Super Zombie Factory

Chapter 1237: Disaster about to begin

Constantly searching, in this vast universe, will gradually become a kind of numbness.

Countless planets and galaxies, it is possible that within millions of light years, no civilization will appear. But Lu Chuan didn't know if there was any civilization, so he could only search one by one.

Time will be wasted, but Lu Chuan is useless. In the face of immortal life, this time is insignificant.

This game between gods may last for tens of billions of years.

In fact, Lu Chuan has always had a contradiction. Human studies have found that the age of the universe is only 13.5 billion years, but from various manifestations, the age of the universe is definitely more than this age.

The observable distance of human beings is 90 billion light-years. If moving at the speed of light, the universe should be 13.5 billion light-years, and it cannot be greater than 13.5 billion light-years.

From this point, it involves the known. This is the maximum speed known to mankind is light-years, but the current universe is obviously faster than the speed of light.

The only explanation is the theory of relativity.

A very complicated calculation formula means that if the light meets the light, and a person stands in the middle, the light that he sees is only 0.66 speed of light, but in fact, the speed of light is much greater than the speed of light that people see.

Lu Chuan was a little confused, so he didn't even think about this issue.

From the current diameter of the universe, Lu Chuan can say that the 900 light-years of human scientists are wrong, it is really huge. In other words, the age of the universe tested by humans should be inaccurate.

Searching again and again, Lu Chuan's range may be millions of light years.

During this process, I encountered several civilizations, all of which were below level 1, and they couldn't even enter the universe. They are somewhat similar to insect races, in a relatively primitive stage, individuals are also very powerful, and technologically backward.

In Lu Chuan's eyes, they are actually the stage of primitive races.

This kind of race has no value.

The planet they are on is somewhat special. For example, the plant fruits produced can strengthen their power, but this kind of simple power cannot affect the universe. For Lu Chuan, it is naturally useless.

In this kind of race, Lu Chuan will not waste time.

"Rule breakers, all are able to endure loneliness, otherwise, like this kind of endless search, it will make people feel the scalp tingling after thinking about it."

Lu Chuan smiled bitterly, but needed to persevere.

After stepping through the galaxies, Lu Chuan stopped in each galaxy.

In this galaxy, Lu Chuan sensed strong cosmic energy fluctuations. In the first instinct, Lu Chuan felt that the civilization in this galaxy is absolutely powerful, because this kind of energy fluctuates greatly and is used well, to them, it can be like a god.


Lu Chuan's brows frowned. In the cosmic energy fluctuations, Lu Chuan felt a kind of dying life.

With curiosity, Lu Chuan flickered for the first time and appeared directly inside this galaxy.

This is a small galaxy the size of about ten solar systems. Hundreds of planets exist in this small galaxy, and the central solar star is huge, emitting light and heat.

Several planets with very good geographical locations have become stars of life.

The powerful races in the galaxy have reached the level of level 3 civilization. But their civilization is not a technological civilization, but a cultivation civilization. Level 3 is enough for some of them to fly in the universe.

Of course, they can fly and move in the universe, but they won't last long and can only stay for a short time.

Indeed, their bodies are already strong enough.

In this galaxy, the energy is very abundant, if it is to cultivate civilization, it is easy for a civilization to upgrade quickly. Judging from the fact that Lu Chuan has found so many planets, the energy content here is very high, and it is not surprising that a civilization beyond level 6 was born.

However, Lu Chuan's brows never loosen, he still frowned tightly.

Lu Chuan's eyes, the direction he stared, was not the planet where this civilization was located, but the sun star of this galaxy.

Endless death aura radiated from this sun star. With a scientific explanation, it is already in its twilight years and will continue to expand.

Perhaps it will not explode for tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years, and will only continue to expand, but anyone who understands the relationship will know what the disaster is caused by the expansion of the sun star.

