows Lu Chuan's status. There are no restrictions. The number of women he marries depends entirely on Lu Chuan's mood.

Just thinking of the things Lu Chuan gave to his wives is enough to attract any woman's madness in this world. The move is tens of billions of gifts, no woman can refuse to get.

When they saw Victoria, the eyes that people looked at her were full of envy and jealousy.

When I entered the headquarters, there was actually nothing to watch here. I just went to the boss's office and met Zhong Hua. What Lu Chuan could do was over.

"What I use is the method, not the unity of the earth. It is similar to your thinking, cooperate with each other and move forward together." In his boss's office, Lu Chuan stood side by side with Victoria in the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, gazing at the foot city.

Victoria was interested: "How did you think of Somalia? There is no foundation here, and the start will be much slower after you start."

"It's easy to occupy and reform." Lu Chuan smiled.

Victoria thought for a while, it seemed that it was true. In war-torn areas, as long as you can reunify them forcefully, they don’t have the tentacles of countries in the world, and people yearn for peace, so the transformation will be smooth.

"Take me to your hometown to have a look." Victoria asked.

Lu Chuan hugged Victoria: "As you wish."

In an instant, the two had appeared in Lu Chuan's hometown, on the back mountain of Hui Village. Here, you can see the continuous farmland below, as well as the village born and raised in Luchuan.

Lu Chuan is not a stingy person, so the development here is really good.

Each road is mainly spacious and then planted with countless ornamental plants. It has almost turned this place into a paradise, coupled with the influence of Luchuan, has made it a world-class attraction.

People and cars come and go, so there is a feeling of busy traffic here.

I don’t know how many people come here just because they want to benefit from Luchuan’s wealth, which is the hometown of the world’s richest man. Moreover, the richest man in the world is the richest man in the world who has no friends, and the wealth of the top 100 in the ranking is not as much as Lu Chuan.

With Lu Chuan's hometown as the core, the entire town was built into a tourist town.

With the support of a large amount of funds from the local government, each village has invested in it to create its own village characteristics. And Lu Chuan also invested a huge amount of money to completely revitalize this place.

As Lu Chuan became famous, he would naturally not forget the folks.

Not only the tourism industry, Lu Chuan also set up dozens of green factories here to drive the people of the entire town.

Everyone is living very happily now. The income cannot be said to be very high, but the overall level of affluence is also ranked high among the whole country.

In response to that sentence, it is better to teach people how to fish than to teach people how to fish.

Victoria just wanted to take a look at Lu Chuan's hometown, and it was also considered to understand Lu Chuan's past. She knew that she had no way to go down with Lu Chuan and participate among ordinary people.

Lu Chuan's identity is no longer suitable for this.

However, Victoria saw it with gusto. For her, all of China's China was so fresh. If possible, she plans to come to China to play more.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet them." Lu Chuan did not shy away.

Victoria moved in her heart and said, "Is that convenient?"

Lu Chuan said without hesitation: "There is no convenience or inconvenience, where is your home."

When answering this kind of inquiry from a woman, you must answer quickly and decisively, otherwise they don't blame you on the surface, but in fact they keep it in their own notebook, and God knows what counts with you.

Holding Victoria, breathing in, there is already a scene transformation, appearing in Mars City.


Knowing that this is Mars, Victoria became excited.

Standing here, the huge sky shield is indeed spectacular, covering the entire city. In the distance, you can see the green that is no longer visible on Mars.

Lu Chuan has been with Victoria for almost three months. The changes on Mars have been even greater. The soil improved by Lu Chuan is the most suitable for plants to grow quickly. Moreover, secretly, Lu Chuan also made some changes that ordinary people could not perceive to make plants grow faster.

On Mars, everything can be classified for reasons here.

The botanists on Earth cannot say anything about a series of changes on Mars, because they have not studied it and can only attribute it to the Martian soil.

Therefore, you can now see grasses with heads high, trees that have grown two to three meters high, and even some vines that are several meters high.

The current Mars has been completely covered by green and has become a planet that attracts human attention.

"Lu Chuan, do you know? I have always wanted to transform Mars, but I have always had concerns, but you did it." Victoria looked extremely excited.

Lu Chuan said next to him, "I said, this will be your home from now on."

Victoria nodded and did not say any more, but pointed outside: "Can I go outside and see?"

"Of course!" Lu Chuan nodded.

In the next moment, Victoria was already outside. She stepped on the fresh green grass here, cautiously, for fear of trampling on the green grass to death.

Having been playing for a long time and going to many places, Victoria is satisfied.

"Come first, come second, no matter what I am, I am my sister." Victoria looked at Luchuan and said seriously.

Seeing other women in Lu Chuan, this will happen sooner or later, and Victoria is mentally prepared.

It doesn't matter how proud Victoria is, but you have to respect the fact that this is first come first. No matter how strong and strong she is, it is impossible to cross this line.

Victoria still knows Lu Chuan's character very well, knowing that he is a very affectionate person, he is a lover, but he is definitely not a romantic, let alone a person who doesn't care about his mouth.

"Come with me." Lu Chuan took Victoria and disappeared.

Lu Chuan once thought that in this world, Ye Lingwei and the three were his final three women. But now, Victoria's identity allows her to travel between different universes. She can't be said to belong here, but can also be said to belong here.

Lu Chuan’s home in Mars City is in the center of the city, a park-like place that occupies a very large area. In the planning, Lu Chuan’s home is the center.

It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Chuan's home is the core area of ​​Mars City.

Many things, whether you like it or not, you must face it.

When Lu Chuan came back with a beautiful and disrespectful woman Needless to say, Lu Chuan's parents immediately understood that it was Ye Lingwei and the others. They were just stunned and greeted Victoria enthusiastically.

And Lu Chuan's children rushed over in a swarm of wind, and began to whirl around Lu Chuan's side and ask his father where he has been during this period of time.

For them, this father is always so mysterious and difficult to meet.

In their young hearts, they have always been proud of their father because of all this created by their father.

Presented to Victoria is a happy family.

With the arrival of Victoria, this dinner became richer. It was not a meal made by a housekeeping robot, but by Lu Chuan's parents and Ye Lingwei.

And Victoria did not sit idle, but squeezed into the kitchen. She became an old monster, and she was proficient in cooking. Using this one, the four women chatted together in just a long time.

What Lu Chuan was thinking about was actually the time to confess some of his own secrets to his family. After concealing it for so long, there is no need to conceal it anymore.

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