The life born at a fixed distance of billions of years has adapted to this temperature. The expansion of the sun star will cause these temperatures to gradually rise, and with the passage of time, all life on the life star will end in the high temperature.

The high temperature will dry all the plants on the planet, and if there is a little spark, it will be an impossible fire to extinguish.

This is just the beginning of the disaster, and then the cruelest moment.

Countless animals died in the high temperature, and then the water sources on the planet would not be able to form rain normally because of the high temperature. It is very likely that the raindrops will have evaporated in the air before it reaches the ground.

Without water, for life, it is the beginning of mass extinction.

The races living on the planet will wage the cruelest war for water.

And their efforts are just to make themselves live a little longer. Water resources will become less and less, and there will be no drop of water on the surface, they can only find a trace of water in the groundwater. But this will not last long, and even the groundwater will disappear in a very short time.

At this point, at least 90% of the races on the planet had died of thirst and turned into a corpse.

The remaining 10% is just a struggle for a while.

At this point, the entire planet seemed to have been burnt red, turning into a scarlet planet, full of raging fires. The atmosphere was destroyed, the oxygen was pumped out, completely killing all life, and the real planet was extinct.

If you think you will stop at this point, it would be naive.

For the races on the planet, they are over, but for the planet, for this galaxy, it is just beginning.

The ever-expanding solar star will swallow the planet closest to it, and continue to expand. After reaching the critical point, a big explosion will destroy the entire galaxy and turn the entire galaxy into countless dust and debris.

This kind of big bang will involve all nearby galaxies, and the spreading shock wave will even blast hundreds of thousands, hundreds of thousands of light years away.

"It's a pity that this is a treasured geomantic place."

Lu Chuan sighed. He didn't know why this solar star was going to twilight so quickly, maybe because of the difference in internal structure, its life span would also be greatly shortened.

It's a pity that this civilization has developed to level 3, and there is no room for resistance at all.

Like this kind of cosmic law force, not to mention the level 3 civilization, it is the level 6 and level 7 civilization, and it cannot resist it. With the big explosion of the stars, it will turn into nothingness, leaving nothing behind.

The kind of relics from the ancient universe in the cultivation novels are simply bullshit. The power of the universe is so terrifying that nothing in the universe can be preserved in front of it.

Lu Chuan stared at the sun star, and the energy it radiated was huge, which also meant that it had reached the end.

This is the first time Lu Chuan has seen this kind of planet that is moving towards death. For the universe, this is an inevitable process, that is, the earth, which will also be dead in about 3.9 to 4 billion years.


Inside the planet.

In the end, Lu Chuan couldn't escape his curiosity and entered one of the planets.

Entering here, Lu Chuan sensed the temperature, which was about 37 degrees.

Don't think that this temperature is normal or really abnormal. If people are at this temperature, they will easily get heat stroke. At this temperature, the consumption of animals and plants will increase, and the need for water will increase.

"I don't know how long it will last."

Lu Chuan murmured to himself, the temperature inside the planet made Lu Chuan realize that their mass extinction has entered the countdown of the year, or even the month.

It's definitely not a day or two for this kind of anomaly. The races on this planet must have noticed something wrong, but they will never know what is going on, nor will they realize what they need to experience.

Maybe they will not understand until the last moment, and then be extinct in despair.

What Lu Chuan saw was that the trees were full of shade, and the impact of the trees was limited, because their root system went deep into the ground, and the current groundwater was still sufficient to ensure that they would not die of thirst.

In the short term, it will not affect much.

The race here is a humanoid race with a translucent body, but they are all dressed in clothes, and the exposed head is like a jellyfish, somewhat transparent, and the brain and bones can be seen.

Their eyes are big and really watery.

Lu Chuan, who was accustomed to countless civilizations in the universe, did not feel much magical. In terms of their appearance, in human aesthetics, they can’t be considered too bad. They look like half monsters, which is the monster race in the movie.

Most of them that can be practiced fly in the sky, flying high.

Lu Chuan walked on the road here with a plain heart. There are also vehicles here, but the driving method is to use a kind of energy, propelling by jet, and the speed is determined by adjusting the strength of the jet.

This road is very wide, leading to a huge city with towering buildings. The architecture is very different, almost composed of transparent glass-like substances. From a distance, it looks like a city floating in the air.

A civilization that can develop to level 3, even if it is a civilization of training, is unimaginable in many aspects, for example, they can use energy to do many things that technology cannot do.

Like they can fly out of thin air, some need to rely on objects, some of which cannot be explained by technology.

What technology can do is actually a personal aircraft.

Lu Chuan walked step by step. A large number of crops were planted on both sides of the road, but there was severe water shortage. Fortunately, water can still be pumped, and there will be no problems with crops temporarily.

Don't think that everyone is strong in the cultivation of civilization. In fact, there will be some common people who are much stronger than human beings, but here they are classified as ordinary people.

The city has a huge gate, it is very lively here, and there are people coming and going.

What is practice civilization?

A city, if it is technologically civilized, will be various types of heavy weapons in terms of defense. From machine guns to artillery, to all kinds of missiles and so on.

But the city in front of him doesn't have these.

Lu Chuan would not think that it has no defensive means, or that it has low defensive power.

Don't forget, humans are level 0.75 civilization, and the race of this planet is level 3. It is not an exaggeration to say that if Earth humans meet this race, humans will be crushed every second.

If you don’t know how to describe it, you can imagine that if there were no Marvel heroes and Thanos brought its men to come, the earth would be swept away, and there would be no force that could resist Thanos and his army... Wrong, this is the end.

It seemed that the city was unremarkable, but Lu Chuan could feel that the city's tall walls were sealed with incomparably powerful energy, and the protective layer it formed could not be easily broken.

In the eyes of this race, this is their guardian barrier.

And to defend a city, apart from these things, it depends on the strength of the people. It is similar to an ancient war, relying on the strength of soldiers.

This civilized soldier, in the eyes of the people on earth, is all so powerful, because each of them has the same strength as a superman, and you can imagine how powerful it is when you fight.

Why does Lu Chuan say that when humans meet this race, humans will be completely exploded?

Imagine what it is like when you are enemies with millions of Superman? Humans will be shattered into **** in an instant, and the earth will explode in an instant.

This is only a soldier-level, what if it is a general or above?

What is even more terrifying is how strong are the super powers of this race, the top ones?

Lu Chuan just looked up and realized that this city was actually protected by barriers, but it was not opened now, after all, it was not during wartime.

In this city, Lu Chuan felt some nervousness.

The soldiers of the brigade crossed patrolling here, and occasionally they would see some strong men rising up into the sky and passing through like cannonballs. This is how they use themselves for flying patrol.

The cause of this tension is that there is a huge lake on the edge of the city, which is full of fresh water. A large number of soldiers stationed on the edge of the lake, it seems to be guarding here.

"They should be running out of water."

Lu Chuan lightly sighed He knew why there was a shortage of water, and they, obviously hadn't realized the real reason, but were classified as natural disasters, thinking that they would pass by just carrying them.

In the case of water shortage, water grabbing becomes inevitable.

Their social structure is currently in a fragmented state.

No matter what civilization it is, it must be divided for a long time, and it must be combined for a long time. This is the law of the universe. The same is true for this civilization. It was in a period in which the city was fighting each other, and a powerful unified country had not yet emerged.

Many forces, in the absence of water, had to stop their proliferation and annexation.

"Ignorance is actually a kind of happiness." Lu Chuan shook his head, but compared to those who died directly in the war, these people may not be happy in the future, but struggle to die in an environment like purgatory.

In comparison, it is indeed millions of times miserable.

Lu Chuan is completely invisible, so he swaggered in through the city gate and personally came into contact with this race, which can be regarded as an understanding of this kind of cultivation civilization.

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